Pane-Joyce Genealogy
743. Thomas Curtis. Born ca 1560 in Nazeing, Essex. Thomas was baptized in Nazeing, Essex, on 25 Aug 1560.17 Thomas died in Nazeing, Essex 6 Jan 1605/6.17

Thomas, of Ash Juxte, England.
On 19 Aug 1585 Thomas first married Mary Camp (866) , daughter of Richard Camp (337) (ca 1540-Apr 1569) & Madeline Hall (ca 1540-Jul 1593), in Nazeing, Essex.17 Born ca 1563 in Nazeing, Essex. Mary was baptized in Nazeing, Essex, on 1 Dec 1563. Mary died in Nazeing, Essex in Nov 1594. Buried on 24 Nov 1594 in Nazeing, Essex.17
Their children include:
Martha Curtis (ca 1587-)
Mary Curtis (Mar 1589-14 Feb 1674)
Elizabeth Curtis (ca 1590-)
Philip Curtis (ca 1591-)
William Curtis (ca 1592-8 Dec 1672)
Thomas Curtis (Jul 1594-13 Nov 1681)
On 3 Jul 1596 Thomas second married Mary Shelley in Nazeing, Essex.17
744. Mary Curtis. Born ca 1562 in Nazeing, Essex.
On 9 Aug 1582 Mary married John Read in Nazeing, Essex.
745. Edward Curtis. Born ca 1563 in Nazeing, Essex. Edward died in Nazeing, Essex in Aug 1610. Buried on 13 Aug 1610 in Nazeing, Essex.
746. Robert Curtis. Born ca 1565 in Nazeing, Essex. Robert was baptized in Nazeing, Essex, on 15 Apr 1565.
747. Gabriel Curtis. Born ca 1567 in Nazeing, Essex. Gabriel died aft 1585.
748. Sarah Curtis. Born ca 1575 in Nazeing, Essex.
749. John Curtis. Born ca 1577 in Nazing, Essex. John was baptized in Nazing, Essex, on 15 Sep 1577. John died in Wethersfield, CT ca 1639/40.
On 19 Apr 1610 John married Elizabeth Hutchins, daughter of John Hutchins & Maria [Hutchins], in Nazing, Essex.68 Born ca 1587 in Nazing, Essex. Elizabeth died in Stratford, CT bef 4 Jun 1658.

From Jacobus’s History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield:68
    “Will of Elizabeth Curtiss of Stratford, proved 4 June 1658; grandchildren J ohn and Jonathan Curtiss, sons of John and William; to grandehildren John, Israel, J onathan, and Sarah, children of said John and William, my house and lot when they come to age of 20; grandchild Mary Curtiss daughter of Thomas Curtiss; residue to sons John and William; my Bible to grandchild John (son of John), and a Bible for Jonathan Curtiss (son of my son William).”

Will: Fairfield County, Connecticut Probate Records, Volume 1 (1648-1656), page 17

The last will and testament of Elizabeth Curtiss, In the Name of God, Amen, I Elizabeth Curtis to make publick my last will and testament...being weak yet of perfect in my minde...

Inprimis unto my sonns John Curtiss and William doe give my Mare and Coalt.

Item, unto John Curtiss and Jonathan Curtiss ye sonnes of my sonnes John and William, my grandchildren I doe give the coalt that my young mare hath: and after the sayd young mare hath up her first coalt, Then I doe give ye sayd young mare to the rest of my grandchildren, sonns and daughters of my aforesaid sonns John and William:

Item, I doe give one house and lott to my grandchildren, John Curtiss, Israel, Jonathan, and Sarah Curtiss ye children of ye said John and William: and they to enjoy it when they become to ye age of twenty:

Item, I doe give unto my grandchilde Mary Curtiss ye daughter of Thomas Curtiss forty shillings and to bee paid unto her by my sonns John and William within a yeare after my decease:

Item, I doe give my grandchilde Mary Curtiss ye daughter of Thomas Curtis, deceased forty shillings and to bee paid unto her by my sonns John and William Curtiss within a yeare after my decease:

Item, I doe give unto my sonns John and William Curtiss my two cowss, one hiefer, one bullock and a calf after my deceas: provided ye if my sayd young mare before given to my grandchildren should miscarry. Then my will is if my two sonns John and William Curtiss should give foure pounds each of them to three children ye have no share in my house and lott to be paid att ye age of twentie:

Item, I doe give my bible to John Curtiss my grandchilde the sonn of John Curtiss allso my desire is ye there be so much of my corn sould as may buy a bible for Jonathan Curtiss ye sonn of my sonn William and given to him:

The rest of my goods within ye house that are moveable goods I doe give to my sonns John and William Curtiss to be equally divided betwixt them:

My two sonns John Curtiss and William Curtiss I doe make executors and my will is ye John Birdseye, Henry Wakelyn and Joseph Hawly shall bee overseers of this my last will and testament.

In ye presence of
John Brimsmaid Elizabeth Curtiss Seal
John Washborn

This will was proved by John Curtiss and William Curtiss to bee ye last will
and testant of Elizabeth Curtiss of Stratford: and ye court approvs of it; it
being attested to: 4th: 4th: '58 John Minor

Stratford, Fairfield County, Connecticut Town Records: 1658 June 4, Elizabeth
Curtiss dyed
Their children include:
Sergt. John Curtis (ca 1614/5-2 Dec 1707)
Capt. William Curtis (ca Jun 1618-21 Dec 1702)
Thomas Curtis (ca 1619/20-1 Dec 1648)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.