Publications. Those noted here are those in THE HUXLEY FILE. For all of T. H. H. publications, see Bibliography 1: THH Publications
Commentary. Most selections in The Huxley File of Victorian commentators on THH. For all commentaries in The Huxley File, see Commentary Index. For an inventory of Victorian commentary on THH, see Bibliography 2: Victorian Commentary. For an inventory of 20th-Century commentary, see Bibliography 3: 20th Century Commentary.
Symbol key
Date | Events & appointments | Publications in THE HUXLEY FILE | Lectures and honorary degress | Commentary |
1825 May 5 |
T. H. H. born | |||
lectures to house maids |
1833 | Ealing school | |||
. . . | ||||
1840 | Thoughts and Doings ![]() |
1841 | Med. apprentice ship - Rotherhithe |
1842 | Charing Cross Hospital;
Botany medal |
1843 | Prizes: Anatomy
Chemistry Physiology |
1844 | ||||
1845 | MB - London University | Structure in the Human Hair Sheath. | ||
Dec. 3 |
Member,B.A.A.S Lieutenant, Navy
Assistant Surgeon Rattlesnake departure |
"Noon" (Positions of Rattlesnake) x | ||
1847 | Sydney - Henrietta Heathorn | Corpuscles of the Blood of Amphioxus Lanceolatus | ||
1848 | ||||
1849 | "Anatomy and Affinities of Medusa" | |||
Oct. 23 |
Rattlesnake return |
Description of the Animal of Trigonia | ||
1851 | Fellow, R. S.
Red Lion club |
Zoological Notes and Observations Made on Board H.M.S. Rattlesnake during the Years 1846-50. | ||
1852 | R. S. gold medal | Upon Animal Individuality | Royal Institution lectures
(to 1883) |
1853 | Appointed Lecturer
School of Mines |
"Morphology of Cephalous Mollusca" | ||
1854 | Common Plan of Animal Forms
"Science at Sea" Educational Value of the Natural History Sciences Present State of Knowledge as to the Structure and Functions of Nerve. Professor Edward Forbes, F.R.S. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation |
Department of Science and Art
London Institution |
1855 | m. Henrietta Heathorn
Waverley Place Fullerian Prof. to R. I. Philosophical Club of R. S. |
Progressive Development of Animal Life in Time | ||
1856 | Alps with Henrietta and Tyndall
Fellow, Zoo.Soc. Geo. Soc Examiner, Univ. London. |
Method of Palæontology | Dept. of Science and Art Edinburgh Philosophical Inst. | Falconer: Huxley's attempted refutation of Cuvier |
1857 | Alps with Tyndall
Fisheries Comm. |
Structure and Functions of Nerve
"Structure and Motion of Glaciers" |
Honorary membership, Breslau Imperial Acad.; Dresden Imperial Acad.; Glessen Microscopical Society | |
1858 |
Member, Athenaeum Fellow, Linnean Society |
"The Clouds"
"Chalk, Ancient and Modern" "Glaciers and Glacial Theory" |
Croonian lectures
Hon., Germany Imperial Literary and Scientific Acad. |
1859 |
Secr. Geological Society (to 1862) |
On the Persistent Types of Animal Life Time and Life: Mr. Darwin's "Origin of Species". Theory of the Vertebrate Skull Amphibian and Reptilian Remains "Structure of Glaciers" "The Theory of Glaciers" |
Natural History and Archeological Society Hon. Dublin Univ. Zoological and Botanical Soc; Philadelphia Acad. of Sciences |
1860 |
June - Oxford debatae Ed., Natural History Review |
Species and Races, and Their Origin
Structure of the Mouth and Pharynx of the Scorpion A Lobster; or, the Study of Zoology "The Glaciers of the Alps" |
Hon. Imperial Geological Society of Vienna | |
1861 | Marylebone
V. P., Zoological Society |
"Zoological Relations of Man with Lower Animal" | Teachers Course,South Kensington
Hon. Institute Egyptien of Alexandria Hon. MA and PhD, Breslau |
Owen: Gorilla and the Negro Timbs: Natural History Zoology Kingsley: Lord Dundreary |
1862 | Switzerland
Member, Royal College of Surgeons Formed Thorough Club Hunterian Prof. |
Geological Contemporaneity and Persistent Types of Life | Geological Soc.
Edinburgh Philosophical Institute Hon. Odontological Soc. Imperial Scientific Society of Gottingen" |
The Philosophical Institution and Professor Huxley |
1863 |
Fellow, Ethnological Soc Royal Comm. on Sea Fisheries (to 1865) |
Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature
Letter on the Human Remains Found in the Shell-Mounds. "Natural History of the Man-Like Apes" "Relations of Man to the Lower Animals" On Our Knowledge of the Causes of the Phenomena of Organic Nature |
Hull R. I.
Hon. Royal Literary and Scientific Academy of Bavaria |
Kingsley: The Water Babies
Dyster Blake: Relations of Man, Man's Place Pycroft: Sad Case New Publications (NY Times) |
1864 | Formed X Club |
Lectures on the Elements of Comparative Anatomy Hunterian Lectures on The Structure and Classification of the Mammalia Human Remains from the Neanderthal |
Hon. Imperial Academy of Science of St. Petersburg | Taylor: Huxley on the Negro Question. |
1865 |
Governor, Internatlional College |
On the Methods and Results of Ethnology | Hon. Odontographical Soc. of Philadelphia
Imperial Zoological and Botanical Soc. of Vienna Royal Scientific Acad. of Prussia |
"Cambridge Duet"
James: Huxley's Comparative Anatomy |
1866 | Member, Jamaica Comm.
Comm. on Royal College of Science for Ireland Pres., Section D of BAAS |
Lessons in Elementary Physiology
Advisableness of Improving Natural Knowledge. |
St. Martin’s Hall Sunday lectures
Nottingham Working Men Hon. Swedish Medical Society; Hon. LLD - Edinburgh |
1867 | To Brittany with Lubbock and Hooker | On Two Widely Contrasted Forms of the Human Cranium | Sion College
Birmingham and Midland Institute Hon. Imperial Soc. of Cherbourg: Internatl. Congress of Anthro-pology and Pre-historic Archaeology |
Reddie: Geological Chronology "A Good Example" Green: Science and the Clergy |
1868 | Principal, South London Working Men’s College (to 1871)
Pres., Ethno-logical Soc. (to 1871) Comm. on Science and Art Instruction in Ireland |
Piece of Chalk.
A Liberal Education and Where to Find It "Animals Which Are Most Nearly Intermediate between Birds and Reptiles" Remarks upon Archæopteryx Lithographica |
Lectures to Norwich Working Men
Soc. of Arts Conference Birmingham and Midland Institute; Newcastle; Edinburgh Hon. Royal Medico-Chirurgical Soc.; Jena Medical Natural History Soc. |
Hutton: Hidden Chess Player |
1869 | coined ‘agnostic"
Pres. Geological Soc.(to 1871) Member, Metaphysical Soc. |
An Introduction to the Classification of Animals
"Principles and Methods of Paleontology" Ethnology and Archæology of India Ethnology and Archæology of North America |
Pres. Add. Geol. Soc.
Lectures to London schoolchildren, London women, Liverpool Philomathic Soc., Bradford Philosophical Soc.; Leeds Philosophical and Literary Soc. Hon. American Philosophical Soc.; Berlin Geological Soc., Institut deFrance |
Congreve: Huxley on Comte
"Exeter Change" Huxley on the Physical Basis of Life "Mathematics vs. Geology" Tait: Geological Time Natural History of Creation [review] |
1870 | Elected to London School Board
Royal Comm. on Contagious Diseases Acts (to 1871) Royal Comm. on Scientific Education (to 1875) Governor, Owens Coll.(to 1875) Pres. BAAS Fellow, Anthrop. Inst. |
Biogenesis and Abiogenesis
The Deep-Sea Soundings and Geology Dr. Bastian and Spontaneous Generation Professor Huxley on Celts and Teutons ; Geographical Distribution of the Chief Modifications of Mankind School Boards School Board Address "Anniverary Addr. of the President of the Ethnological Society" Forefathers of the English People Palæontology and the Doctrine of Evolution "Relations of Penicillium, Torula, and Bacterium" Further Evidence of the Affinity between the Dinosaurian Reptiles and Birds Some Fixed Points in British Ethnology Views of Hume, Kant, and Whately of the Immortality of the Soul |
Univ. Coll. London Medical School Manchester Working Men, Leicester Literary and Philosophical Soc., Birmingham and Midland Institute; Leeds Literary and Philosophical Soc., Bradford Phil. Soc., Cambridge YMCA
BAAS, Liverpool Hon. Liverpool Lit. & Phil. Soc.; Moscow Im perial Natl. His. Soc.; German Fisheries Fellow ship |
"Review of Lay Sermons"
Hutton: Pope Huxley, Huxley as Machine, Huxley on Denominationalism Lingle: Liverpool Address |
1871 | Secr. Royal Society (to 1880) | Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals
Bishop Berkeley on the Metaphysics of Sensation |
Manchester Working Men, Birmingham and Midland Institute, Liverpool Trades Council
Hon. Cambridge Phil. Soc.; Berlin Soc. of Anthropology, Ethnology and Pre-history |
Report on Spiritualism
Christie: Saturday Review and Huxley Timbs: Professor Huxley, F.R.S. Hutton: Academy Dinner, Charities of London Haeckel: Scientific Worthies |
1872 | Elected Rector of Aberdeen (to 1874)
Visits Egypt and Italy Moved to Marlborough House |
Yeast | South Kensington Teachers’ Course
Hon. Manchester Literary and Phil. Soc., Italian Soc. of Anthropology and Ethnology, New Zealand Instiitue |
Jenkins: Professor Foxley |
1873 |
Forbes and Tyndall ![]() |
Swenden Order of the Pole Star; Hon. Medical Soc.; Buffalo Soc. of Natural Sciences | Waddy: Cartoon Portrait | |
1874 | Seance exposure | Hypothesis that Animals are Automata
"Classification of the Animal Kingdom" Universities: Actual and Ideal Resemblances and Differences in the Brain in Man and the Apes. | B.A.A.S. Belfast
Aberdeen Address Owens College Medical School Birmingham Hon. Royal Irish Acad.; Royal Swedish Acad. of Sciences; Lisbon Royal Acad. of Sciences; Belgian Acad. of Sciences |
Wanted: The Philosopher
British Automata; Or, Hopelessly Unconscious "Fine Old Atom Molecule" |
1875 | Visiting Professor at Edinburgh (and 1876)
Vivisection controversy |
Brain and Skull of Amphioxus Lanceolatus
Elementary Instruction in Practical Biology (w/H.N. Martin) |
Hon. Historical Soc. of Lancashire and Cheshire | Protoplasm, Powheads, and Porwiggles |
1876 | U. S. visit
Roy. Comm. on Vivisection Roy. Comm. on Universities of Scotland (to 1878) Vice-Pres. of Working Men’s Club and Institute Union Wollston Medal of Geol. Soc. |
Lectures on Evolution
Address on University Education Dinner to the "Challenger" Staff Border between Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms Evidence of the Miracle of the Resurrection |
London Institute
Glasgow Science Assoc.
Hon. Literary and Antiquarian Soc. of Perth; Royal Soc. of Edinburgh Glasgow Philosophical Soc.; Royal Soc. of Copenhagen; N. Y. Acad. of Sciences |
Impressions of America
Huxley on the Physical Basis of Life |
1877 | Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals
Elementary Education in Physiology |
Zoological Gardens
Birmingham Domestic Economy Congress Hon. Boston Soc. of Natl. History; Dutch Acad. of Sciences; Belgian Geological Soc. |
"T.H.H. - Robert Buchanan"
Hutton: Technical Education |
1878 | Pres., Queckett
Microscopical Club (to 1879) |
A Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals
Britannica: Amphibia, Animal Kingdom, Biology, Evolution in Biology Address to the Anthropological Dep. of the British Association "Pres. Addr. to Quekett Microscopical Club" |
Roy. Coll. Physicians
Whitechapel (re. univ. extension) Hon. LLD - Dublin; Academia de’ Lincel of Rome; Brussels Roy. Medical & Scientific Soc. |
Judd: Huxley's Physiography |
1879 | Governor of Eton (to 1888) | Crayfish
Freedom in Science and Teaching Characters of the Pelvis in the Mammalia Sensation and Sensiferous Organs "Pres. Addr. to Quekett Microscopical Club" |
Hon. LL. D. (Cambridge)
Acad. of Letters of Pernambuco Roy. Soc. of New South Wales Natl. Science Soc. of Halle Roy. Belgium Acad. of Medicine Institut de France |
Veitch: Prof. Huxley's Hume |
1880 | Clarke Medal of Roy. Soc. of New South Wales | Introductory Science Primer
The Coming of Age of "The Origin of Species" Application of the Laws of Evolution to the Arrangement of the Vertebrata |
con’t - Roy. Inst., Zoological Gardens, Working Men’s Coll.
Birmingham (Mason Coll.) Hon. Roy. Natl. History Soc. of Netherlands Indies |
1881 | Dean of Normal School of Science (to 1894)
Inspector of Salmon Fisheries (to 1885) Roy. Comm. on Medical Acts (to 1882) Pres., Sanitary Protection Assoc. |
The Connection of the Biological Sciences with Medicine | International Medical Congress
B.A.A.A. York Norwich Fisheries Exhibition |
Huxley on Evolution |
1882 | Charles Darwin | London Women’s Medical School
Hon. Wurzburg MD; Physiological Soc.; Clarendon Historical Soc. of Edinburgh |
Extract from a Journal
Arnold: Literature and Science |
1883 | Pres. Royal Soc. (to 1886)
Fellow, Roy. Coll. of Surgeons Ex officio Trustee of British Museum (to 1886) Rede Lecturer at Cambridge |
Science and Art in Relation to Education Presidential Address to the Royal Society 1883 Address at the Fisheries Exhibition Good Writing: a gift or an art? (n.d.) Literary Style (n.d.) |
Clothworkers Hall
Mansion House London Fisheries Exhibition Cambridge (Rede) Liverpool Institute School Hon. Hertfordshire Natl. History Soc.; National Acad. of Sciences of USA; American Acad. of Arts & Sciences; Anthro-pology Soc. of Washin-gton; Academia Valdarnense of Florence |
Beckett: Hume and Huxley on Miracles |
1884 | THH to Italy
Roy. Comm. on Trawl ... Fishing VP, Society of Authors Resigned as Pres. of National Assoc. of Science Teachers |
The State and the Medical Profession | London Hospital Medical School
Hon. Brussels Anthropology Soc. |
1885 | Resigned Prof. at Normal School of Science | The Interpreters of Genesis and the Interpreters of Nature | Marine Biological Assoc
Hon. DCL (Oxford); Geological Soc. of Australasia; Florence Roy. Institute of Higher Study |
Gladstone: Dawn of Creation
Hutton: Metaphysical Society |
1886 | To Switzerland | Mr. Gladstone and Genesis | Address for British Museum - Darwin Memorial Statue
Hon. Roy. Coll. of Surgeons of Ireland; Modena Natl. History Soc. |
Lilly: Materialism and Morality
Gladstone: Proem to Genesis Hutton: Evolution of Theology |
1887 |
Scientific and Pseudo-Scientific Realism Reception of the Origin of Species Address on Technical Education Bishop Wilberforce and Professor Huxley |
Mansion House (re. Imperial Institute)
St. Marylebone (re free library) Manchester (re technical education) |
Argyll: Canon Liddon, Science Falsely, A Great Lesson | |
1888 | Pres., Interna-tional Geological Congress
Trustee British Museum (to 1895) Copley Medal of Royal Soc. |
The Struggle for Existence in Human Society
Obituary: Charles Robert Darwin. |
Hon. MD - Bologna | Poulton: Elementary Instruction in Practical Biology |
1889 |
Moved to Eastbourne |
Spiritualism Unmasked ![]() Professor Huxley and the Spiritualists Value of Witness to the Miraculous |
Magee: Agnosticism
Mallock: Cowardly Agnosticism Wace: Agnosticism Laing Gerbett: Huxley and the Spiritualists Hutton: Agnosticism |
1890 | Trip to Canaries
Lillean Medal Pres., Palaeonto-logical Society (to 1895) |
Lights of the Church and the Light of Science
The Keepers of the Herd of Swine Aryan Question and Pre-Historic Man Government: Anarchy or Regimentation On the Natural Inequality of Men |
Christie (Pastrycook): A Working Man's Reply to Professor Huxley
Spencer: Absolute Political Ethics Magee: Explanation to Huxley Buchanan: Are Men Born Free and Equal? |
1891 | Social Diseases and Worse Remedies ![]() |
Argyll: Huxley on the Warpath, Huxley and Argyll
Gladstone "Reply on Strike" |
1892 | Privy Counillor | An Apologetic Irenicon
Possibilities and Impossibilities |
Hon. Frankfurt Natl. History Soc.; Royal Acad. of Science of Amsterdam;
Italian Soc. of Science in Naples |
Blathwayt: Uses of Sentiment
Balfour: Foundations of Belief |
1893 | Hayden Medal (Philadelphia) | Bible Reading ![]() Evolution and Ethics: Prolegomena Collected Essays and prefaces I-IV, I: Method and Results, II: Darwiniana, III: Science and Education, IV: Science and Hebrew Tradition |
Romanes lecture - Oxford
Cambridge (Harvey celebration) Hon. Acad.of Science at Bologna; Hon. MD (Erlangen) |
The Romanes Lecture
Seth: Man's Place in the Cosmos Stephen: Ethics and the Struggle for Existence Mivart |
1894 | Royal Soc. Darfwin Medal | Past and Present
Owen's Position in the History of Anatomical Science Prolegomena to Evolution and Ethics Collected Essays and prefaces V-IX, V: Science and Christian Tradition, VI: Hume, with Helps to the Study of Berkeley, VII: Man's Place in Nature, VIII: Discourses, Biological and Geological, IX: Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays. |
1895+ Accounts by Flower, Forbes Foster, more Foster, Freemantle, Gladstone Green, Hooker, Howes, Mivart, Osborn, Parker, Sidgwick, Skelton, Vernon-Harcourt, Walpole,Ward "Prof. H.’s Will" "The Death of Mr. Huxley" |
June 29 |
T. H. H. d. |
Palæontology at the Royal School of Mines | Hutton: Huxley's Creed, Review of Collected Essays, The Great Agnostic |
![]() |