Pane-Joyce Genealogy
628. Thomas Ensing. Born ca 1571 in Sussex, England. Thomas died in Sussex, England ca 1631. Buried 2 Feb 1631/2 in Hove, Sussex.

Thomas, of Rye, Sussex, England. Check out Douglas Richardson’s articles “The Ensign Family of Scituate, MA and Hartford, CT,” TAG 56 (1980): 219-220, and “Further Data on the English Origins of the Ensign Family,” TAG 60 (1984): 97-100. Also check out “The English Ensigns” by Paul C. Reed in TAG 75 (2000).

Will: From Douglas Richardson’s article “The Ensign Family of Scituate, MA and Hartford, CT,” TAG 56 (1980), 219-220. The will was probated 26 March 1632 in Prerogative Court, Canterbury.
    "Will of Thomas Ensigne (PCC Audley 34, Probated 27 March 1632): In the name of God Amen, The ffourteenth day of December in the yeare of the incarnacon of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ One thousand six hundred thirtie one And in the yeare of our Soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles by the grace of God Kinge of great brittayne ffraunce and Ireland the Seaven defender of the true and auncient and Apostolicke faith I being in good remembrance, I thank god for it, doe make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following ffirst I bequeath my Soule unto Allmighty God my Creator And to Jesus Christ my Redeemer, and to the holy ghost, my Sanctifier, three persons, one true and everliving God, Concerning my body I committ it to the Earth to be buried at the discrecon of my Executor not doubting but at the great day of the generall resurreccon I shall receive it againe by the mightie power of Allmightie God, not a weake fraile, and mortall body as it now is, but an imortall santified body, through the meritts of Jesus Christ, Concerning my worldly goods Item first I give unto the poore of the Towne of Rye Twenty shillings Item I give unto my sonne Thomas Ensing tenne pounds currant money Item I give unto my sonne David Ensinge five pounds of money my grograine gowne and my best cloke lying at my Cosin Biggs at Cranbrooke in Kent Item I give to my daughter Marie five pounds, and to her sonne Thomas Couchman my godsonne three pound and to Constance and Elizabeth Couchman Twenty shillings either of them Item I give unto my daughter Constance Ensing five pounds All the rest of my lands and goods wheresoever it lyeth I give unto my sonne James Ensing whom I make my Sole Executor of this my last will and Testament Provided allway that if my sonne Thomas Ensinge doe pay to his brother Jeames Ensing one hundreth and twenty pouns of good and lawfull money of England at or beforre the end of one yeare next after my decease, then Jeames shall resigne to his brother Thomas that land I bought of Anne Wyborne before my sonne Thomas did marry with the said Anne Wyborne, but if my sonne Thomas doe fayle in paying the hundreth and twentie pounds as is above menconed Then my sonne Jeames to hold that land to huimselfe and his heires for ever, he performing the payment of my debts and legacies as above menconed I doe intreat my faithfull and loving Friend Mr. Small hoppe Bigge to be my Overseer to this my last will, and he to have for his paynes Twenty shillings. In witness of the truth that this is my last Will I have hereunto sett my hand and seale. [signed] Thomas Ensing the elder. Witnesses hereof: Humfrey Streete, John Bishipp. Probated the 27th day of March 1632 by James Ensing son and executor."
On 27 May 1594 Thomas married Constance Pilcher, daughter of David Pilcher (ca 1526-ca 1576/7) & [____] Haye, in Brightling, Sussex. Born ca 1575 in Rye, Sussex.
Their children include:
John Ensing (ca 1595-Jan 1620/1)
Dea. Thomas Ensign (ca 1599-bet 16 Jul 1663 and 17 Feb 1663/4)
Edward Ensing (ca 1601-bef Jan 1620/1)
David Ensing (ca 1603-)
James Ensign (ca 1606-Nov/Dec 1670)
Mary Ensing (say 1605 -bef Mar 1641/2)
Constance Ensing (ca 1608-Jun 1632)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.