Pane-Joyce Genealogy
56. Johan op den Dyck. Born ca 1420 in Weisel, Rheinland-Pfalz.5 Johan died in Weisel, Rheinland-Pfalz in 1504.5

From Charles Wilson Opdyke’s The Op Dyck Genealogy, pages 15–21:5
    Born about 1420; died 1504; married Ida, daughter of Engelbrecht and Gilliken Renwalts.
    Johan was a Schepen of Wesel, Treasurer, and nine times Burgomaster; he received the usual salaries and offcial Christmas gifts, served on various diplomatic missions, and also appears as an officer of St. John’s Hospital. Toward the end of his life we find him acting as Mint-warden. This post was held directly of the Duke of Cleves, and among its duties was the auditing of the ducal Mint-master's accounts. Sometimes Johan was associated with another in the office, but in some years he served alone. Although relating to the affairs of the whole Duchy of Cleves, and involving large sums of money, his service as Mint-warden is even more interesting to us in that it furnishes an authentic specimen of his handwriting. In 1486, on the occasions of one of his accountings with “Master Herbert,” the Duke’s Mint-master, Johan drew up a memorandum of the state of the mint funds. This document is preserved in the archives of Dusseldorf, and bears a contemporaneous endorsement to the effect that it is in Johan’s own hand. The autograph printed above is a photo-engraved fac-simile of one of the two signatures that Johan wrote upon the instrument, and is seen to show the family name in full, “op den Dyck,” and not in any of its abbreviated forms, oppen-, uppen-, opn-, upn- or opp-Dyck.

The Op Dyck Genealogy5 has much more about Johan.
Johan married Ida Renwalts, daughter of Engelbrecht Renwalts & Gillikere.
Their children include:
Gysbert op den Dyck (ca 1447-1513)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.