- Abdera: Democritus
- Alexandria:
Apollonius, Aristarchus, Diophantus, Eratosthenes,
Hypsicles, Heron, Menelaus,
- Amisus: Dionysodorus
- Antinopolis: Serenus
- Apameia: Posidonius
- Athens:
- Byzantium (Constantinople): Philon, Proclus
- Chalcedon: Proclus, Xenocrates
- Chalcis: Iamblichus
- Chios: Hippocrates, Oenopides
- Clazomenae: Anaxagoras
- Cnidus: Eudoxus
- Croton: Philolaus, Pythagoras
- Cyrene: Eratosthenes, Nicoteles, Synesius, Theodorus
- Cyzicus: Callippus
- Elea: Parmenides, Zeno
- Elis: Hippias
- Gerasa: Nichmachus
- Larissa: Dominus
- Miletus: Anaximander, Anaximenes, Isidorus,
- Nicaea: Hipparchus, Sporus, Theodosius
- Paros: Thymaridas
- Perga: Apollonius
- Pergamum: Apollonius
- Rhodes: Eudemus, Geminus, Posidonius
- Rome: Boethius
- Samos: Aristarchus, Conon, Pythagoras
- Smyrna: Theon
- Stagira: Aristotle
- Syene: Eratosthenes
- Syracuse: Archimedes
- Tarentum: Archytas, Pythagoras
- Thasos: Leodamas
- Tyre: Marinus, Porphyrius
- Thales of Miletus (c. 630-c 550)
- Anaximander of Meletus (c. 610-c. 547)
- Pythagoras of Samos (c. 570-c. 490)
- Anaximenes of Miletus (fl. c. 546))
- Cleostratus of Tenedos (c. 520)
- Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (c. 500-c. 428)
- Zeno of Elea (c. 490-c. 430)
- Antiphon of Rhamnos (the Sophist) (c. 480-411)
- Oenopides of Chios (c. 450?)
- Leucippus (c. 450)
- Hippocrates of Chios (c. 450)
- Meton (c. 430) *SB
- Hippias of Elis (c. 425)
- Theodorus of Cyrene (c. 425)
- Socrates (469-399)
- Philolaus of Croton (d. c. 390)
- Democritus of Abdera (c. 460-370)
- Hippasus of Metapontum (or of Sybaris or Croton) (c. 400?)
- Archytas of Tarentum (of Taras) (c. 428-c. 347)
- Plato (427-347)
- Theaetetus of Athens (c. 415-c. 369)
- Leodamas of Thasos (c. 380)
- Leon (fl. c. 375)
- Eudoxus of Cnidos (c. 400-c. 347)
- Callipus of Cyzicus (fl. c. 370)
- Xenocrates of Chalcedon (c. 396-314)
- Heraclides of Pontus (c. 390-c. 322)
- Bryson of Heraclea (c 350?)
- Menaechmus (c. 350)
- Theudius of Magnesia (c. 350?)
- Thymaridas (c. 350)
- Dinostratus (c. 350)
- Speusippus (d. 339)
- Aristotle (384-322)
- Aristaeus the Elder (fl. c. 350-330)
- Eudemus of Rhodes (the Peripatetic) (c. 335)
- Autolycus of Pitane (c. 300)
- Euclid (c. 295)
- Aristarchus of Samos (c. 310-230)
- Archimedes
of Syracuse (287-212)
- Philo of Byzantium (fl. c. 250)
- Nicoteles of Cyrene (c. 250)
- Strato (c. 250)
- Persius (c. 250?)
- Eratosthenes of Cyrene (c. 276-c. 195)
- Chrysippus (280-206)
- Conon of Samos (c. 245)
- Apollonius
of Perga (c. 260-c. 185)
- Nicomedes (c. 240?)
- Dositheus of Alexandria (fl. c. 230)
- Perseus (fl. 300-70 B.C.E.?)
- Dionysodorus of Amisus (c. 200?)
- Diocles of Carystus (c. 180)
- Hypsicles of Alexandria (c. 150?)
- Hipparchus of Nicaea (c. 180-c. 125)
- Zenodorus (c. 100?? BCE?)
- Posidonius (c. 135-c. 51)
- Zeno of Sidon (c. 79 BCE)
- Geminus of Rhodes (c. 77 BCE)
- Cleomedes (c. 40? BCE)
- Heron of Alexandria (fl. c. 62 CE) (Hero)
- Theodosius of Tripoli (c. 50? CE?)
- Menelaus of Alexandria (c. 100 CE)
- Nicomachus of Gerasa (c. 100)
- Theon of Smyrna (c. 125)
(Claudius Ptolemaeus) (100-178)
- Marinus of Tyre (c. 150)
- Apuleius of Madaura (Lucius Apuleius) (c. 124-c. 170)
- Diogenes Laertius (c. 200)
- Diophantus of Alexandria (c. 250?)
- Porphyry (c. 234-c. 305) (Malchus the Tyrian, Porphyrius)
- Anatolius, Bishop of Laodicaea (c. 280)
- Sporus (c. 280)
- Iamblichus (c. 250-c. 350)
- Pappus of Alexandria (c. 320)
- Serenus of Antinopolis (c. 350)
- Theon of Alexandria (c. 390)
- Synesius of Cyrene, Bishop of Ptolemais (c. 370-c. 413)
- Hypatia of Alexandria (c. 370-415)
- Dominus of Larissa (c. 450)
- Proclus Diadochus (410-485)
- Marinus of Sichem (or of Neapolis) (c. 480?)
- Metrodorus (c. 500)
- Simplicius of Cilicia (c. 530)
- Anthemius of Tralles (d. c. 534)
- John Philoponus (c. 520)
- Isidorus of Miletus (c. 540?)
- Eutocius of Ascalon (c. 550?)
- Isidore of Seville (c. 570-636)
- Michael Constantine Psellus (1018-c. 1080)
- Georgios Pachymeres (1242-1316)
- Maximos Planudes (c. 1255-1310)
- Manuel Moschopoulos (c. 1300)
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- Bretschneider, Carl Anton, 1808-1878.
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- Clagett, Marshall.
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- Dantzig, Tobias (1884-1956)
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- Drachmann, Aage Gehardt.
- Ktesibios, Philon, and Heron, a study in ancient pneumatics. 1948.
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- Heath, Sir Thomas Little (1861-1940)
- A history of Greek mathematics.
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- A manual of Greek mathematics.
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- Greek astronomy.
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- Hofmann, Joseph Ehrenfried.
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- Jaeger, Werner Wihelm (1888-1961).
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- The ancient tradition of geometric problems.
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- Lloyd, G. E. R. (Geoffrey Ernest Richard)
- Early Greek science: Thales to Aristotle.
Norton, New York, 1970.
- Greek science after Aristotle.
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- Loria, Gino (1862-1954).
- Le scienze esatte nell' antica Grecia.
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- Historie des sciences mathématiques dans l'antiquité helléniques.
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- Lynch, John.
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- Taton, René.
La science antique et mediévale
Presses Univ. France, 1957. Translated as
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- Thomas, Ivor, editor
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- Greek mathematcal works.
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- Zeller, Eduard (1814-1908)
A history of Greek philosophy from the earliest period to the time of Socrates. Translated by S. F.
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