Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1544. Anne Jenkins. Born ca 1610/1. Anne was baptized in Bethersden, Kent, 13 Mar 1610/1. Anne died in Apr 1611. Buried on 2 Apr 1611 in Bethersden, Kent.
1545. Elizabeth Jenkins. Elizabeth died in Apr 1618. Buried on 17 Apr 1618 in Bethersden, Kent.
1546. Edward Jenkins. Born ca 1617 in Bethersden, Kent. Edward was baptized in Bethersden, Kent, on 14 Dec 1717. Edward died in Scituate, MA in 1699.53 Occupation: Innkeeper.

Edward first married Lettice (Hanford) Foster, widow of Edward Foster; and second Mary (Farnsworth) Ripley, widow of Abraham Ripley.

Edward came to New England in 1634 with Nathaniel Tilden of Tenterden in the Hercules, of Dover, England, listed among her peassengers as one of Tilden’s five servants, as were George Sutton, Thomas Lapham, James Bennett, and Edward Ford; and William Witherell, Henry Ewell of Sandwich, John Lewis and others, were fellow passiengers.42

“Edward Jenkins was one of the Conihassett partners in 1646, and a freeman 1647. He purchased a part of Edward Foster’s house lot 1647, and built his house at the corner of Kent street, near the bridge, where the house of Capt. Lemuel Webb now [1831] stands, where his son Thomas settled 1678. Edward Jenkins kept an ordinary many years: licensed first 1677.”53

Edward was of Scituate by 1643. He probably came with Nathaniel Tilden, for in his will, 1641, he is called his servant. He was representative 1657.25

Edward died sometime between 2 Mar 1698/9 when his will was signed and 20 Jul 1699 when his inventory was taken.

There’s an article on Edward Jenkins in The Great Migration.14

Will: Plymouth Colony Wills, Vol. 1, p. 156. State House Copy. Scituate Records, Vol. IV, Part 3, p. 78.

"Wherfore altho the Court sees noe cause to graunt a diuorce yett they doe apprehend her to be noe longer bound but doe leaue her to her libertie to marry if she please."

Plymouth Colony Records, Vol. V, p. 159 (11O)
Pilgrim Republic. Goodwin, p. 597.
History of Scituate, Samuel Deane, p. 295.

This Deed Pole made the twentyeth day of December in the yeer of our Lord God one thousand six hundred seauenty and seauen; witnesseth that I Edward Jenkins of Scittuate in the Jurisdiction of New Plymouth in New England in America, husbandman'for diuers good causes and considerations mee thervnto moueing and especially for the fatherly affection and Good will; which I haue and doe beare vnto my son in law William COCKE and my Daughter Mary his wife haue Giuen Graunted alliened enfoefed and confeirmed and by these prsents doe freely fully and absolutely Giue Graunt allien enfoeffe and confeirme from me the said Edward Jenkens and my heirs vnto them the said William Cocke and Mary his wife and the her body Lawfully begotten foreuer all that my said ten acres of vpland sett Iying and being in Scittuate aforsaid and Neare Rawlins his Marsh swamp, haueing the Lott of John hollett towards the and the lott of Isacke Chettenden towards the west and the lott of John Ensigne Towards the North and the towne comons towards the South; --- yett Notwithstanding hath and by these prsents doth Reserue vnto. himselfe during his life for his owne vse, if hee shall haue Nessesitie therof for a libertie for some Timber or fierwood from the same Land; And it is further agreed and concluded by the prtyes to these prsents That if in case William Cocke or Mary his wife or the Last Surviuer of them shall depart this life and leaue noe Issue of the body of the said Mary Lawfully begotten Surviueing to take benifitt of this Deed of Gift, and the said prmises heerin contained doe Reuert vnto the doner or his heire, Then the said Edwarad Jenkens doth by these prsents bind himselfe his heires executors or adminnestrators of the Last Surviuer of the said William COCKE or Mary his wife, what two Indifferent Men shall Judge the buildin erected on the said land by the said COCKE or Mary his wife shal bethen worth; and this payment to be made within some Reasonable time.---

Memorandum It is Intended, and it is the true meaning of these prsents that Wiiliam COCKE is to build a dwelling house vpon the land aboue mensioned or else to take Noe benifitt by this deed of Gift.

Edward Jenkikns (Seal)

Witnesses John Turner and James Cudworth

Plymouth Colony deeds, Vol.IV, p.163(194) ]
Ca 1645 Edward first married Lettice Hanford (1885) , daughter of Jeffrey Hanford (ca 1585-May 1626) & Eglin Hatherly (765) (ca 1586-1666).14 Born ca 1617 in Alverdiscott, Devon. Lettice was baptized in Alverdiscott, Devon, on 8 Jun 1617.16 Lettice died in Plymouth, MA on 22 Feb 1691. Religion: Lettice was admitted to the Scituate Church 25 Dec 1636.16

Lettice and Edward Foster married at the house of Capt. James Cudworth. There being at the time no magistrate in Scituate, Capt. Myles Standish journeyed from Plymouth to perform the ceremony.42
Their children include:
Samuel Jenkins (ca 1645-)
Sarah Jenkins (ca 1650-21 Jul 1677)
Mary Jenkins (ca 1652-)
Thomas Jenkins (ca 1654-10 Nov 1739)
On 17 Jun 1684 Edward second married Mary Farnsworth, daughter of Joseph Farnsworth (ca 1612-ca 1659/60) & Elizabeth, in Hingham, MA.52 Born on 30 Mar 1637 in Dorchester, MA. Mary died in Scituate, MA between 26 Jan 1704/5 and 20 Dec 1705.

Mary first married Abraham Ripley, second Edward Jenkins as his second wife.

Mary’s will was dated 26 Jan 1704/5 and proved 20 Dec 1705.

Will: Will of Mary Jenkins of Scituate, Provice of the Massachusetts Bay (1705)
Transcribed by John A. Maltby from Plymouth County Probate Vol. 2, p. 71, from FHL microfilm #0550748.
    I Mary Jenkins of Scittuate being weake of Body And considering the uncertainty of this Life, and the certainty of death, And as for that Temporall Estate which god hath given me, I doe Will and bequeath in manner is here after Expressed
    Imprimis I Give & bequeath unto my son Isaac Ripley my Cow and half my sheep, My brass kittle & Iron pott one pewter Bason and Quart pott. And My bed which I Lodge on with one Coverlidd and one blankett And New cloth to make a pair of sheets. I Give to My son Isaac all my debts which are due to me Except what my Son Thomas Jenkins owes me
    Item I Give and Bequeath unto my grand children, the Daughters of my son Abraham Ripley deceased, twenty Shillings apeice in Money – And as for the rest of my Estate my mine & meaning is Shall be Equally divided into five Equal parts that Is to Say one fifth part to Joseph Ripley My Eldest son now living, One fifth part to my son Isaac Ripley one fifth part to my Daughter Mary Wade, one fifth part to my daughter Esther Wibron, one fifth part to My Daughter Rebeckah Smith. And I doe apoint and ordain my son Isaac Ripley to be the Alone Executor of this My last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have here Unto Sett my hand and Seale the this 26th day of January 1704/5.
    the Marke J of Mary Jenkins
In presence of us
        Stephen Otis 
        Joannah Colman
        Zechariah Damon
Probated on 20 Dec. 1705, and proved by Stephen Otis and Zachariah Dammon.
1547. Henry Jenkins. Born ca 1620. Henry was baptized in Bethersden, Kent, on 6 Nov 1620.
1548. Mary Jenkins. Born ca 1624. Mary was baptized in Bethersden, Kent, on 1 Jul 1624.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.