Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1182. Capt. John Cutting. John died in Newbury, MA on 20 Nov 1659. Occupation: Ship master.

John, a ship master formerly of London.93

John’s father is sometimes said to have been the John Cutting baptized 8 Mar 1594 at St Clement Danes, Westminster, London, son of Francis Cutting.

Will: On the web at

    Estate of John Cutting of Newbury
    Essex Probate Docket # 6984

Bee it knowne unto all men by thiese prsents that I John Cutting of Newbury in the County of Essex in New england being through gods mercy in health of body and of perfect memory. Considering seriously mine owne frailty and mortality, endeavouring to leave mine estate to my relations as may continue loue & peace amongst them, I do hereby make my last Will and Testament, first I comend my Soule into the hands of my blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ and my body when I shall decease this life, if I dy in Newbury to be buryed in the burying place in Newbury in hope of a happy resurrection. And for my worldly goods I dispose of as followeth,
    first I giue and bequeath unto mary my wife dureing her widdowhood, all my Lands goods and chattels. And so will and appoint her my sole executrix of this my last will and testament. But if my said wife shall change her Condition and marry againe, then I order and appoint that she my said wife shall pay yearely afterwards dureing her naturall life out of my lands fifteene pounds a yeare. That is to say. To my Daughter Mary, the wife of Nicholas Noyes fiue pounds a yeare, And to my Daughter Sara Browne of Charlestowne, the wife of James Browne, fiue pounds a yeare, and to my Grand child Mary--the wife of Samuell Moody, fiue pounds a yeare, and also out of my stocke to every one of my Grand children and great grand children thirty shillings a peice. And at the death of the said Mary, my wife I giue & bequeath unto my said Daughter Mary Noyes all that house and land now in the possession of Thomas Bloomfield that lyeth on the east side of the high way conteineing about fifty or fiue and fifty acres bee it more or lesse both vpland pasture land & meadow and after my said Daughter Mary Noyes her decease to remaine and abide to the proper use of her Son Cutting Noyes, his heires & assignes foreuer.
    2dly I giue and bequeath vnto my Daughter Sara, the wife of James Browne abousaid & her heires, all the house I now dwell in, with the twelue acres of vpland that the house stands vpon, and three quarters of that twenty acres of Salt Marsh land lately purchased of Mr. Steuen Dummer bee it more or lesse.
    3dly I giue and bequeath vnto my Grandchild Mary moody, the wife of Samuel moody abouesaid, all the house and Land that is in the possession of John Dauis with the six akers of meadow in the Birchen meadows and the quarter part of the twenty acres of the salt marsh land bee it more or lesse as is abouespecifyed,further I give vnto her my said Grandchild Mary Moody, all that parcell of arable land lately purchased of the said mr. Dumer, lyeing vpon the southwest of the highway betweene the land of Henry shorte on the southeast and John Knights land on the northwest conteineing about twenty or fiue twenty acres more or lesse. And the first yeare the said Samuell Moody, his heirs &c. shall possesse the abouesaid parsell of Land which shalbe after my wives decease, then the said samuell Moody or his heirs shall pay to my Daughter sara, the wife of James Browne aforesaid the summe of forty pounds. But if my grandchild Mary moody abousaid shall dye without Issue of her owne body, then all the land abouespecifyed that is hereby given vnto her, shall after her decease, Remaine equally to bee diuided vnto my abouesaid two daughters Mary Noyes & sara Browne & their Children for euer. And the forty pound that is here mentioned to be paid by Samuell moody vnto my daughter Sara Browne abouesaid, if paid before, shall be paid backe againe unto the abouesaid Samuell Moody my Debts and funerall rites being discharged by my said executrix.
    In witness whereof I the aboue mentioned John Cutting haue sett my hand and seale
october the two & twentyeth. In the yeare of our Lord one thousand sixe hundred fifty

John (Seal) Cutting

Anthony Somerby
John Browne his marke
Nicholas O Wallington

Sworne in Court held at Ypswich the 27th of march 1660 by Anthony Sumerby to be the last Will and testament of John Cutting.

Robert Lord Clerke

Certified upon oath by John Browne to be sealed and subscribed by John Cutting in Court held at Ypswich the 27 (1) 1660.
Robert Lord Clerke

Source: Transcribed from the original in Salem, Probate files and published in "The Essex Antiquarian" Volume VIII, January 1904, Page 165 "Will of John Cutting".

Submitted by: Paul M. Noyes
John married Mary Warde, daughter of Edward Warde (ca 1570-ca Jan 1620/1) & Judith. Born ca 1592 in Cholderton, Wiltshire. Mary died in Newbury, MA 6 Mar 1663/4.

Mary first married John Cutting, second married Rev. John Miller.

Mary may have been the Mary Cutting named in the 1626 will of Susan Browne of Ipswich. Susan’s will names her mother Judith Warde, her sister Mary Cutting, her sister Rebecca Warde, and her brother Edward Warde.
Their children include:
John Cutting (ca 1613-20 Nov 1659)
Mary Cutting (ca 1618/9-bef 1700)
Sarah Cutting (ca 1629-25 Oct 1699)
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