Course Description
Data Structures is a second semester continuation of CSCI 120, Introduction to Computing. The course covers the implementation and performance characteristics of common data structures, including linked lists, stacks, queues, and binary trees. Usage and implementation of recursion is also discussed, as is the elementary analysis of algorithms. The course is taught using the Java programming language, but no prior experience with Java is expected. The course uses Java to introduce concepts like program compilation and static type checking. The course helps students further develop their programming skills, introduces common programming building blocks, and helps students develop problem-solving skills by applying those building blocks.
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, 2:50pm-4:05pm in MACD 117
Prof. Ken Basye
Email: KeBasye [at]
Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 11:15am-12:30pm in MACD 327, and by appointment
- Torin Anderson : ToAnderson [at]
- Atharv Thaker: AThaker [at]
TA hours in MACD 305,6,7:
- Tuesday 5pm-6pm with Torin
- Wednesday 6pm-8pm with Atharv
- Thursday 5pm-6pm with Torin
- attended by Torin and Atharv