Homework 7: Traveling Salesperson Problem

As part of this homework, you will learn about the well-known “traveling salesperson problem” (TSP). The goal of this homework is to familiarize you with programming in Java and with data structures. You will practice:


This is a group assignment. We encourage you to work with one other student.

Download and unzip the tsp.zip, which contains the files you will need for this assignment.

Task 1: Reading


Given n points, the goal of the traveling salesperson problem is to find the shortest path that visits every point once and returns to the starting point. We call an ordering of n points a tour.

Consider the two four-point tours shown below. Both tours visit the same set of points; however they take different paths. The tour on the left uses the ordering \(A \rightarrow B \rightarrow C \rightarrow D \rightarrow A\), while the tour on the right uses \(A \rightarrow B \rightarrow D \rightarrow C \rightarrow A\). A traveling salesperson would prefer the tour on the left, as it minimizes the distance they would have to travel.

Two differing paths, depicted in a cartesian coordinate system, and their differing lengths

Note that the importance of the TSP does not arise from an overwhelming demand of salespeople to minimize their travel length, but rather from a wealth of other applications such as vehicle routing, circuit board drilling, VLSI design, robot control, X-ray crystallography, machine scheduling, and computational biology.

You will implement two greedy heuristics to find good, but not optimal, solutions to the traveling salesperson problem. We ask you to use greedy heuristics to estimate the solution because TSP is a notoriously difficult combinatorial optimization problem. In principle, you can enumerate all possible tours (n factorial) and pick the shortest one; in practice, the number of possible tours is so staggeringly large that this approach is inapplicable. No one so far knows of an efficient method that can find the shortest possible tour for large n. Instead many methods have been studied that seem to work well in practice, even though they do not guarantee to produce the best possible tour. Such methods are called heuristics.


We provide a Point data type in the project folder. Use this data type to represent a single (x, y) coordinate.

public class Point

    // Creates the point (x, y).
    public Point(double x, double y)

    // Returns the Euclidean distance between the two points.
    public double distanceTo(Point that)

    // Draws this point to standard drawing.
    public void draw()

    // Draws the line segment between the two points.
    public void drawTo(Point that)

    // Returns a string representation of this point.
    public String toString()

You will create a Tour data type that represents the sequence of points visited in a TSP tour. Represent the tour as a circular linked list of nodes, with one node for each point in the tour. Recall that in a circular linked list, the last node contains a pointer back to the first node, including a circular linked list that contains only one node.

Your main task is to implement two greedy heuristics: the nearest neighbor and smallest increase insertion heuristics for building a tour incrementally, one point at a time. Start with a one-point tour (from the first point back to itself), and iterate the following process until there are no points left:

For example, suppose our current tour contains the following four points that are stored in a circular linked list as \(A \rightarrow B \rightarrow C \rightarrow D \rightarrow A\).

Initial tour, between points A, B, C, and D

The next point input is E, located at (5, 6). Depending on the heuristic, point E will be incorporated into the existing tour in one of two ways. Nearest neighbor will visit E after point C, as C is the closest existing point to E. Smallest increase will determine that visiting E after point B results in the smallest overall increase in the length of the tour.

Point E will be added to tour differently, depending on whether the nearest neighbor or smallest increase heuristic is used

To find the nearest neighbor to a node, loop through the linked list and maintain a reference to the closest node seen. After checking all the locations, insert the new point into the linked list after the reference node.

To find the smallest increase, your code should loop through your linked list and consider how the tour length is impacted by inserting your current point into every index. Maintain a reference to the best position to insert the node, and insert the current point into the linked list after the reference node.

Here is an example of showing the calculations needed for performing one insert using the Smallest Increase heuestic on a 4-point tour. The blue node E represents the new point to insert.

Considering how to incorporate E into the existing path

The figure below shows how you can find the 5-point tour with the smallest increase heuristic. Notice that there will be 4 possible tours with E, depending on where to insert it. All 4 tours create two new pointers (depicted in red) and remove one pointer. To find the tour with the smallest increase, calculate which insertion point minimizes the change in the tour length after the insertion (i.e. delta length) and insert your node there.

Calculating the path length for all possible insertion points

Task 2: Implement Tour.java

Create a Tour data type that represents the sequence of points visited in a TSP tour. Represent the tour as a circular linked list of Nodes, one for each point in the tour. Each Node contains two references: one to the associated Point and the other to the next Node in the tour. Each constructor must take constant time. All instance methods must take time linear (or better) in the number of points currently in the tour.

To represent a node, within Tour.java define a nested class Node:

private class Node {
    private Point p;
    private Node next;

Your Tour data type must implement the following API. You must not add public methods to the API; however, you may add private instance variables or methods (which are only accessible in the class in which they are declared).

public class Tour

    // Creates an empty tour.
    public Tour()

    // Creates the 4-point tour a->b->c->d->a (for debugging).
    public Tour(Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d)

    // Returns the number of points in this tour.
    public int size()

    // Returns the length of this tour.
    public double length()

    // Returns a string representation of this tour.
    public String toString()

    // Draws this tour to standard drawing.
    public void draw()

    // Inserts a point using the nearest neighbor heuristic.
    public void insertNearest(Point p)

    // Inserts a point using the smallest increase heuristic.
    public void insertSmallest(Point p)

    // Tests this class by calling all constructors and instance methods.
    public static void main(String[] args)


For the default constructor, initialize the instance variables to represent an empty list. In the 4-point constructor, add the given points into the circular linked list ordered as \(A \rightarrow B \rightarrow C \rightarrow D \rightarrow A\).

Hint! Use the 4-point example described above as a test case in main().

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // define 4 points as corners of a square
    Point a = new Point(1.0, 1.0);
    Point b = new Point(1.0, 4.0);
    Point c = new Point(4.0, 4.0);
    Point d = new Point(4.0, 1.0);

    // create the tour a -> b -> c -> d -> a
    Tour squareTour = new Tour(a, b, c, d);


Returns the number of points in the current Tour, which is equivalent to the number of nodes in the linked list. The size of an empty Tour is 0. You can loop through your circular linked list using a do-while loop:

Node current = start;
do {
    // do things with current Node
    current = current.next;
} while (current != start);

Hint! Test the size() method by calling the size() method for the square tour you created in main(), which has four points.

// print the size to standard output
int size = squareTour.size();
StdOut.println("# of points = " + size);


Returns the length of the current Tour, which is equivalent to the distance of the path through all the points in the linked list. Use the distanceTo() method of the Point data type to find the distance between successive points. The length of an empty Tour is 0.0.

Hint! Test the length() method on the 4-point tour. The length should be 12.0.

// print the tour length to standard output
double length = squareTour.length();
StdOut.println("Tour length = " + length);


Returns a string containing the points, separated by newline characters, by calling the toString() method for each point, starting with the first point in the tour. An empty Tour must be represented as an empty String (“”).

Hint! Test the toString() method on the 4-point tour in main():

// print the tour to standard output

You should get the following output:

(1.0, 1.0)
(1.0, 4.0)
(4.0, 4.0)
(4.0, 1.0)


Draws the Tour to standard drawing by calling the drawTo() method for each pair of consecutive points. It must produce no other output. If the Tour is empty, then nothing is drawn to standard drawing.

Hint! Remember to set your x and y scale. For debugging the square tour, add to main():

StdDraw.setXscale(0, 6);
StdDraw.setYscale(0, 6);


Inserts the given point into the current tour using the insert nearest heuristic.

Hint! Test insertNearest() by inserting various points into the 4-point tour. Create a Point E at coordinate (5.0, 6.0), as in the example graphs provided earlier in the documentation. In main(), add the following test code and check if the drawing looks as expected.

Point e = new Point(5.0, 6.0);


Inserts the given point into the current tour using the smallest neighbor heuristic.

Hint! Test insertSmallest() similarly to how you tested the insertNearest() method.

Input Files

We have included many input files for testing. The input files begin with two integers width and height, followed by pairs of x- and y-coordinates. All x-coordinates will be real numbers between 0 and width; all y-coordinates will be real numbers between 0 and height.

Here are several small input files:

And some larger inputs:

For more input files, see the TSPLIP dataset.


A good debugging strategy for most programs is to test your code on inputs that you can easily solve by hand. Start with 1- and 2-point problems. Then, do a 4-point problem. Choose the data so that it is easy to work through the code by hand. Draw pictures. If your code does not do exactly what your hand calculations indicate, determine where they differ. Use the StdOut.println() method to trace.

After implementing Tour.java, use the client program NearestInsertion.java, which reads points from standard input; runs the nearest neighbor heuristic; prints the resulting tour, its length, and its number of points to standard output; and draws the resulting Tour to standard drawing. SmallestInsertion.java is analogous but runs the smallest increase heuristic. For example:

> java-introcs NearestInsertion < tsp6a.txt
(50.0, 450.0)
(50.0, 50.0)
(550.0, 100.0)
(550.0, 400.0)
(900.0, 50.0)
(900.0, 450.0)

Tour length = 2947.4685
Number of points = 6
Visualization of the nearest insertion tour of the tsp6a.txt data
> java-introcs SmallestInsertion < tsp6a.txt
(50.0, 450.0)
(550.0, 400.0)
(900.0, 450.0)
(900.0, 50.0)
(550.0, 100.0)
(50.0, 50.0)

Tour length = 2512.0943
Number of points = 6
Visualization of the smallest insertion tour of the tsp6a.txt data

If your Tour.java code is correct, you should get the same results as our code for these examples:

Data File “Nearest” Tour Length “Smallest” Tour Length
tsp6a.txt 2947.4685 2512.0943
usa13509.txt 77449.9794 45074.7769
circuit1290.txt 25029.7905 14596.0971


Upload the following files to Gradescope:

Also, be sure to indicate your group member on Gradescope.

Improved TSP

Here are some ideas for finding a better TSP tour. None of the methods guarantees to find an optimal tour, but they often lead to good tours in practice.


Thanks to Princeton’s COS126 materials, which served as a basis for this assignment.