Pane-Joyce Genealogy
William Knight (651) & Elizabeth Carter
1569. John Knight. Born ca 1594/5 in Romsey, Hampshire. John was baptized in Romsey, Hampshire, 30 Jan 1594/5.14 John died in Newbury, MA in May 1670.14 Occupation: Tailor, innkeeper.

John came from Southampton in 1635 on the James.25

There’s an article on John Knight in The Great Migration.14

Will: "This 5 of May 16701 John Knight of Newbury Sen. being oftened pained in my body and know not how sudenly I may be desolued and leaue this world and being desirous while my memoree is good to setl my outward Estat acording to my desir and therfor do hear make my Last will and Testament as followeth first I Comitte my soule to God that gaue it: and my body to the Earth to be buried to Rest vntill the Resurecion by my Saviour Jesus Christ Itm: I give unto my beloued wiffe Eleven pounds a yeare for hir maintainane while she liveth and that she my dwell in one End of my house while she liueth and to use anie of my goods what she hath need of for hir selfe in the house. Itm: I giue and apoint fourtie pounds after my wifs deseace and In Convenient time as my ouerseers Judg best for my daughtr Sarah bartlets vse while she liueth: (and) with hir husband John Bartlet and after hir decease the fourtie pounds to be made good vnto the Child or Children of hir body surviving to Injoy: If she haue none then the fortie pounds to Return vnto my sonn John Knights Children Equaly vnto all accept Josep Knight: and my will is that If my daughter Sarah Bartlet haue a sonn or daughter Liuing after hir decease my will Is that my sonn John Knight or his asigns shall pay for the Childs use tenn pounds more which will be in all fiftie pounds: and my will is that when my son In law John Bartlet or anie other for hir Coms to demaund or Recieue the fortie pounds before mentioned that then sufficient bond in land be giuen vnto my ouerseers or my Executor for the payment of it acording to my will. Itm: I giue vnto my daughter marie douner and hir husband Josep douner fourscore pounds to be paid one fortie of it in a yeare after my wifs decease and the other fortie pounds the next year after that: and Likwise I giue vnto my grand Child Josep Downer twentie pounds to be paid by my Executor when he is on and twentie years of aige: Likwise I giue vnto my gran Child marie Downer twentie pounds to be paid by my Executor when she is Eighteen years of age. Itm: I giue vnto my daughter Marie Douner and hir husband during ther lius four acers of marish Land out of the marish I haue on the south sid of John Piks land that they Call the 8 acers: after my wifs deceas and four acers of medow Joyning vnto that 4 acers I gaue my daughter Sara Bartlet on the north: and likwise I giue my daught marie Douner & hir husband during ther liues that pece of marish our the pond to the Creek on the East by henri Jaquises land on the north & John piks on the south and my lot at Plum Iland and two akers wher they haue built and that one aker of (plow) land in the feeld on the west sid of the way going to new toune joyning to my son Johns two akers he bought of Nicholas noic and my freehold or Comanag in Newbery all which land and Comanag to Injoy during ther livs and afterward to Return vnto my grand Child, Josep Downer to Injoy for Euer or if he dy before he Injoys It then to Remain vnto my granchild Marie Downer and If Josep Douner do Injoy the land then my will is he shall pay vnto his sister marie Downer twenti pounds besid that her porcion be fore. Likwise I giue unto my daught marie Downer after my wifs decease my great new kitl and puter Candlestick & a plater. Itm: I giue unto my wifs grand Child Thomas hains ten pounds to be paid after his time out. Itm: Besid that portion of land and other Estat I gaue my sonn John Knight for manie years sinc as my brother & (other) do know I now giue vnto my sonn John Knight my howse and land I dwell upon with barn and orchard and my land next the ox comon both plow land and pastur and medow: as with all the ffences both of plow land and pastur and medow which is my part by agreement to do and likwise about 4 or 5 akers of marrish joyning to the Creeke by the Comon on the south East and likwise another parcill of marish on the north of John Piks land tourds litl Pin Iland & henri Jaquises and the Creek on the west: And my desire is that my sonn John would let his sonn Josep Knight haue and Injoy all this land and housing when he is of aige for Euer Likwise I do make my sonn John Knight my Executor and do giue him all my goods accept the three things before mentioned to my daughter marie and likwise all my stocke of Cattell and horse and sheep and swine and I do Ingaig him herby to pay all the legacies and Charg that may a Rise for funerall or debts and to Receiue all that is du vnto me from anie person Likwise my will is that If my sonn John Knight will make over by a deed (giuen) unto Josep Downer and his wife marie douner that three acers of land joyning unto that he dwells on by henri Jaquishes and that two ackrs of plow land by my on acker on the west sid of the Ridg which was Nicholas noices then my will is that he shall pay but ffortie pounds of the fourscor unto Josep Downer & his wife and this land Josep and his wife to Injoy during ther lius and afterwards to her sone as the other before Likwise I desier my thre frends my brother Richard Knight and Thomas Halle sei and Nicholas Noice to be my ouerseers to see this my will performed and I do giue them tenn shillings apeece to be paid by my Executor."

John Knight.

Witness: Richard Knight Thomas Hale. Proved June 23, 1670 by the witnesses before Mr. Samuel I Symonds and Maj. Gen. Denison. Inventory of the estate of John Knight, Sr., lately deceased, in May, 1670, taken by Thomas Hale, Sr., Nicholas Noie and Rich. Dole: house, barn and orchard, twelve ackers of upland and twentie and two akers of meadow, 22011.; wering Cloths and Bedlng, 161 1,; two brasse kitls, a skilet and a warming pan, 3li.; in pewter, 1li. 10s.; In Iron things, 3li. 10s.; Coberd, tabl, forme and other things, 1li. 10s.; 4 woodn bols, a tunnell , tray, 4 dishes, to pails, 10s. 6d. Jug, tubs, barell, sivs, slid, bags & wood, 1li. 4s.; a gunn, 1li. 5s.; 16 bushells of mault, 3li. 12s.; 3 oxn and a steere, 20li.; 4 Cows and a heifer, 201i.; 2 yearlings, 21i. 15s.; 12 sheep and 4 lambs, 6li.; on horse, 6li.; on Calfe, 12s.; 4 swine, 31i.; bacon, 21i. 10s.; 3 bush. of Rie, 13s.; one sadl, pilion & bridl, 1li.; free hold or Comanag, 8li.; in trees, 2li.; total, 324li.11s. 6d.

        Attested June 23, 1670, by John Knight executor of his father's estate.
        Essex County Probate Files, Docket 15,981.
On 29 Mar 1624 John first married Elizabeth Vincent in Romsey, Hampshire.14 Born ca Jan 1595/6. Elizabeth died in Newbury, MA 20 Mar 1644[/5].14
Their children include:
John Knight (ca 1622-27 Feb 1677/8)
Elizabeth Knight (Died soon) (ca May 1625-ca 18 May 1625)
Elizabeth Knight (Died soon) (ca Oct 1628-ca 19 Oct 1638)
Elizabeth Knight (Died young) (ca 1632-)
Mary Knight (ca 1634-)
Sarah Knight (ca 1636-)
John second married Agnes Langlye. Born say 1590 in Sandy, Bedfordshire. Agnes died in Newbury, MA on 30 Jul 1677.

Agnes, also known as Anne, first married Richard Ingersoll, second John Knight as his second wife.
1570. Dea. Richard Knight. Born ca 1603 in Romsey, Hampshire. Richard was baptized in Romsey, Hampshire, 14 Jan 1602/3.14 Richard died in Newbury, MA on 4 Aug 1683.25 Occupation: Tailor.

There’s an article on Richard Knight in The Great Migration.14
Richard married Agnes. Agnes died in Newbury, MA 29 Mar 1678/9.14
Their children include:
(infant child) Knight (Stillborn) (17 Jun 1626-17 Jun 1626)
Richard Knight (Died soon) (ca Jun 1627-Jul 1727)
William Knight (Died soon) (ca Dec 1628-Jan 1630)
Anne Knight (ca May 1631-22 Feb 1704/5)
Richard Knight (Died young) (ca 1633-)
Elizabeth Knight (ca 1640-29 Jul 1667)
Rebecca Knight (3 Mar 1642-)
Sarah Knight (23 Mar 1647-ca 1714)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.