Pane-Joyce Genealogy
2446. George Carr. George died in Salisbury, MA on 4 Apr 1682.25

George Carr was in Ipswich, Massachusetts, by 1633, and in Salisbury by 1640.

Edson I. Carr, in his genealogy, The Carr Family Records, Rockton, Ill, Herald Print. House, 1894, published the fabricated story that George Carr came on the Mayflower in 1620 with his wife and included a forged statement to support this falsehood.

Will: George died intestate. Since he was fairly wealthy and had a large family, having no will caused a great deal of difficulty to everyone involved. Fortunately it was all recorded, and that was carefully abstracted in 1861 by Ira Patch of the Essex Institute.

Historical collections of the Essex Institute, volume 3 (1861), pages 190-192
“Abstracts from the wills, inventories, &c. on file in the office of clerk of courts, Salem, Mass”
    Copied by Ira J. Patch
    George Carr, 4th mo., 1682.
    A Grant of 150 acres of land in Salisbury to George Carr, and also his Towne and County Tax free for maintaining the ministry, and the Ferry Bridge, passed at General Court 22d May, 1661.
    Administration on the estate of George Carr granted unto his relict, Elizabeth, his eldest son George, and son James Carr, Ipswich, May 9th, 1682.
    An Inventory of the estate of George Carr of Salisbury, taken this 10th of 2nd mo., 1682, by Ensigns William Buswell, Henry Browne, John Weed, Tristram Coffin, and Daniel Pearce. Amoimt about £1200; mentions that they were requested to apprise it by the relict, her children and son in law. Allowed 20 4, '82.
    The testimony of John Bayley, Elenor Bayley and John Dole, state that they did not think that George Carr was fit to make a will in his last sickness.
    “James Oliver, aged about 64 years, testifyeth that Elizabeth Carr, the eldest child of my brother in law, George Carr, late of Salisbury, deceased, lived with me from her infancy untill by God’s providence shee with the consent of her parents and other relations, married to John Woodmancy, with whom she lived between three & four years, and then departed this life, leaving one only son, viz: James Woodmancy, who is now near seventeen years of Age; and since his said mother's death I have ofttn heard my said Brother Carr promise and say that the said James Woodmancy, whom he looked at as his own in the room of his daughter, who was very dear unto him, should have & enjoy from him a portion of his estate equall to his own next children, and as his mother should have had if shee had lived. Sworn ye 27 June, 1682, before John Wally, commissioner.”
    The Deposition of Richard Carr, aged 23 years, mentions his brother, James Carr, sworn 23 of September, 1682.
    A Paper signed by William Osgood Sen'r and Walter Farfield, dated 7 Oct., 1682.
    The testimony of William Seargent and also of William Carr men. brother Carr.
    The deposition of John Stockman, aged 29, and of Richard Smith, aged 40. Sworn lOth of October, 1682.
    The General Court defer a petition of Thomas Putnam, James Bayley, and Thomas Baker to court at Salem llth Oct., 1682.
    “The propositions which we whose names are under writen doe make, 1, That our Honoured Mother shall Injoy the iland and fferry daering her natural life; 2ly, that our Brother George shall take the fferry at Amesbery at 130 pounds, or else lett us have it at 150 pounds; 3ly, that we will give our Brother James Carr 60 pounds, provided he will take for it Enoch Greenleaf's Lott, wc is prized att twenty pounds, and the land above Osgoods Miles, wc is prized att 40 pounds; 4ly, that the rest of the estate may be proportionally Diuided, that every one may know his part.” John Allin, James Bayly, Thomas Baker, Thomas Putnam, Jun'r.
    Another Petition signed by James Bayley, William Carr, Thomas Baker, Thomas Putnam, Jun'r, and James Woodmansy.
    A deed from James Treere of Amesbery, to George & James Carr, dated 6th of April, 1678.
    A petition of Elizabeth Carr, relict of George Carr.
    The Deposition of Mary Gold, aged about 21 years, mentions “when I lived with my master, George Carr, deceased.” Dated 24 June, '82.
    A power of attorney from William Carr, of Salisbury, upon the north side of Merrimack riuer, shipwright, to his brother in law John Allin, of the same town, planter, dated 26 June, '82.
    The petition of James Bailey, dated 27 June, 1682, mentions his father in law, George Carr's affection for his (J. B.) wife.
    A petition of William Carr, James Bailey, Thomas Baker and Thomas Putnam, Jr., dated 17 August, '82, mention that they will not accept of the proposed division of their father's estate.
    The receipt of Richard Carr for £70 to the administration of his father's estate, dated 18th 6th mo., 1682.
    The Deposition of Joseph Bailey, aged 33 years, mention that Mr. George Carr gave his island to James Carr, sworn 9th Oct., '82.
    A petition to General Court of James Bailey, Thomas Baker and Thomas Putnam. Allowed nth of October, 1682.
    Testimony of Joseph Bailey, mention his brother James Bailey.
    The Deposition of Daniel Pearce, aged 43 years, 25 9, 1682.
    The Deposition of Ephriam Winsley 25 9, 1682.
    A petition of Elizabeth Carr, the widow, George and James Carr, sons, and administrators to the court.
    The receipt of John Carr for £89 to the administrator.
    The deposition of John Chas., aged 25 yeares, sworne 2 1 of June, 1682.
    “Mr. John Woodmansey was married to Elizabeth Carr, the daughter of George Carr of Salisbury, the first day of May, 1662, by Mr. Thomas Danforth.” “James, Son of Mr. John Woodmansey, and Elizabeth, was born 7 (10) 1665.” “The above written are true Copies from the Register of Births and marriages for the Town of Boston. Attest, Ira AddingLon, Cl'k.” The son James was the only child by Elizabeth (Carr) Woodmansey; dated at Boston, 26 4, '82.
    A Petition of Elizabeth Carr, widow of George Carr, mentions her daghter Mary
married James Bailey, and daghter Ann the youngest married Thomas Putnam. My husband's Brother Richard Carr, being ancient. dated 24 14, 1682.
    Another Inventory of the above estate, taken 20th of June, 1682, by William Osgood, Sen'r, Walter Fayerfield and Nathaniel Weare. Amount, £1148 9s 6d.
    A paper signed by the administrators mention to James, son of John Woodmansy, £24. 26 5 mo., 1682, for his portion George Carr, £180. William Carr, with what he hath already, £90. Richard Carr £90. John Carr, £90. Mary Bailey £90. Thomas Baker, £90. Thomas Putnam, £90.
    The Deposition of Tristram Coffin, aged 50 years, and Stephen Greenlief aged 30 years, sworn 26 Sept., 1682.
    A Statement of Nathaniel Weare, dated Hampton, N.H., 6 Oct., 1682.
    Mr, Anthony Crosbe, burried January 16th, 1672. This is a true copy taken from the records of Rowley by Thomas Leaner, Clerk.
    The Deposition of James ffreeses, aged about 40 years, 9 May, 1682.
    The Deposition of John Hendrick, aged about 33 years, 9th May, 1682.
    Ram Island contains about 16 acres about 4 acres consist of four or five rocky hill of very little Worth.
    7th mo., 1682.
    A notice from Caleb Moody, Nathaniel Clerke, Thomas Noyes and Henry Shortt,
apprizers appointed by the court, to the Administrators of the above estate, 28 March, 82-3, mention that they will not allow them to apprize it.
George married Elizabeth. Elizabeth died in Salisbury, MA on 6 May 1691.

Elizabeth’s surname is sometimes said to be Oliver.
Their children include:
Elizabeth Carr (21 Apr 1642-ca 1665/6 )
George Carr (15 Apr 1644-aft 1697)
Richard Carr (Died soon) (15 Mar 1646-25 Apr 1649)
William Carr (15 Mar 1648-)
James Carr (28 Apr 1650-15 Jun 1740)
Mary Carr (2 Feb 1651/2-28 Oct 1688)
Sarah Carr (17 Dec 1654-)
John Carr (Died unmarried) (14 Nov 1656-25 Dec 1689)
Richard Carr (2 Apr 1659-11 Sep 1727)
Ann Carr (15 Jun 1661-8 Jun 1699)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.