Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1714. Jane Standlake. Jane died in Scituate, MA bef 4 Apr 1689.
On 10 Nov 1639 Jane married Thomas Pincin in Scituate, MA.62 Thomas died in Scituate, MA bef 27 Jun 1694.

From Deane’s History of Scituate:53
    Thomas Pincin (or Pinson) took the oath of fidelity in Scituate, 1638, and, had lands in 1636, “at the end of the hill, by the swamp, south of Satuit brook.” This was opposite Buck's corner — late Anthony Waterman’s. He married Jane, daughter of Richard Standlake, 1639. His children, Thomas born 1640, Hannah 1642 (wife of George Young 1661), John 1655, Joshua 1658, Waitstill 1650. Some of this family probably removed.

The surname Pinson is variously spelled in the Scituate vital records52 as Penchen, Pincheon, Pinchion, Pinchon, Pincen, Pinceon, Pincin, Pinison, Pinsen, Pinson, and Pynchon. “Pincin” seems to be more common in the early years and “Pinson” more recently.

Thomas’s will dated 4 Apr 1689, proved 27 Jun 1694, mentioned grandsons Thomas Young and Thomas Pincin; son-in-law John Wetherell; grandchildren Hannah, Margery, Elizabeth, and Patience Young; grandchidren John, William, Wetherell, and Joshua Wetherell. Son-in-law John Wetherell executor; witnesses Joseph Silvester, John Bright, and Thomas Palmer. On 27 Jun 1694 son Thomas Pincin and daughter Hannah Morey accepted the will. By then the executor John Wetherell was also deceased. Hannah Morey, the wife of the the deceased executor then made administrator of the will.

Will: Plymouth County Probate Records as abstracted in The Genealogical advertiser 3, page 112:
    Thomas Pincin senr. of Scituate, “Being Aged and Weak in Body”, made his will April 4, 1689, proved June 27, 1694. To son Thomas Pincin marsh or meadow land, except about three acres which I have formerly given to my grandson Thomas Young, also 10 acres of land; to my grandson Thomas Pincin my wearing clothes and one heifer of three years old; to my son-in-law John Wetherell and grandson Thomas Young, land to be divided between them, and to said Thomas a feather bed and an iron pot; to my grandchild Hannah Young one three year old heifer: to my grandchildren Margery Young, Elizabeth Young and Patience Young, each a ewe sheep; to my four grandchildren Hannah, Margery, Elizabeth and Patience Young 20s. each; to my grandchildren John Wetherell, William Wetherell, Thomas Wetherell and Joshua Wetherell each two ewe sheep; to grandchild Thomas Wetherell my gun; son-in-law John Wetherell to be sole executor.
    Witnessed by Joseph Silvester, John Bright and Thomas Palmer, of whom Thomas Palmer made oath in court, June 27, 1694. The same date, Thomas Pincin and Hannah Morey, the son and daughter of said Thomas Pincin deceased, appeared and declared their acceptance of said will, “And that for as much as ye Executor therein named Dyed sometime before ye Testator That the said Hannah then Wife of sd executor” shall administer according to the true meaning of the will. Inventory of said estate taken June 21, 1694, by Thomas Tupper and Jonathan Morey junr, and presented by Hannah Morey, daughter of said deceased, June 27, 1694.
Their children include:
Thomas Pincin (15 May 1640-3 Jun 1714)
Hannah Pincin (4 Dec 1642-aft 12 May 1720)
Waitstill Pincin (1650-bef 1689)
Joshua Pincin (1658-bef 1689)
John Pincin (1665-bef 1689)

East Bridgewater vital records indicate Joane Stanley and Thomas Pynson were married 20 Nov 1639 in the FIrst Chruch of East Bridgewater.
1715. Richard Standlake. Born ca 1636/1639. Richard died in Scituate, MA on 14 May 1691.52

Richard’s “house was on the west side of Walnut Tree hill, near that of Cornet John Buck [in 1831]. ... This family removed soon after 1700. We observe in the Colony Record 1684, ‘Daniel Standlake (in the house of Richard) was killed by the discharge of a gun by Robert Trayes, a Negro–tried and acquitted–it appearing to be accidental.’”53

Richard’s surname was spelled Standlack, Standley, Standlick, and Stanley in the Scituate Vital Records.52

Will: Abstract of Will: Richard Stanlake of Scituate made his will 10 Apr. 1691. Bequests were as follows: to Lidia my wife my whole Estate ... both Real & personal ... to Improve and make use of according to her discretion ... during the time of her naturall life continuing in my name I do farther Give power to my afo resaid wife that if ... she Should Stand in need of more for her necessary suppo rt ... to make sale of such a part of my meadow lands as may supply her necessity . .. I do hereby farther Give power to my said wife while continuing in my name .. To dispose of all or any part of my Estate as above said that shall Remain in her hands by such proportions or distributions amongst our children as ... she shall think to be most meet. "Lidia my said wife" was appointed executrix, and "my Brother in law Jeremiah Hatch overseer of this my last will." The will was signed by a mark and witnessed by Thomas Perrey, Jeremiah Hatch and Job Randall. (The Mayflower Descendant, V. 31:62, 1933, Abstracts of Plymouth County Probate Records)

Codicil: My foure daughters viz Joanna Lidia Mary and Abigal "to Equally Enjoy all
my meadow lands within Expressed after their said mothers death . . . On this
Condition that if their sd slater Sand in necessity for her Support of mo re than
the Proffits ... will aford that they make Sutable supply by Equall propo rtion and
if any of them Refuse or neglect so to do that their proportions in what was so
allowed be taken out of their part of Said meadow and allowed to them tha t performe
the duty as above said." Codicil was signed by a mark and witnessed by T homas
Perrey and Job Randall and both made oath to the will and codicil, 15 Sep t 1691
[Note, this has to be a misprint, it is the same date Lidia Stanlake made oath to
the inventory.]
Lydia Standlake (7 Apr 1664-)
Mary Standlake (24 Mar 1665-)
Joanna Standlake (ca 1661-5 Jun 1738)
Daniel Standlake (Died young) (10 Sep 1669-9 Apr 1684)
Abigail Standlake (21 Sep 1671-)
In 1677 Richard second married Lydia.52

Lydia married first Jeremiah Barstow, second Richard Standlake. After her first husband’s decease, she was appointed guardian of her sons John and Jeremiah Barstow “to demand and recover a legacy given unto each of them by their great uncle, Michael Barstow, late of Watn. decsd., as by his will.” [Col. Rec., 6, 15.]174
1716. (daughter) Standlake. (daughter) died in Scituate, MA in Apr 1639. Buried on 19 Apr 1639 in First Parish Church of Scituate.52

The youngest child, a daughter, of “Goody Standley” was buried 19 Apr 1639.52
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.