Pane-Joyce Genealogy
2347. Edward Riddlesdale. Born ca 1620 in Assington, Suffolk. Edward was baptized in Assington, Suffolk, on 23 Apr 1620.4
2348. Mary Riddlesdale. Born ca 1621/2 in Assington, Suffolk. Mary was baptized in Assington, Suffolk, 29 Jan 1621/2.4 Mary died in Wenham, MA on 12 Aug 1672.4
Ca 1640 Mary married Henry Kimball (1992) , son of Richard Kimball (ca 1595-22 Jun 1675) & Ursula Scott (798) (15 Feb 1597/8-bef 1661), in New England. Born ca 1615 in Rattlesden, Suffolk. Henry was baptized in Rattlesden, Suffolk, on 12 Aug 1615.72 Henry died in Wenham, MA ca May 1676.4
Their children include:
Mary Kimball (29 Nov 1641-)
Richard Kimball (13 Oct 1643-30 Jul 1715)
John Kimball (25 Dec 1645-)
Caleb Kimball (ca 1647-18 Sep 1675)
Dorcas Kimball (ca 1649-)
Abigail Kimball (ca 1652-)
Sarah Kimball (ca 1654-16 Sep 1692)
Henry Kimball (ca 1655-14 Dec 1697)
Mehitable Kimball (Aug 1657-7 Dec 1689)
Benjamin Kimball (12 Dec 1659-)
Joseph Kimball (20 Jan 1661/2-1713)
Martha Kimball (18 Aug 1664-bef 27 Dec 1728)
Deborah Kimball (ca 1668-1697)
2349. Sarah Riddlesdale. Born ca 1623 in Assington, Suffolk. Sarah was baptized in Assington, Suffolk, on 16 Nov 1623.4 Sarah died in Boxford, MA ca 1704.4
Ca 1641 Sarah first married Luke Heard in New England.4 Luke died in Sep 1647.4

Will: On the web at

        Estate of Luke Herd (Heard) of Ipswich
        Essex Probate Docket # None

The last will of Luke Herd latly deceased about the (sentence ends)
Imprimis I give vnto my eldest sonne John Herd ten pounds to be paid him at the age of 21 yeares
Item I doe give vnto my sonne Edmund five pounds to be paid him at the age of 21 yeares
Item I give my bookes vnto my two sonnes to be equally parted betweene them also this is my will that my two sonnes be brought vp to writing & to
reading & then when they shalbe fitt to be putt forth to such trades as they shall choose. Alsoe I make my loving wife Sarah Herd my sole executrix
Thus much as abovesaid was expresd by the above named Luke Herd in the prsence of vs

John Wyatt his mke
Simon Tompson

Sworne by John wyatt & Simon Tompson this to be the last will of Luke Herd to the best of thei knowledg
proved in Court 28th 7th month 1647

Source: The nuncupative will of Luke Heard was proved in the Ipswich court 28: 7 : 1647. This is a copy of the same as recorded in the Ipswich
Deeds, volume I, leaf 33.
"The Essex Antiquarian" Vol VIII, p. 38

Submitted by: Roseanne Montgomery
Their children include:
Edmund Heard (ca 1647-28 Dec 1713)
Sarah second married Joseph Bixby, son of George Bixby (ca Dec 1594-Dec 1666) & Anna Cole (ca Apr 1598-ca Apr 1627). Born ca Apr 1621 in Little Waldingfield, Suffolk. Joseph was baptized in Little Waldingfield, Suffolk, on 28 Oct 1621.203 Joseph died in Boxford, MA on 19 Apr 1701.203

Joseph came to New England about 1638.203

See A genealogy of the descendants of Joseph Bixby, 1621-1701 of Ipswich and Boxford, Massachusetts, who spell the name Bixby, Bigsby, Byxbie, Bixbee, or Byxbe204 for more information about Joseph and his descendants. Three volumes.

Will: On the web at

        Estate of Joseph Bixby of Boxford
        Essex Probate Docket # 2508

There was no distribution of the estate of Joseph Bixby until after the death of his widow, who survived him three years. Her death is noted on
boxford records, "Sarah Bixbe, a wedow of 84 years of aege desesad in Juen the third" but the year is missing. Her husband's will was proved 6
march 1703-4, and an inventory filed the following month, when it is evident the widow was not living. We may assume that she had died in 1703,
as on the 17 Jan, 1702-3, she had been dismissed with other women members of the Topsfield church to the church in Boxford, which had been
organized the preceding month. In the church record she was styled the "Widow Bixby".
The will of Joseph Bixby is on file at Salem together with an inventory of his estate.
The last will and testiment of Joseph Bixby sener liveing in boxford being aged and not expacting to contenew long in this world yet perfact in
his understanding and in A Resinal disposing miend: I doe bequeath my souel to almity God who gave it mee and my body to bee desantly buried
in the Earth after my deseas; and as for my outward Estat I despos of it as heerit foloweth: and to my son Joseph I will and bequeath forty and
fouer Acors and a quarter of land: peart of it is the land I gave him a pon mariag: which land he now liveth uppon: also I doe give to my son
gorg the Eaighteen acors of land hee now livetath a pon and Elaven acors moer behind durty medow and and two acors and three quarters of
medow in durty medow and three acors of medow in the slip and an acor of upland lying Round it for convenantsy of fencing of it:
Also I doe give to my son Jonathen twenty and Eaight acors of land he now liveath a pon which is the homested I live uppon and fouer acors of
medow in long medow which I bout of Captain Chandler: and the Reast of my land sheall be Eaqually parted Amongst my 3 sons: and forder my
will is that my three sons Josaph Gorg and Jonathen shal keep my wief on cow winter and sommer: and also one hog and a low hir twenty bushel
of Endian corn and three bushel wheat and two of malt one barilof sider and twelve pounf of flax tear and six pound of sheeps woll and nien cord
of woodall thes a bove s perticalers aer to be provided yearly during hir widowhood; also the weast Eand of the hous with the utenses in it: also
thes three sons a bove named shall allow their mother a peec of Eaigh a pear yearly.
my son daniel hath had his porsion alredy and I doe give to my son Benjemien three oound to be payed in corn by my sons Joseph gorg and
Jonathen Eaqally a mongst them.
my Daftar Mary Ston hath had seven pound and three shilling wiethis her porsion.
an my will is that my dafter Abegal shal have ten pound of that Estat that my wief shal leave behind hir at hir deseas; alsomy will is that my
three sons Joseph goarg and Jonathen doe pay all my honest deats and maintain mee and my wief with meat drink and clothingand wood and
tendane and what wee stand in need of during my natural lief and after my death beuryme desantly which charges and disbursments my will is
that my three sons joseph goarg and Jonathen doe bear it eaqually one asmuch as a nother.
it is to be understood that I give to my 3 sons Joseph gorg and Jonathen all the undevidad land not hear named Eaqually a mongst them also my
three sons Joseph goarg and Jonathen aer to begin todoe thair shaers in all all that is Exprased in this Enstrument att the deat of the
Enstrument: I doe desiar that John Pebody and Thomas Redington shall bee my over sears of this my will that it may bee parfermed in all respact
according to what is Exprase in this my last will and testiment and in testimoney that this is my las will and testimont I the said Josaph Bixbe
sener have seat tow my hand and seall this elaventh day of november in the year of our Lord one thowsend six hundred nienty and nien
Josaph Bixbee
John Pebody Sener his j mark and seall
William foster
Abraham Redington
Sarah bixbee hir
Thomas Redington
marck s B widdow
to the desesad hat set hir hand hear to in testimony of hir consent to this will of hir leat husband Before y Hon John Appleton Esq Judge of y probates &sc in Ipsw march 6 1703-4-William foster and Abraham Redington of Boxford in y
County of Essex appear & made oaty y they were prsent & saw joseph Bigsbee Senj of s Boxford signe seale & heard him publish & declare y
within written instrmnt to bee his last Will and Testamt & w he wo Did he was of a disposeing mind To y best of their Dioscerningand y They sett
to Their hands as Witness in his p'sence -& at y same Time They Saw John Pebody & Thomas Redington Sett to Their hand as Wittness In his

Upon whith This Will has proved approved and allowed
Attest Dan' Rogers

On back of Will:
Joseph Bixbees Sen'
Will poved approved & allowed
Record Exam

Their children include:
Joseph Bixby (ca 1648-bef 5 Oct 1725)
Daniel Bixby (ca 1651-7 May 1717)
Benjamin Bixby (ca 1653-1727)
Sarah Bixby (Died soon) (-18 Jan 1657)
Nathaniel Bixby (Died soon) (-11 Jul 1658)
Mary Bixby (18 Feb 1659-)
George Bixby (ca 1660/1665-1729/1739)
Jonathan Bixby (ca 1666/7-30 May 1717)
2350. Rebecca Riddlesdale. Born ca 1630. Rebecca was baptized in Bures St. Mary, Suffolk, on 5 Dec 1630.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.