Let A and B be square numbers, let C and D be their sides, and let A measure B.
I say that C also measures D.
Multiply C by D to make E. Then A, E, and B are continuously proportional in the ratio of C to D.
And, since A, E, and B are continuously proportional, and A measures B, therefore A also measures E. And A is to E as C is to D, therefore C measures D.
Next, let C measure D.
I say that A also measures B.
With the same construction, we can in a similar manner prove that A, E, and B are continuously proportional in the ratio of C to D. And since C is to D as A is to E, and C measures D, therefore A also measures E.
And A, E, and B are continuously proportional, therefore A also measures B.
Therefore, if a square measures a square, then the side also measures the side; and, if the side measures the side, then the square also measures the square.
This proposition is used to prove its contrapositive, VIII.16.