Pane-Joyce Genealogy
89. Robert Bigge. Born in Jan 1505. Robert died in Benenden, Kent on 2 Jan 1548. Buried in St. George churchyard, Benenden.

Will: The Will of Robert Bigge of Benenden, 13 January 1547-8. To be buried in the churchyard of the parish church of St. George the Martyr of Benenden alms to be distributed at the day of my burial. To wife Elizabeth, if she continue unmarried, all my stuff an d household implements; if she marry again, half my stuff and household implements to my daughters, to be equally divided at age of eighteen or day of marriage. To my wife all my corn and sundry livestock. To my son Walter two steers. To my sons Richarde and Thomas a heifer each at eighteen and to my son John two steers at that age. All my cattle, wheat growing, and other moveables unbequeathed to be sold by my executrix and the money employed to pay my debts. I give to my wife Elizabeth my lease of church field, and make her executrix and William Fowle of Benenden overseer. My wife to redeem two pieces of l and at alkhurst, mortgaged to John Moyse of Byddenden for 10 pounds, and also to pay to Elizabeth Vsborne 10 pounds for which I stand bound. My last will regarding the disposition of all my lands and tenements. I will to Elizabeth my wife for life my messuage and garden at Benenden forstall and four pieces of land at Walkhurst, she releasing all her right of dowry in all my lands. The messuage and garden at Benenden forstall to go to my son John and his hei rs at my wife's decease. To my son Richard and his heirs at my wife's decease four pieces of land at Walkhurst. My executrix to take the profits of all my other lands and tenements until they amount to 40 pounds, to be paid to Elizabeth, Dorothe, Elionor, and Alyce, my daughters, to each 10 pounds at day of marriage or age of twenty years. If any die before such day or age, reversion to the survivors, to be equally divided. After the said 40 pounds be levied I give to my son Thomas and his heirs forever my messuage and lands at the land of Rolvenden and my half of a meadow called dukes mede in Tentwarden (Tenterden), of which Lawrence Day holds the other half, and a piece of marsh l and at Frencham containing ten acres, my executrix to have the said lands until son Thomas come to the age of twenty-two. After the said 40 pounds be lev ied, to son Walter and his heirs forever seven pieces of land called the sire acres, Wadyfeld, gardeyn of begtylte, the porteke, the upper shurfeld, the Longfeld, and the nether surfield, lying upon the den of Begtilte in Benenden, he to pay to my son Richard 20 shillings a year during the life of my wife and after he enter into the said land. After the said 40 pounds be levied, I give to son John and his heirs a piece of land called the field about the house and another called Euerynden's felde, both upon the den of Bigtilte. Witnesses: Willm Fowle his mark, John Asten, Lawrence Davy, and Henry Asten. Proved 2 June 1548 by the executrix named in the will. (Archdeaconry of Canterbury , vol. 26, fo. 2)
Robert married Elizabeth. Elizabeth died aft 1547.
Their children include:
Walter Bigge (ca 1530-)
Alice Bigge (ca 1546-May 1593)
John Bigge (ca 1560-13 Aug 1605)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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from Leister Productions, Inc.