Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Henry Lyman (655) & Elizabeth Rande
1583. Judith Lyman. Born ca 1578 in Essex, England. Judith was baptized in Navistoke, Essex, on 2 Nov 1578. Judith died on 4 Nov 1578.47
1584. Jane Lyman. Born ca 1579. Jane was baptized on 20 Oct 1579.47 Jane died on 21 Oct 1579.47
1585. Richard Lyman. Born ca 1580 in High Ongar, Essex. Richard was baptized in High Ongar, Essex, on 30 Oct 1580.16 Richard died in Hartford, CT between 22 Apr 1640 adn 3 Mar 1640/1.16 Religion: Ricard was admittted to the Roxbury church as member #11.

Richard came with Eliot on the Lion, was at Roxbury, MA, 1631. He went to Connecticut ‘when the great removal was made,’ and suffered greately in the loss of his cattle. He was made freeman 11 Jun 1633, and was among the original proprietors of Hartford.25

In August, 1631, Richard embarked with his wife and five children in the ship Lion, William Pierce, master, for New England. They landed at Boston, and the Lymans settled first at Charlestown. In Oct 1635 they joined a party of about a hundred people to Connecticut to become the first settlers at Hartford. His house was on the south side of what is now Buckinham St., the fifth lot from Main St., westof the South Church and bounded apparently on Wadsworth St. either on the east or west. His name is inscribed on a stone column in the rear of Centre Chruch of Hartford, erected in memory of the first settlers of the city.47


Page 442-3 Name: Richard Lyman

        Invt. of Goods, £83-16-02. Taken 6 September, 1641, by John Moodie, Andrew
        Bacon, John Barnard. Will dated 22 April, 1640.
        I give unto my wife all my houseing and Lands during her life, and 1/3 parte of my
        Lands to dispose of at her death amongst my Children as she pleaseth, and I give her
        all my moveable goods, as Cattell and howsehold stuffe, and all other implements or
        moveables. And the other two prts of my land & Howse, I give to my Elder sonne
        Richard, and to his heires forever; and if he dy wthout an heir, then I give yt to my
        sonne Robert, and to his heirs forever. To my dau. Sarah, besides the Cattell I
        formerly have given her, my will is, that my wife shall pay her £20, two yeres after
        my death. To my sonne, John Lyman, I give him £30, to be paid by my wife att 22
        years of age. To my sonne Robert. I give £24 at 22 years of age; and to my dau.
        Fillis, the wife of Willia Hills. I give tenne shillings; and I make my wife sole
        Executrixe to this my last will.
        Richard Lyman
        Witness: Thomas Bull, John Moodie, Andrew Bacon.

        Court Record, Page 81--27 January, 1642 (Particular Courte).
        The Will and Invt. of Richard Lyman, Decd., is brought into Court. John Moody
        makes oath that it is the Last Will of the said Rich., and the noate that was brought in
        is the noate of the Widdow Lyman, Decd. The several prtyes prsent at the prsenting
        of the said Will agree that John Lyman, if he live, will be 22 yere ould in Septe, 1645;
        Robert Lyman, 22 in Sept. 1651.

        24 July.
        The wydowe Lymans mynd is that her sonne Richard Lyman should prforme her
        husbands will, and that her son Robert should live wth him till he be 22 yeares of age;
        and she gives Robert Lyman the third prrte of the howsen & grounds; & for the
        prformence of her husbands will she gives Richard all her moveable goods, both wth
        out the howse and wth in, only her wearing Clothes and some of her lining She will
        dispose of.
        John Moodie. Andrew Bacon.
Richard married Sarah. Sarah died in Hartford, CT in Jan 1642.

According to Anderson: “Some older sources claim that Sarah was daughter of Richard Osborne of Halstead, Kent, but there is no aupport for this identification.”16
Their children include:
Phyllis Lyman (ca 1611-)
Richard Lyman (Died young) (ca 1613-)
William Lyman (Died soon) (ca 1614/5-Aug 1615)
William Lyman (Died soon) (ca 1616-Nov 1616)
Richard Lyman (ca 1618-3 Jun 1662)
Sarah Lyman (ca 1620-31 Aug 1688)
Anne Lyman (ca 1621-)
Lieut. John Lyman (ca Sep 1623-20 Aug 1690)
Robert Lyman (Sep 1629-ca 1690)
1586. Henry Lyman. Born ca 1581. Henry was baptized on 19 Nov 1581.47 Henry died in Mar 1589. Buried on 13 Mar 1589.47
1587. Agnes Lyman. Born ca 1585 in Essex, England. Agnes was baptized in Navistoke, Essex, on 28 Nov 1585.
1588. Sarah Lyman. Born ca 1587 in Essex, England. Sarah was baptized in Navistoke, Essex, on 18 Jan 1587.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.