Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1394. John Dickinson. Born ca 1598 in Lincolnshire, England. John was baptized in Billingborough, Lincolnshire, 17 Mar 1598/9.37
1395. Dea. Nathaniel Dickinson. Born ca 1601 in Lincolnshire, England. Nathaniel was baptized in Billingborough, Lincolnshire, on 3 May 1601.37 Nathaniel died in Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts on 16 Jun 1676.151 Buried in Old Hadley Cemetery.

Nathaniel and Anna and three children came to Watertown, MA, in 1634; to Wethersfield in 1636, or perhaps 1637, where he seems speedily to have become a prominent citizen. He was on the Jury 14 Oct 1642, was appointed Town Clerk, or ‘recorder,’ 1 Dec 1645, the earliest town vote recoreded on the oldest extant Weth. Recs., being in his handwriting. Deputy to General Court 164601646; townsman 1647-48.150

Nathaniel was in Wethersfield 1637, town clerk 1645, representative 1646-56, removed to Hadley 1659, freeman 1661, deacon, and first Recorder, resided for a few years in Hatfield, but died in Hadley.151

Will: LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF NATHANIEL DICKINSON (Hampshire County Massachusetts Probate Record)

I, Nathaniel Dickinson, Senior, late of Hatfield, now Hadley, in ye County of Hampshire, upon Connitticut, doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament, as follows:
Imprimis, making a full surrender of myself, soule and body, into ye hands of God, my Creator, and Jesus Christ, my alone Savior and Redeemer, relying on Him for all yt I need and hope for in this world, & yt which is to come, & leaving my body to decent burriell in hope of a blessed resurrection, I do bestow yt portion of outward estate which the Lord in His Fatherlie mercy hath blessed me with, in manner following: my debtes and funerall expenses being first payd.
Secondly: I doe give unto my son Nehemiah, my house & barn & homelott, with all the preveledges and appurtenances thereto belonging; as alsoe one-half my meaddow land in Hadley (except what is hereinafter excepted) with the preveledges and appurtenances thereto belonging; to be to him and his heirs forever, besides that what was Tomas Webster's.
I give to my daughter-in-law, Dorcas, widdow of my son Azariah, four acres & a half Meaddow land, bounded by my son, Thomas, his land east; Francis Barnard, west; John Hubbard, north; & ye highway, south; so as to be her and her heirs forever. Further, I give or abate to her all yt was my due for ye rent of my land from her, & alsoe 3 pounds that was due for a barrell (unpayd) of portk; all & every of ye premises I give to ye said Dorcas as her own, to be her and her heirs forever.
The rest of my meaddow in Hadley, I doe give to be equally divided betweene all my sons (except Nehemiah) and my daughters - Frances Dickinson and Hannah Clary - which my executors shall either equally divid to all my aforesaid children, or else to pay to each their proportion of ye sayd lands, as it shall be prized in County pay, within two years after my decease to ym and their heirs forever.
To my son, Thomas, I give my house and lott I bought of Mr. Wattson; he paying to Mr. Wattson ye Thirty Pounds yt due for the same; or, if he like it not on those terms, then it shall be last in among my devidable estate to my children.
To my son, Samuel, I give my house and hme lott in Haytfield, to be to him and his heirs forever, together with the preveledges and appurtenances thereto belonging.
To my son, Obadiah, I give all ye rest of my land in Haytfield, with ye preveledges and appurtenances thereto belonging, to be to him and his heirs forever; and my meaning and will is that these two, my sons Samuel and Obadiah, shall not come in for a share of my land in Hadley, but this given them in Haytfield shall be instead of it.
To my son, William Gull (step-son) I give Three Pounds which he oweth me for a barell of pork.
All ye rest of my estate I give to be equally divided amongst all my sons and daughters. Frances Dickinson and Hannah Clary having equal shares with their bretheren.
I do hereby make & ordaine my two sons, Thomas and Nehemiah, executors of this my last will and testament, hereunto as my last will and testament I have subjoyned my hand & seal this present 29th day of May, 1676.

Nathaniel Dickinson

In presence of:
Joseph Kellogg
John Russell, Junior

The desire of ye testator is yt ye share given Frances Dickenson, may, if she see meet, be given to Samuel Gillett's children.
On 27 Nov 1623 Nathaniel married Anna in Billingborough, Lincolnshire.37 Born ca 1605 in England. Anna died aft Mar 1670/1.37

Anna first married John Gull, second Nathaniel Dickinson.
Their children include:
Sergt. John Dickinson (ca 1624-19 May 1676)
Nathaniel Dickinson (ca 1626-11 Oct 1710)
Elizabeth Dickinson (Died young) (ca 1628-Jul 1631)
Joseph Dickinson (ca 1630-4 Sep 1675)
Thomas Dickinson (ca 1632-17 Jan 1712/3)
Samuel Dickinson (Died young) (ca 1634-bef Jul 1638)
Hannah Dickinson (ca 1636-16 Jul 1723)
Samuel Dickinson (middle of Jul 1638-30 Nov 1711)
Obadiah Dickinson (about the middle of Apr 1641-10 Jun 1698)
Lieut. Nehemiah Dickinson (about the middle of Aug 1643-9 Sep 1723)
Hezekiah Dickinson (about the last of Feb 1646-14 Jun 1707)
Azariah Dickinson (4 Oct 1648-25 Aug 1675)
1396. Joseph Dickinson. Born ca 1606 in Lincolnshire, England. Joseph was baptized in Billingborough, Lincolnshire, on 7 Sep 1606.37
1397. Elizabeth Dickinson. Elizabeth died in Lincolnshire, England in May 1610. Buried on 5 May 1610 in Billingborough, Lincolnshire.37
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.