Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Henry Birdsall (601) & Agnes Kempe
1302. Judith Birdsall. Born ca Jun 1611 in Norwich, Norfolk. Judith was baptized in St. Stephen’s, Norfolk, on 2 Jun 1611. Judith died in Salem, MA on 11 Sep 1689.
In Jun 1639 Judith married Henry Cook in Salem, MA.139 Born in England. Henry died in Salem, MA on 25 Dec 1661.55 Occupation: Butcher.

Henry, of Salem.

Will: Probate Records of Essex County, Massachusetts, Volume 1, Salem, Essex Institute, 1916, page 383
    Estate of Henry Cooke of Salem.
    Administration on the estate of Henry Cooke, intestate, granted June 24, 1662 to Judeth, his wife, and Isaack, his eldest son, and an inventory was allowed. It was ordered that the whole estate remain in the hands of the widow until the children become of age, except that Isaack was to have 5li. in hand, and, after his mother's decease, to have the house and land adjoining valued in the inventory at 60li. The other children were to have 10li. each at age or time of marriage. "Ye ordering of this estate is null and refers to what ye court have further ordered as apeers in ye records of ye second session of this court. Salem Quarterly Court Records, vol. 4, page 98.
    Inventory of the estate of Henery Cooke, late deceased, 14: 11, 1661, taken by Nathaniel Felton and Henry Bartholmew: His dwelling house and the land adjoining, 60li.; the Cowpen lot, beinge 5 acres, 20li.; 9 acres of land at the great coave, commonly called Towne's lot, 10li.; the house, orchard and land, about 21 acres that was formerly bought of Willm. Nichols, 40li.; a farme lot of 40 acres, neare Mr. Downing's farme, 61i.; 6 acres of meadow lyinge by Bishop's farme, 5li.; 8 acres of meadow lyinge neare the land of Hen. Phelps, 8li.; an acre of land in the towne next to Mr. Norrice & the housinge upon it, 30li.; 2 oxen, 12li.; 1 Cow, 5li.; 4 two yeare old heifers, 121i.; 2 yearlings, 3li.; a horse, 12li.; In beddinge wth. 2 payre of sheets, blankets and a rug, 5li.; hempe & flax, 2li.; a bed teecke & boulster, 2li. 10s.; a brass ketle, an iron pot & ketle, a skillet, 2 platters, a table & a Cupboord, 3li.; a sadle & bridle, a payre of skales, a payre of stilyards & a Steele, 2li.; Barly and pease, 4li.; In beddinge. 1li. 10s. ; a polaxe, 2 cleivers, 3 axes, 3 wedges, a hammer, beetle rings, a thwart saw, 2 muskets, a rapier, a sword & bandeliers, a fryinge pan, an old warminge pan & a morter, 21i. 10s.; some old bookes, a fire shovel & tongs & other smal utensils. 1li. ; a Cart and plow wth. tacldinge thereunto belonginge, a slyd, 2 sytes, 3li 10s.; his wearing apparrel, 5li.; total, 255li. Sworn in court June 24, 1662 by the widow, before Hilliard Veren, cleric.
    Henery Cooke debter: To Mr. Corwinne, 16li. 17s. 4 3-4d.; Mr. John Browne, 8li. 2s. 11d.; Mr. Bartholomew, 8li. 13s. 10d.; Mr. Gidney, 4li. 15s.; Henery Bullocke, 4li. 7s.; Willm. Flint, 25li. lOs.; John Pickeringe, 15s.; Nathaniel Norton, 14li.; Francis Lawes, 1li.; Mr. Cromwel, 2li. 2s. 9d.; Mr. Gardiner, 21i. 1s. 1Od.; Bichard Bishop, lli. lOs.; Ezekeil Wathen, 2li. lOs.; total, 92li. 5s. 8 3-4d. Inventory, 255li.; debts, 92li. 5s. 8 3-4d.; rest, 1621i. 14s. 4 3-4d. Henery Cooke's children were Isacke, aged twenty-two years, Samuel, twenty, John, fourteen, Henery, eight, Judith, eighteen, Rachel sixteen, Mary and Martha, twelve, and Hanna, four years. Essex Co. Quarterly Court Files, vol. 8, leaf 24.
    John Burton and Samuel (his mark) Eburne certified, Jan. 10, 1661, that "beinge wth Henery Cooke about 3 or 4 houers before his decease perceiuinge he was in perfect memory spake to him about the settinge of his house in order, for the peace of his famely after his dicease: and that if he had done it when he had had more strenght, It would haue ben more comfortable for himselfe, his answer was, that he had some reason for it and that he would leaue al to his wiues disposinge, then after some tyme of respite he sayd that his wil was that his son Isacke should haue his Dwellinge house with the land thereunto belonginge, then beinge demanded when, he sayd after the decease of his wife, & then he sayd that his daughter Judith should haue the Cowpen land and more he would haue spoken conceminge the rest of his children but was not able." Essex Co. Quarterly Court Files, vol. 8, leaf 25.
    Upon further consideration about ordering the estate of Henry Cooke, deceased, it was ordered July 7, 1662, that Isaack, the eldest son, have 24li., and the other children, John, Henry, Judith, Rachell, Mary and Hanna, 121i. each, payable at age or time of marriage, and the widow was appointed administratrix. Salem Quarterly Court Records, vol. 4, page 100.
Their children include:
Isaac Cook (3 : 2 m : 1640 [3 Apr 1640]-11 Sep 1689)
Samuel Cook (30 : 7 m : 1641 [30 Sep 1641]-9 Mar 1702/3)
Judith Cook (15 : 7 m : 1643 [15 Sep 1643]-bef 1712)
Rachel Cook (25 : 7 m : 1645 [25 Sep 1645]-10 Dec 1740)
John Cook (6 : 7 m : 1647 [6 Sep 1647]-bef 20 Mar 1716)
Mary Cook (Twin) (15 : 7 m : 1650 [15 Sep 1650]-aft 1732)
Martha Cook (Twin) (15 : 7 m : 1650 [15 Sep 1650]-aft 1667)
Henry Cook (30 : 10 m : 1652 [30 Dec 1652]-1705)
Elizabeth Cook (Died soon) (Sep 1654-Sep 1654)
Hannah Cook (Sep 1658-)
1303. Anne Birdsall. Born ca May 1616 in Norwich, Norfolk. Anne was baptized in St. John Timberhill, Norwich, on 24 May 1616.
1304. Nathan Birdsall. Born ca Sep 1620 in Norwich, Norfolk. Nathan was baptized in St. Andrew’s, Norwich, on 3 Sep 1620. Nathan died in Oyster Bay, Nassau County, New York in 1696.

Nathan was an early inhabitant of Matinecock also spelled Matincock, Long Island, named after the Mantinecock Indians from whom land was purchased in 1653 by Peter Wright, Samuel Mayo, and William Leverich which included the present village of Oyster Bay.
Nathan married Temperance.

(Temperance’s surname is often given as Baldwin, but it is unclear why. Perhaps someone confused her with Temperance Baldwin (dau. of Richard & Elizaberth Baldwin) who married Nathan Burwell in 1682.)

Nathan and Temperance’s children were born from the late 1640s to the early 1660s.
Their children include:
Stephen Birdsall (-24 Apr 1723)
Samuel Birdsall (-ca 1725)
Henry Birdsall (-aft 1699)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.