Pane-Joyce Genealogy
2426. Robert Andrews. Born ca Nov 1609 in Boxford, Berkshire. Robert was baptized in Boxford, Berkshire, on 14 Nov 1609. Robert died in Topsfield, MA on 29 May 1668.205 Occupation: carpenter.

Robert’s will, dated 16 May 1668, probated 1 Jul 1668, mentions his sons Thomas, Robert, Joseph, and John, daughters Elizabeth, Hannah, Rebecca, Sarah, and Ruth.25

Will: On the web at

        Estate of Robert Andrews of Boxford (Rowley Village)
        Essex Probate Docket # 709
In the name of God amen Know all Christian people this may or shall concearne yt I Robart Andrews of Rowley village in the County of Esex being verey sick & weack of body but blesed be god in prfect cence & memorey doe mack this my last will & testiment revoking all other former will wtsoever.

        Impr. I bequeath my soule to Allmighty God that gave it me in whome I trust through the merits of Jesus Christ to be receaived into Eternall happiness forever and my body to the earth from whence it came to be deciently burried in ye burring place of Topsfield according as my wife and Children shall see meet.
        It I give & bequeath unto my eldest sonn Thomas Andrews the house yt I now Live in and nine(s)core Ackers of Land being upland & Medow & yt Land yt I bought of Zacheus Gould only my well beloved wife is to have duering her life time, the kiching and hall & Kiching Chamber & halfe the seller & the new feeld & the eight Ackers peeice & halfe the orchard & if ther be not Land enufe for her to manuer then my sd sonn with ye help of my son Robart is to breack her up three Ackers more or let her have three Ackers yt is allready broacken up and the same to injoy duering her life without the Lett hinderanc or molestation of my sd sonn or aney other prson under him and my sonn Thomas is to shingle the house and at my wives deceas the said land orchard and rooms is to returne to my son Thomas & his haires forever my said sonn Paying unto my three youngest daughters Rebeckah, Sarah & Ruth twenty pound pr each when she shall be twenty yeares of Age and if eaither of them shall die before yt time then yt prt shall be equally devided between the other two and allso his is to pay unto my Daughter Mary the wife of Isack Comins five pound three years after my deceas & for the new whip saw and all other Carpenters tools shall be for the use of my wife sonn Thomas & Robert.
        It. I give and be bequeath unto my sonn Robart Andrews eight(s)core Ackers of Land from Piebroock to ye clay pits and ye fatti medow and the fishing broock medow & becaus my sonn Thomas & Robart should not wrong one another in wood I desier ther Land may be ped by them selves & two other honest men and Robart is to pay unto my Daughter Elizabeth the wife of Samuell Symons five pounds three years after my deceas and to my daughter Hanah Pebody five pounds fouer years after my deceas.
        It. I give unto my sonn John the Lot comonly called the seller Lott and the Medow belonging unto it but the medow shall be for the use of my wife & Thomas untell my sonn John shall be one and twenty years of Age and then to returne to him without aney further truble he paying to my seaven Grandchildren twenty shillings pr each when they shall come to the age of fourteen years.
        It. I give unto my sonn Joseph ye Land in the Topsfeeld yt I bought of John Wilds, Senr. with all the previledgs therunto belonging.
        It. I give unto my well beloved wife all my Cattell & other moveable goods and the Doung that is now in ye yard & half the barne & Lintos and my sonn Thomas the other halfe and he and his brother Robart is to set up the other Lintoos & Lay in for the use of ther mother eavery year duering her Life twelve Loads of hay and if eaither of my sonns should die before they are married then yt Land yt is given to them to be equally devided amongst the Survivers Leaving my said wife sole Executrix and in Testimony hereof I have Set my hand and Seale this Sixteenth day of May in the yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Sixty & eight.

        Robart (his / mark) Andrews, Senr (seal)
        Robert (his G mark) Smith
        James Hanscombe
        Proved in Salem court 2: 5m: 1668 by the witnesses. Essex County Probate Files, Docket 709
        Inventory of the estate was taken by Frances Pabody, Isack Comings, and Edman Towne. Attested 1:5m: 1668 by Grace Andrewes wife of the deceased

        Source: Essex County Quarterly Court Files, vol 13 leaf 67

        Submitted by: Linda Herrick Smith
Robert married Grace. Grace died in Boxford, MA on 25 Dec 1701.206 Gras Andrus, widow, died 25 Dec [1700/1?].

Grace’s surname is often given as Melburn, but it’s not clear why.
Their children include:
Mary Andrews (ca 1640-bef 1712)
Hannah Andrews (ca 1642-25 Dec 1700)
Elizabeth Andrews (ca 1643-17 Mar 1725)
Sergt. Thomas Andrews (ca 1645-1 Apr 1724)
John Andrews (ca 1648-ca 1723/1731)
Robert Andrews (Died unmarried) (ca 1651-19 Dec 1675)
Rebecca Andrews (ca 1654-1718)
Capt. Joseph Andrews (18 Sep 1657-ca 1732)
Sarah Andrews (ca 1658-27 Sep 1714)
Ruth Andrews (27 May 1664-1 Feb 1744)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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