Texts on the history of mathematics
Including textbooks and similar general references.
- Archibald, R. C.
Outline of the history of mathematics.
Mathematical Association of America, Buffalo, NY, 1949.
- Anglin, W. S.
Mathematics: A Concise History and Philosophy.
- Ball, W. W. Rouse (Walter William Rouse) (1865-1925)
- A short account of the history of mathematics. Macmillan, London, 1888.
Reprint: Dover, New York, 1960.
- A primer of the history of mathematics.
Second edition: Macmillan, London, 1906.
- Baumgart, John K., editor.
Historical topics for the mathematics classroom.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington, 1969.
- Bell, Eric Temple (1883-1960)
- Men of mathematics. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1937.
Reprint: Simon & Schuster, New York, 1986.
- The development of mathematics. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1945.
- Mathematics: queen and servant of science.
Mathematical Association of America, Washington, 1987.
- Bochner, S. (Solomon) (b. 1899)
The role of mathematics in the rise of science.
Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1966.
- Bos, Henk J. M.
Lectures in the History of Mathematics.
American Mathematical Society, 1993.
- Bourbaki, Nicolas.
Elements of the history of mathematics.
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994. Translated from the French edition:
Eléments d'histoire des mathématiques.
- Boutroux, Pierre Leon (b. 1886)
Les princepes de l'analyze mathematiques; expose historique et critique.
Two volumes. Hermann, Paris, 1914-1919.
- Boyer, Carl B. (Carl Benjamin) (b. 1906)
A history of mathematics. Wiley, 1968.
Reprint: Princeton University Press, Princeton,
New Jersey, 1985.
2nd edition with Uta C. Merzback: Wiley, New York, 1989.
- Boyer, Jacques (b. 1869)
Histoire des mathematiques.
Carre & Naud, Paris, 1900.
- Boyer, Lee Emerson (b. 1900)
Mathematics, a historical development.
Holt, New York, 1946.
- Bunt, Lucas N. N., Philip S. Jones, and Jack D. Bedient.
The historical roots of elementary mathematics.
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1976.
- Burton, David M.
The history of mathematics: an introduction. Allyn & Bacon, Boston, 1985.
Burton's history of mathemtics: an introduction. Wm. Brown Publ, Dubuque, IA, 1991, 1995.
- Cajori, Florian (1859-1930)
- A history of mathematics.
Macmillan, New York, 1894.
Second edition: Macmillan, New York, 1919.
- A history of elementary mathematics.
Macmillan, New York, 1930.
- Cantor, Moritz Benedikt (1829-1920)
Vorlesungen über Geschichte der Mathematik.
Volume 1. Leipzig, 1880.
2nd edition, 1894. 3rd edition, 1907.
- Chikara, S., S. Mitsuo, and J. W. Dauben.
The intersection of history and mathematics
Birkhauser, Boston, 1994.
- Coolidge, Julian Lowell (1987-1954)
The mathematics of great amateurs.
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1949.
Reviewed: Isis 41 (1950), 234-236.
Reprint: Dover, New York, 1963.
- Crombie, A. C. (Alistair Cameron) (b. 1915)
Scientific change: historical studies in the intellectual, social and technical conditions for
scientific discovery and technical invention, from antiquity to the present.
Symposium of the History of Science (Oxford, 1961), edited by A. C. Crombie. Basic Books, New York,
- Dedron, Pierre and J. Itard.
Mathematics and mathematicians.
Two volumes. Translated from the French by J. V. Field.
Open University Press, Milton Keynes, 1973.
- Dubbey, J. M. (Jean Michael) (b. 1934)
Development of modern mathematics.
Butterworth, London, 1970.
Reprint: Crane Russak, New York, 1972.
- Durbin, John R.
Mathematics: its spirit and evolution.
Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1973
- Eves, Howard Whitley (b. 1911)
- An introduction to the history of mathematics.
Rinehart, New York, 1953.
Later editions: Holt, New York, 1964, 1976;
Sanders, Philadelphia, 1983, 1990..
Reviewed: Math. Rev. 84c:01001
- Great moments in mathematics (before 1650).
Dolciani mathematical expositions, 5.
Math. Assoc. America, 1980.
- Great moments in mathematics (after 1650).
Dolciani mathematical expositions, 7.
Math. Assoc. America, 1981.
- Fink, Karl.
A brief history of mathematics.
Translated by Wooster Woodruff and David Eugene Smith.
Open Court, Chicago, 1900, 1910.
- Freeburg, H. A.
History of mathematics. Macmillan, New York, 1961.
- Friedrichs, K. O. (Kurt Otto) (b. 1901)
From Pythagoras to Einstein.
New Mathematical Library, 16. Random House, New York, 1965.
- Gillispie, C. C., editor.
Dictionary of scientific biography
18 volumes. Scribner, New York, 1970-1980.
- Gittleman, Arthur.
History of mathematics. Merrill, Columbus, 1975.
- Grattan-Guinness, Ivor.
Companion Encyclopedia of the History and Philosophy of the Mathematical
Sciences. Two volumes. Routledge, London-New York, 1994.
- Groza, Vivian Shaw.
A survey of mathematics; elementary concepts and their historical development.
Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1968.
- Hofmann, Joseph Ehrenfried (b.1900)
Geschichte der Mathematik. 3 volumes. Walter de Gruyter-Verlag, Berlin, 1953-1957. English
The history of mathematics. Translated by Frank Gaynor and H. O. Midonick.
Philosophical Library, New York, 1957.
Josef Ehrenfried Hofmann,
Geschichte der Mathematik, Sammlung G˙schen, Walter
de Gruyter-Verlag, Berlin 1953-1957, 3 B˙nde, deutsch
- Katz, Victor J.
A history of mathematics, an introduction.
Harper Collins College Publishers, New York, 1993.
- Kline, Morris (b. 1908)
- Mathematics in Western culture.
Oxford University Press, New York, 1953.
- Mathematical thought from ancient to modern times.
Oxford University PRess, New York, 1972.
- Kramer, Edna E.
The nature and growth of modern mathematics.
Hawthorn, New York, 1970.
- Le Lionnais, F. editor.
Great currents of mathematical thought. Two volumes.
Translated by R. Hall.
Dover, New York, 1971.
- Lenard, Philipp.
Great men of science.
Translated by S. Hatfield.
Books for Libraries Press, Freeport, NY, 1970.
- Marie, Maximilien (1819-1891)
Histoire des sciences mathematiques et physiques.
Gauthier-Villard, Paris, 1883-1888.
- Meschkowski, Herbert.
Ways of thought of great mathematicians; an approach to the history of mathematics.
Translated by John Dyer-Bennet. Holden-Day, San Francisco, 1964.
- Miller, G. A. (George Abram) (1863-1951)
Historical introduction to mathematical literature.
Macmillan, New York, 1916.
- Moffatt, Michael.
The ages of mathematics.
Doubleday, Gardner City, NY, 1977.
- Morgan, Bryan (b. 1923)
Men and discoveries in mathematics.
Murray, London, 1972.
- Montucla, Jean Etienne (1725-1799)
Histoire des mathematiques.
Paris, 1758, 2 vols.
New edition completed by Jerome de Lalande, Paris, 1799-1892, 4 vols.
Reprint: A Blanchard, Paris, 1960.
Reviewed: Sarton, G., "Montucla", Osiris 1 (1936), 519-167.
- Nelson, David, George Ghevergese Joseph, and Julian Williams.
Multicultural mathematics.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993.
- Osen, Lynn M.
Women in mathematics.
M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1974.
- Perl, Teri.
Math equals: biographies of women mathematicians.
Interscience, New York, 1961.
- Rowe, David and John McCleary, editors.
The history of modern mathematics.
Two volumes. Academic Press, SanDiego, CA, 1989.
- Sanford, Vera.
A short history of mathematics.
Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1930.
- Sarton, George (1884-1956)
- Introduction to the history of science, volume I.
Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1927.
- A guide to the history of science.
Chronica Botanica, Waltham, Mass., 1952.
- A history of science.
Two volumes. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1952-1959.
Reprint: W. W. Norton, New York, 1970.
- Schlissel, Arthur, editor.
Essays in the history of mathematics.
Mem. AMS, 298. American Mathematical Society Press, Prividence, 1984.
- Scott, Joseph F.
A history of mathematics from antiquity to the beginning of the nineteenth century.
Second edition: Taylof and Francis, London, 1969.
- Simmons, George.
Calculus gems: brief lives and memorable mathematics.
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992.
- Smith, David Eugene (1860-1944)
History of Mathematics.
Two volumes. Boston, 1923-1925.
Reviewed: Isis 6, 440-444.
Reprints: Ginn, Boston, 1951-1953
Dover, New York, 1958.
- Smith, Sanderson.
Agnesi to Zeno. (portraits of mathematicians)
Key Curriculum, 1995(?).
- Stillwell, John.
Mathematics and its history.
Springer-Verlag, New York-Berlin, 1989.
Reviewed: Math. Rev. 91b:01001.
- Struik, Dirk J.
A concise history of mathematics.
Revised edition: Dover, New York, 1967.
- Turnbull, Herbert W.
The great mathematicians.
New York Univ. Press, New York, 1969.
- Whewell, William (1794-1866)
History of the inductive sciences from the earliest to the present times.
Three volumes. John Parker, London, 1847.
Reprint: Appleton, New York, 1858.
- Wilder, Raymond (b. 1846)
- The evolution of mathematical concepts: and elementary study.
Wiley, New York, 1968.
- Mathematics as a cultural system.
Pergamon, London, 1981.
- Young, Laurence.
Mathematicians and their times.
North Holland, Amsterdam, 1981.
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David E. Joyce
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Clark University
Worcester, MA 01610
These files are located at http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/