Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1225. John Pabodie. Born ca 1590 in Hertfordshire, England. John died ca 1667.

He probably arrived in the Plymouth Colony in 1635 or 1636, for his name appears on the list of freemen of the colony dated March 7, 1636/37, and he was admitted and sworn with others whose names were on that list on Jan. 2, 1637/8.

John Peabody received a grant of 10 acres of land Jan. 1, 1637/8, "on Duxburrow side, lying betwixt the lands of William Tubs on the north side and those of Experience Mitchell on the south side, and from the sea in the west; and from Blew Fish River in the easte." Another tract, granted him Nov. 2, 1640, was 30 acres "with meadow to it" at North River.
He was a member of the jury that convicted three young Englishmen of the murder of an Indian on Sept. 4, 1638, and of the "Grand Inquest" at the court June 4, 1639. He was one of the sureties on a neighbor's bond June 4, 1645.
In 1645, John Paybody and his son, William, were among the original proprietors of Bridgewater, Mass. He was a witness with Thomas Winterton against Edward Richards when he was tried in court at Salem 4:9:1645, on a charge of making a false statement to them concerning shipboard killings. Richards was convicted and fined 10 shillings and ordered to acknowledge his sin before the congregation at Lynn.

Will: John's will, dated July 16, 1649, at Duxbury, was proved Apr. 27, 1666/7 at Boston:

"In and about the sixteenth of July in the yeare of our Lord 1649 I John Paybody of Duxbrook in the Collonie of New Plymoute planter being in prfect health and sound in memory God be blessed for it doe ordaine and make this my last Will and Testament In maner and forme as foloweth;
"Imprimis I bequeath my soule to God that gave it hopeing to be saved by the Meritt of Christ my blessed Saviour and Redeemer; as for my worldly goods as followeth
"Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas my eldest sonne one shilling
"Item I give and bequeath unto ffrancis Paybody my second son one shilling.
"Item I give and bequeath unto William Paybody my youngest son one shilling.
"Item I give and bequeath unto Annis Rouse my daughter one shilling.
"Item I give and bequeath unto John Rouse the son of John Rouse my lands att Carswell in Marshfield after my wifes decease;
"Item I give unto John Pabodie the son of William my lott of Land att the new plantation,
"Item I give and bequeath all the Rest of my goods that are my mine liveing and dead unto my wife Isabell Paybody whome I make my sole executrix of this my last Will and Testament; memorandum all these legasyes before sett downe are to yayed by William Paybody my youngest son when they shall be demanded
    John Paybody
    John ffernesyde

    Boston in New England
the 27th of April, 1667
"Mr John ffernesyde came before mee under written and deposed that by order of Paybody above written and mentioned: hee wrote what is above written and Read it to the said John Paybody on the day of the date thereof and declared the same to be his Last Will and that when hee soe did hee was of a sound disposing mind to his best knowlidg and alsoe subscribed his name thereunto John ffernesyde as a witness;
As Attesteth Edward
Rawson Recorder"
Ca 1608 John married Isabel Harper.

Isabel, sister of Thomas Harper of London.
Their children include:
Thomas Pabodie (ca 1612-)
Lieut. Francis Peabody (ca 1614-19 Feb 1697/8)
William Pabodie (ca 1619-13 May 1707)
Annis Pabodie (ca 1620-bef 12 Sep 1688)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.