Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1244. Sergt. John Smith. Born ca 1619 in Herfordshire, England. John died in Milford, CT in 1684.

John died at betweeen 21 Jun 1684, the date of his will, and 9 Dec 1684, the date his inventory was taken. He was an early settler of Milford.64

It is frequently stated that John was the son of Hugh & Sarah (Knight) Smith, born 2 May 1619 at Hemel Hampstead, Hertfordshire. Hugh and Sarah were married there 20 Nov 1616. There appears to be no connection between John Smith of Milford and these Smiths of Hertfordshire.

From the article by Robert Atwater Smith, “John Smith of Milford”, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 45 (1891), 222, :127
    John Smith (16— - 1684), a settler of Milford, Conn., in 1640, is presumed to have been one of several from Hertfordshire who could not leave England in 1637, when the Rev. Peter Prudden and others from that section of England sailed in the company of the Rev. John Davenport, Gov. Theophilus Eaton, Deputy Gov. Stephen Goodyear and other persons from London who came to this country in the ships Hector and Martin [?] in 1637. It is probable he came direct from England to New Haven in one of the three ships which sailed in 1639 to New Haven, viz: the St. Johns, Capt. Russell; the Fair Weather, which reached New Haven before July 28, 1639; and the third ship (name unknown) which arrived soon after, probably bringing the company which settled in Southold, Long Island. — [See Atwater’s History of N. H. Colony, pages 162–3.] From the amount of property (£513. 3. 9.) left by him at his death in 1684 (the inventory was taken December, 1684), it is probable that he belonged to a family of some wealth in England. It has been suggested that he may have been one of the Smiths of Haddon Hall, some of whom came to this country.

Will: The last will and testament of John Smith Sr of Milford in the county of New Haven in the colony of Conecticutt.

    I John Smith aforesaid being in some good measure of health of body, in perfect and sound memory and understanding, but not knowing how soon my change may come; I do hereby make this my last will and testament in manner and form as followeth: First I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of God in and through Jesus Christ, in whom alone I hope to be favored; And for my worldly goods that God hath given me I do dispose of as followeth.
    Item- I give unto my son Ephraim Smith twenty shillings besides what I have given him already.
    Item- I give unto my daughter Mary Gun the just sum of five pounds, besides what she hath had already, to be paid by my executor within three years after the decease of my loving wife Grace Smith.
    Item- I give to my daughter Mehitabell Camp the one halfe of the first halfe of my last division of land, and the whole of my second haife of the second division, and five acres of land lying in the (near?) field- further I give to my daughter Mehetabell Campe my great kettle- further I give the said Mehetabell ten pounds to be payd by my executor, within three years after the decease of my loving Grace Smith
    Item- I give unto my son John Smith the dwelling house he now liveth in, with the homelott & orchard, with all the rest of my lands both arrable & meadowground within the bounds of Milford (which I have not now or heretofore disposed of) to him and his heyres and assignes for ever.
    Item- I give unto my loving wife Grace Smith two cowes and soe much of my household as she pleaseth to take of any of the movables in my house, with what wooll, flax, or cloth of her own spinning shall be in the house at my decease.
    Item- My will is that my son John Smith shall maintain my loving wife Grace Smith out of my estate during her natural life, & to maintain her two cowes that I have given her, and to supply her yearly out of the orchard, with what apples and cyder she shall stand in need of during her life for her own spending, and to supply her with wood sufficient, & all things necessary for her during her life; But if my said son John shall refuse or neglect to provide what is necessary for her, I do hereby give my said wife Grace Smith full power with the consent of my overseers to sell any piece of my land for her relief.
    Item- I do hereby give unto my said son John Smith all the rest of my estate, goods, and chattels not disposed of; whom I make my whole and sole executor; and I do desire and appoint my loving brethren Capt John Beard & Mr Nicholas Campe to be overseers, to see this my will fulfilled, and in wittness that this is my last will and testament I have hereunto put my hand & seale this 31't day of June 1683.
    Signed, sealed, & delivered in the presence of us John Smith Samuell Eells Richard

The inventory of John Smith Senior late of Milford taken December 9, 1684, and totaled 513 pounds, 3 shillings, 9 pence.
Ca 1643 John married Grace. Born say 1623 in England. Grace died in Milford, CT in 1689.64

According to Abbott,64 “she has been called Grace Hawley, but recorded authority has not been found.” Supposedly, this Grace Hawley was born about 1623, daughter of Joseph Hawley. It could not have been Joseph & Catherine (Birdsey) Hawley, as their children were born from 1648 through 1663

Will: Grace’s will was dated 26 Nov 1689.

The will of Mrs. Grace Smith is recorded in Vol. 2, page 96, of the New Haven Probate Records. It is dated Nov. 26, 1689. She gives her property of 61.14.07. to her four children.
The last Will & Testament of Grace Smith of Milford in the county of Newhaven in Newengland; I Grace Smith being of perfect memory and understanding, though weake of body, doe here make my last will & testament this twenty sixth day of November in the yeare of our lord Christ, one thousand six hundred & eighty nine & in the first yeare of William the third, by the grace of God King of England, Scotland & Ireland, defender of the faith.

I will & bequeath my soule to god in & through christ, through whom I have good hopes through grace of eternall salvation.
---- Item, My will is that my body be solemnly buried.
--- With no (spvd) to what I posses of worldly goods I dispose as followsth:
----Item, my will is & I gives to my daughter in law Phebe Smith wife of my son John Smith my feather bed. I gives to my son Ephraim Smith six pounds to be payed by my Executor, I will & gives unto Mary Gunn of Durbye—widdow the sum of five pounds. My will is that Mehitabell Camp , wife of Edward Camp shall have five pounds. ---- Item, my will is that my son John Smith shall pay all my debts as he gages.
---- Item, my will is, & I doe gives to my son John Smith all of every of my estate not disposed of by will, I say I gives him all, all my cattle & all my household goods of all sorts, to have and to hold, posses & enjoy to him & his regards forever; And I doe constitute & appoint my loving son John Smith to be my whole & sol Executor; of this my last will & last mark he accepting & performing according to honor them of, signed & sealed this day & year first above written. In the presence of us.

Wittnesses Johannah Gunn
Grace Smith
James Briscoe
Mark & Seals

An inventory of the estate of Grace Smith of Milford widdow late deceased, apprized by us whoes names are underwritten.

In wearing apparel 10#.18s. In linnen & finley or ?????? cloth 2#.1.6s ---------12.19.06
Chests & boxes 2.8.6/ In bedding & sheets 16#. one mudrug & bed blankets 6#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24.08.06
In table linnen & some other linnen 2#.11s./ one bedstead curtains & ballans 15s --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------03.06.00
A small table & cubbard 7s./ In brasse Kettles & skilletts 2#.16s ----------------03.03.00
one iron kettle, one pott, iron ?????, slice & tongs -------------------------------------01.07.00
In pewter & one payre of scales 1#.8s./ In chiny & earthen ware 3s--------------01.11.00
In spoons & wooden ware 12s. / In ????? one pott& button 15.3------------------01.07.03
In chaymos & cushins 11s. In yarn & of ????? whools 5.0.8 -----------------------05.11.08
One frying pan & two glass bottles------------------------------------------------------------00.03.08
Two cows 7.5./ 2 bags, smoothing iron & one harness 6.6 ------------------------07.11.06
In lumber------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------00.02.06

Elnathan Botsdorf
Nathaniel Brisco Appraisers
Their children include:
Ephraim Smith (ca 1644-May 1712)
Sergt. John Smith (ca 1646-8 Jan 1732)
Mary Smith (ca 1648-ca Dec 1692)
Ebenezer Smith (Died young) (ca 1651-)
Mercy Smith (Died young) (ca 1652-2 May 1670)
Mehitable Smith (25 Mar 1655-May 1690)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.