Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1201. Stephen Hopkins. Born ca 1580 in England. Stephen died in Plymouth, MA bet 6 Jun and 17 Jul 1644.16 Occupation: tanner and merchant.

Stephen came to New England on the Mayflower, and resided in Plymouth. He may have been of the family of Hopkins, alias Seborne, of Wortley, Wotton Underedge, Gloucester. He was minister’s clerk on the Sea Venture which left London 2 Jun 1609 for Virginia. It was damaged in a hurricane and marooned at Bermuda. The survivors built two ships, the Patience and the Deliverance, and sailed to Virginia, where they arrived 24 may 1610. Stephen encouraged an uprising, and later was sentenced to death by court martial, but was later pardoned. Evidently, he returned to England.99

Stephen, his second wife Elizabeth, and his children Giles, Constance, and Damaris, along with two servants, Edward Doty and Edward Lister, came to New England on the Mayflower. His son Oceanus was born on ship.

See Mayflower Families through Five Generations, Stephen Hopkins of the Mayflower, by John D. Austin, vol. 6, 1992, for more genealogical information about his descendants.99

There’s an article on Stephen Hopkins in The Great Migration Begins.16

Will: The last Will and Testament of Mr. Stephen Hopkins exhibited upon the Oathes of mr Willm Bradford and Captaine Miles Standish at the generall Court holden at Plymouth the xxth of August Anno dm 1644 as it followeth in these wordes vizt. The sixt of June 1644 I Stephen Hopkins in New England being weake yet in good and prfect memory blessed be God yet considering the fraile estate of all men I do ordaine and make this to be my last will and testament in manner and forme following and first I do committ my body to the earth from whence it was taken, and my soule to the Lord who gave it, my body to b eburyed as neare as convenyently may be to my wyfe Deceased And first my will is that out of my whole estate my funerall expences be discharged secondly that out of the remayneing part of my said estate that all my lawfull Debts be payd thirdly I do bequeath by this my will to my sonn Giles Hopkins my great Bull wch is now in the hands of Mris Warren. Also I do give to Stephen Hopkins my sonn Giles his sonne twenty shillings in Mris Warrens hands for the hire of the said Bull Also I give and bequeath to my daughter Constanc Snow the wyfe of Nicholas Snow my mare also I give unto my daughter Deborah Hopkins the brodhorned black cowe and her calf and half the Cowe called Motley Also I doe give and bequeath unto my daughter Damaris Hopkins the Cowe called Damaris heiffer and the white faced the cowe called Mottley Also I give to my daughter Ruth the Cowe called Red Cole and her calfe and a Bull at Yarmouth wch is in the keepeing of Giles Hopkins wch is an yeare and advantage old and half the curld Cowe Also I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth the Cowe and her calf and thother half of the Curld Cowe wth Ruth and an yearelinge heiffer wth out a tayle in the keeping of Gyles Hopkins at Yarmouth Also I do give and bequeath unto my foure daughters that is to say Deborah Hopkins Damaris Hopkins Ruth Hopkins and Elizabeth Hopkins all the mooveable goods the wch do belong to my house as linnen wollen beds bedcloathes pott kettles pewter or whatsoevr are moveable belonging to my said house of what kynd soever and not named by their prticular names all wch said mooveables to be equally devided amongst my said daughters foure silver spoones that is to say to eich of them case any of my said daughters should be taken away by death before they be marryed that then the part of their division to devided amongst the Survivors. I do also by this my will make Caleb Hopkins my sonn and heire apparent giveing and bequeathing unto my said sonn aforesaid all my Right title and interrest to my house and lands at Plymouth wth all the Right title and interrest wch doth might doth or may hereafter belong unto mee, as also I give unto my all such land wch of Right is Rightly due unto me and not at reall possession wch belongs unto me by right of my first comeing into this land or by any other due Right, as by such freedome or otherwise giveing unto my said heire my full & whole and entire Right in all divisions allottments appoyntments or distributions whatsoever to all or any pt of the said lande at any tyme or tymes so to be give moreover unto my foresaid heire one paire or yooke of oxen and the hyer of them wch are in the hands of Richard Church as may appeare by bill under his hand Also I do give unto my said heire Caleb Hopkins all my debts wch are now oweing unto me, or at the day of my death may be oweing unto mee either by booke bill or bills or any other way due unto mee ffurthermore my will is that my daughters aforesaid shall have free recourse to my house in Plymouth upon any occation there to abide and remayne for such tyme as any of them shall thinke meete and convenyent & they single persons And for the faythfull my will I do make and ordayne my aforesaid sonn and heire Caleb Hopkins my true and lawfull Executor ffurther I do by this my will appoynt and make my said sonn and Captaine Miles Standish joyntly my will according to the true meaneing of the same that is to Executor & supervisor shall make the severall divisions parts or porcons legacies or whatsoever doth appertaine to the fullfilling of It is also my will that my Executr & Supervisor shall advise devise and dispose by the best wayes & meanes they cann for the disposeing in marriage or other wise for the best advancnt of the estate of the forenamed Deborah Damaris Ruth and Elizabeth Hopkins Thus Lord my will shalbe truly prformed according to the true meaneing of the same I committ the whole Disposeing hereof to the Lord that hee may direct you herein

June 6th 1644

Witnesses hereof By me Steven Hopkins, Myles Standish, William Bradford
Stephen first married Mary. Mary died in England in May 1613. Buried on 9 May 1613 in Hursley, Hampshire.
Their children include:
Elizabeth Hopkins (ca 1604-aft 12 May 1613)
Constance Hopkins (ca 1606-middle of Oct 1677)
Giles Hopkins (ca 1607/8-26 Apr 1689)
On 19 Feb 1618 Stephen second married Elizabeth Fisher in St Mary Matfellon, Whitechapel, London.16 Elizabeth died early 1640s.16
Their children include:
Damaris Hopkins (Died young) (ca 1618/9-bef 1628)
Oceanus Hopkins (Died young) (bet 16 Sep and 11 Nov 1620-bef 22 May 1627)
Caleb Hopkins (ca 1624-bef 3 Apr 1651)
Deborah Hopkins (ca 1626-1666)
Damaris Hopkins (ca 1628-bet Oct 1666 and Nov 1668)
Ruth Hopkins (ca 1630-aft 30 Nov 1644)
Elizabeth Hopkins (ca 1632-by 6 Oct 1659)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.