Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1207. James Jordan. Born ca 1592 in England. James died in Dedham, MA Apr/May 1655.

“James, of Dedham, died between 24 Apr and 4 May 1655, his will, of the earlier date, by which alone we learn any thing about the man, that speaks of age and infirmity, mentions son Thomas, eldest daughter Mary, who is blind, and therefore gives £30 to her, and to each of the five children of daughter Ann, wife of Abraham Jaquith, late of Charlestown, £1.”25

It is frequently stated that John Jordan of Guilford, CT, husband of Anne Bishop, was a son of James, but James named no son John in his will.

Will: Unto Thomas Jordan, my sonne and to his heyres forever, that my feather bed and bolster and pillow whereon I usually lodge together with all ye bedding whatsoever thereunto belonging, as well as woolen and linen and also my other linnen, only reserving and excepting such as shall be necessarily used about ye decnt burial of my body and further I give to my said son Thomas, all my wearing apparrel whatsoever also my working tools. Unto Mary, me eldest daughter whom ye Lord hath visited with blindness, ye somme of thirty pounds, to her and her heyres forever, which thirty pounds is in ye hand of Thomas Jordan my sonne provided yet if it shall please ye Lord yet I shall live and be necessarily occasioned to expent any parte of, then my daughter shall have ye remainder, otherwise she shall have the whole to by payed to her or her heyres or assigns, as by bill from Thomas, my sonne it ought to be payed to me. Unto ye five children of my daughter, Anne, the wife of Abraham Jaquith, late of Charles Towne, the somme of five pounds, yet is to say to each of yon twenty shillings, to be payed to said Abraham, their father to their use in Currant Countrey payment and at prize then current delivered within one whole yeareafter my decease, in Dedham. Eleazer Lusher of Dedham, sole Executor, unto whom I bequsth whatsoever of my estate is hitherto undisposed of toward charges aforesaid.
    In the presence of us, Henery Chickering Edward Hawes
    Present ye gave, Major Willard and Major Atherton

    Inventory taken by Henery Chickering, John Lason.
    Deposed by them 1 Aug. 55 - 53 pounds 7 shillings 2
    Proved at Boston 1 August 1655 by Henery Chickering and Edward Hawes
James married [____].

Was James’ wife Grace Copper, baptized 10 Jun 1602 at Beenham, Berkshire, daughter of John Copper, who married at Slinfold, Sussex, 2 May 1615 James Jordan?
Their children include:
Thomas Jordan (say 1618-aft Apr 1655)
Anne Jordan (ca 1622-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.