Collected Essays IX
[321] To be signed by all who wish to be entered on the roll as soldiers
Having received with all my heart the Salvation offered to me by the tender mercy of Jehovah, I do here and now publicly acknowledge God to be my Father and King, Jesus Christ to be my Saviour, and the Holy Spirit to be my Guide, Comforter, and Strength; and that I will, by His help, love, serve, worship, and obey this glorious God through all time and through all eternity.
Believing solemnly that The Salvation Army has been raised up by God, and is sustained and directed by Him, I do here declare my full determination, by God's help, to be a true soldier of the Army till I die.
I am thoroughly convinced of the truth of the Army's teaching.
I believe that repentance towards God, faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and conversion by the Holy Spirit, are necessary to Salvation, and that all men may be saved.
I believe that we are saved by grace, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and he that believeth hath the witness of it in himself. I have got it. Thank God!
I believe that the Scriptures were given by inspiration of God, and that they teach that not only does continuance in the favour of God depend upon continued faith in, and obedience to, Christ, but that it is possible for those who have been truly converted to fall away and be eternally lost.
[322] I believe that it is the privilege of all God's people to be "wholly sanctified," and that "their whole spirit and soul and body" may "be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." That is to say, I believe that after conversion there remain in the heart of the believer inclinations to evil, or roots of bitterness, which, unless overpowered by Divine grace, produce actual sin; but these evil tendencies can be entirely taken away by the Spirit of God, and the whole heart thus cleansed from anything contrary to the will of God, or entirely sanctified, will then produce the fruit of the Spirit only. And I believe that persons thus entirely sanctified may, by the power of God, be kept unblamable and unremovable before Him.
I believe in the immortality of the soul; in the resurrection of the body; in the general judgment at the end of the world; in the eternal happiness of the righteous; and in the everlasting punishment of the wicked.
Therefore, I do here, and now, and for ever, renounce the world with all its sinful pleasures, companionship treasures, and objects, and declare my full determination boldly to show myself a Soldier of Jesus Christ in all places and companies, no matter what I may have to suffer, do, or lose, by so doing.
I do here and now declare that I will abstain from the use of all intoxicating liquors, and also from the habitual use of opium, ludanum, morphia, and all other baneful drugs, except when in illness such drugs shall be ordered for me by a doctor.
I do here and now declare that I will abstain from the use of all low or profane language; from the taking of the name of God in vain; and from all impurity, or from taking part in any unclean conversation or the reading of any obscene book or paper at any time, in any company, or in any place.
I do here declare that I will not allow myself in any falsehood, deceit, misrepresentation, or dishonesty; neither will I practise any fraudulent conduct, either in my business, my home, or in any other relation in which I may stand to my fellow men, but [323] that I will deal truthfully, fairly, honourably, and kindly with all those who may employ me or whom I may myself employ.
I do here declare that I will never treat any woman, child, or other person, whose life, comfort, or happiness may be placed within my power, in an oppressive, cruel, or cowardly manner, but that I will protect such from evil and danger so far as I can, and promote, to the utmost of my ability, their present welfare and eternal salvation.
I do here declare that I will spend all the time, strength, money, and influence I can in supporting and carrying on this War, and that I will endeavour to lead my family, friends, neighbours, and all others whom I can influence, to do the same, believing that the sure and only way to remedy all the evils in the world is by bringing men to submit themselves to the government of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I do here declare that I will always obey the lawful orders of my Officers, and that I will carry out to the utmost of my power all the Orders and Regulations of The Army; and further, that I will be an example of faithfulness to its principles, advance to the utmost of my ability its operations, and never allow, where I can prevent it, any injury to its interests or hindrance to its success.
And I do here and now call upon all present to witness that I enter into this undertaking and sign these Articles of War of my own free will, feeling that the love of Christ who died to save me requires from me this devotion of my life to His service for the Salvation of the whole world, and therefore wish now to be enrolled as a Soldier of the Salvation Army.
[324] __________________________________________
_______________CORPS_____________________ 18___
Name ......................................
Address ......................................
1. What was your AGE last birthday? .............. What is the date of your birthday? ..............
2. What is your height? ...............
3. Are you free from bodily defect or disease? ...................
4. What serious illnesses have you had, and when? ...................
5. Have you ever had fits of any kind? .......... If so how long, and what kind? ...................
6. Do you consider your health good, and that you are strong enough for the work of an officer? ...................If not, or if you are doubtful, write a letter and explain the matter...................
7. Is your doctor's certificate a full and correct statement so far as you know?...................
8. Are you, or have you ever been, married?...................
[325] 9. When and where CONVERTED?...................
10. What other Religious Societies have you belonged to?...................
11. Were you ever a Junior Soldier?................... If so, how long?...................
12. How long have you been enrolled as a SOLDIER? and signed Articles of War?...................
13. If you hold any office in your Corps, say what, and how long held?...................
14. Do you intend to live and die in the ranks of the Salvation Army?...................
15. Have you ever been an open BACKSLIDER?................... If so, how long? ...................
16. Why?................... Date of your Restoration?...................
17. Are you in DEBT?................... If so, how much?...................
18. How long owing?................... What for?...................
19. Did you ever use Intoxicating Drink?................... If so, how long is it since you entirely gave up its use?...................
20. Did you ever use Tobacco or Snuff?................... If so, how long is it since you gave up using either?...................
21. What UNIFORM do you wear?...................
22. How long have you worn it?...................
23. Do you agree to dress in accordance with the direction of Headquarters?...................
24. Can you provide your own uniform and "List of Necessaries" before entering the Service?...................
25. Are you in a Situation?................... If so, how long?...................
26. Nature of duties, and salary...................
27. Name and address of employer?...................
[326] 28. If out, date of leaving last situation?................... How long there?...................
29 Why did you leave?...................
30. Name and address of last employer?...................
31. Can you start the SINGING?...................
32. Can you play any musical instrument?................... If so, what?...................
33. Is this form filled up by you?................... Can you read well at first sight?...................
34. Can you write SHORTHAND?................... If so, what speed and system?...................
35. Can you speak any language other than English?................... If so, what?...................
36. Have you had any experience and success in the JUNIOR SOLDIERS' WAR?...................
37. If so, what?...................
38. Are you willing to sell the "WAR CRY" on Sundays?...................
39. Do you engage not to publish any books, songs, or music except for the benefit of the Salvation Army, and then only with the consent of Headquarters?...................
40. Do you promise not to engage in any trade, profession, or other money-making occupation, except for the benefit of the Salvation Army, and then only with the consent of Headquarters?...................
41. Would you be willing to go ABROAD if required?...................
42. Do you promise to do your utmost to help forward the Junior Soldiers' work if accepted?...................
43. Do you pledge yourself to spend not less than nine hours every day in the active service of the Army, of which not less than three hours of each week-day shall be spent in VISITATION?...................
[327] 44. Do you pledge yourself to fill up and send to Headquarters forms as to how your day is spent?...................
45. Have you read, and do you believe, the DOCTRINES printed on the other side?...................
46. Have you read the "Orders and Regulations for Field Officers" of the Army?...................
If you have not got a copy of "Orders and Regulations," get one from Candidates' Department at once. The price to Candidates is 2s. 6d.
47. Do you pledge yourself to study and carry out and to endeavour to train others to carry out all Orders and Regulations of the Army?...................
48. Have you read the Order on page 3 of this Form as to PRESENTS and TESTIMONIALS, and do you engage to carry it out?...................
49. Do you pledge yourself never to receive any sum in the form of pay beyond the amount of allowances granted under the scale which follows?...................
Allowances––From the day of arrival at his station, each officer is entitled to draw the following allowances, provided the amount remains in hand after meeting all local expenses, namely:–For Single Men: Lieutenants, 16s. weekly, and Captains, 18s.; for Single Women: Lieutenants, 12s. weekly, and Captains, 15s. weekly; Married Men, 27s. per week, and ls. per week for each child under 14 years of age; in all cases without house-rent.
50. Do you perfectly understand that no salary or allowance is guaranteed to you, and that you will have no claim against the Salvation Army, or against any one connected therewith, on account of salary or allowances not received by you?...................
51. Have you ever APPLIED BEFORE?................... If so, when?...................
52. With what result?...................
[328] 53. If you have ever been in the service of the Salvation Army in any position, say what?...................
54. Why did you leave?...................
55. Are you willing to come into TRAINING that we may see whether you have the necessary goodness and ability for an Officer in the Salvation Army, and should we conclude that you have not the necessary qualifications, do you pledge yourself to return home and work in your Corps without creating any dissatisfaction?...................
56. Will you pay your own travelling expenses if we decide to receive you in Training?...................
57. How much can you pay for your maintenance while in Training?...................
58. Can you deposit £1 so that we can provide you with a suit of Uniform when you are Commissioned?...................
59. What is the shortest NOTICE you require should we want you?...................
60. Are your PARENTS willing that you should become an Officer?...................
61. Does any one depend upon you for support?................... If so, who?...................
62. To what extent?...................
63. Give your parents', or nearest living relatives', full address....................
64. Are you COURTING?................... If so, give name and address of the person....................
65. How long have you been engaged?................... What is the person's age?...................
66. What is the date of Birthday?................... How long enrolled as a SOLDIER?...................
67. What Uniform does the person wear?................... How long worn?...................
[329] 68. What does the person do in the Corps?...................
69. Has the person applied for the work?...................
70. If not, when does the person intend doing so?...................
71. Do the parents agree to the person coming into Training?...................
72. Do you understand that you may not be allowed to marry until three years after your appointment as an Officer, and do you engage to abide by this?...................
73. If you are not courting, do you pledge yourself to abstain from anything of the kind during Training and for at least twelve months after your appointment as a Commissioned Field Officer?...................
74. Do you pledge yourself not to carry on courtship with any one at the station to which you are at the time appointed?...................
75. Do you pledge yourself never to commence, or allow to commence, or break off anything of the sort, without first informing your Divisional Officer, or Headquarters, of your intention to do so?...................
76. Do you pledge yourself never to marry any one marriage with whom would take you out of the Army altogether?...................
77. Have you read, and do you agree to carry out, the following Regulations as to Courtship and Marriage?....................
(a) "Officers must inform their Divisional Officer or Headquarters of their desire to enter into or break off any engagement, and no Officer is permitted to enter into or break off an engagement without the consent of his or her D.O.
(b) "Officers will not be allowed to carry on any courtship in the Town in which they are appointed; nor until twelve months after the date of their Commission.
[330] (c) "Headquarters cannot consent to the engagement of Male Lieutenants, until their Divisional Officer is prepared to recommend them for command of a Station as Captain.
(d) "Before Headquarters can consent to the marriage of any Officer, the Divisional Officer must be prepared to give him three stations as a married man.
(e) "No Officer accepted will be allowed to marry until he or she has been at least three years in the field, except in cases of long-standing engagements before application for the work.
(f) "No Male Officer will, under any circumstances, be allowed to marry before he is twenty-two years of age, unless required by Headquarters for special service.
(g) "Headquarters will not agree to the Marriage of any Male Officer (except under extraordinary circumstances) until twelve months after consenting to his engagement.
(h) "Consent will not be given to the engagement of any male Officer unless the young woman is likely to make a suitable wife for an Officer, and (if not already an Officer) is prepared to come into Training at once.
(i) "Consent will be given to engagements between Female Officers and Soldiers, on condition that the latter are suitable for Officers, and are willing to come into Training if called upon.
(j) "Consent will never be given to any engagement or marriage which would take an Officer out of the Army.
(k) "Every Officer must sign before marriage the Articles of Marriage, contained in the Orders and Regulations for Field Officers."
1. Officers are expected to refuse utterly, and to prevent, if possible, even the proposal of any present or testimonial to them.
2. Of course, an Officer who is receiving no salary, or only part salary, may accept food or other gifts, such as are needed to meet his wants; but it is dishonourable for any one who is receiving their salary to accept gifts of food also.
The principal Doctrines taught in the Army are as follows:–
1. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament were given by inspiration of God, and that they only constitute the Divine rule of Christian faith and practice.
2. We believe there is only one God, who is infinitely perfect, the Creator, Preserver, and Governor of all things.
3. We believe that there are three persons in the Godhead–the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, undivided in essence, coequal in power and glory, and the only proper object of religious worship.
4. We believe that, in the person of Jesus Christ, the Divine and human natures are united, so that He is truly and properly God, and truly and properly man.
5. We believe that our first parents were created in a state of innocency, but by their disobedience they lost their purity and happiness; and that, in consequence of their fall, all men have become sinners, totally depraved, and as such are justly exposed to the wrath of God.
6. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has, by His suffering and death, made an atonement for the whole world, so that whosoever will may be saved.
7. We believe that repentance towards God, faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit, are necessary to Salvation.
[332] 8. We believe that we are justified by grace, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and that he that believeth hath the witness in himself.
9. We believe the Scriptures teach that not only does continuance in the favour of God depend upon continued faith in, and obedience to, Christ, but that it is possible for those who have been truly converted to fall away and be eternally lost.
10. We believe that it is the privilege of all believers to be "wholly sanctified," and that "the whole spirit and soul and body" may "be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." That is to say, we believe that after conversion there remain in the heart of the believer inclinations to evil, or roots of bitterness, which, unless overpowered by Divine grace, produce actual sin; but that these evil tendencies can be entirely taken away by the Spirit of God, and the whole heart, thus cleansed from everything contrary to the will of God, or entirely sanctified, will then produce the fruit of the Spirit only. And we believe that persons thus entirely sanctified may, by the power of God, be kept unblamable and unreprovable before Him.
11. We believe in the immortality of the soul; in the resurrection of the body; in the general judgment at the end of the world; in the eternal happiness of the righteous; and in the everlasting punishment of the wicked.
I HEREBY DECLARE that I will never, on any consideration, do anything calculated to injure The Salvation Army, and especially, that I will never, without first having obtained the consent of The General, take any part in any religious services or in carrying on services held in opposition to the Army.
I PLEDGE MYSELF to make true records, daily, on the forms supplied to me, of what I do, and to confess, as far as I am concerned, and to report, as far as I may see in others, any neglect or variation from the orders or directions of The General.
I FULLY UNDERSTAND that he does not undertake to employ or to retain in the service of The Army any one who does not appear to him to be fitted for the work, or faithful and successful in it, and I solemnly pledge myself quietly to leave any Army Station to which I may be sent, without making any attempt to disturb or annoy The Army in any way, should The General desire me to do so. And I hereby discharge The Army and The General from all liability, and pledge myself to make no claim on account of any situation, property, or interest I may give up in order to secure an engagement in The Army.
I understand that The General will not be responsible in any way for any loss I may suffer in consequence of being dismissed from Training; as I am aware that the Cadets are received into Training for the very purpose of testing their suitability for the work of Salvation Army Officers..
I hereby declare that the foregoing answers appear to me to fully express the truth as to the questions put to me, and that I know of no other facts which would prevent my engagement by The General, if they were known to him.
Candidate to sign here ..........................................
1. All Candidates are expected to fill up and sign this form themselves, if they can write at all.
2. You are expected to have obtained and read "Orders and Regulations for Field Officers" before you make this application.
3. Making this application does NOT imply that we can receive you as an officer, and you are, therefore, NOT to leave your home, or give notice to leave your situation, until you hear again from us.
4. If you are appointed as an Officer, or received into Training and it is afterwards discovered that any of the questions in this form have not been truthfully answered, you will be instantly dismissed.
5. If you do not understand any question in this form, or if you do not agree to any of the requirements stated upon it, return it to Headquarters, and say so in a straightforward manner.
6. Make the question for this appointment a matter of earnest prayer, as it is the most important step you have taken since your conversion.
We must have your Photo. Please enclose it with your forms, and address them to "Candidate Department," 101, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C
Preface and Table of Contents to Volume IX, Evolution & Ethics and Other Essays, of Huxley's Collected Essays.
Previous part of this article: Legal Opinions, pages 312-320.
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