Pane-Joyce Genealogy
2468. Miriam Hawley. Born ca 1600. Miriam died in Stratford, CT 20 Mar 1689/90.
Miriam married Moses Wheeler. Born ca 1598 in Stratford le Bow, Middlesex. Moses died in Stratford, CT 15 Jan 1697/8.

MOSES, Stratford 1648, is found in the list of freem. 1669, was a shipwright and thriving man, had Elizabeth b. 1 Aug. 1642; Miriam, 28 Mar. 1647; Samuel, 28 Apr. 1649; Moses, 5 July 1651; Mary, 13 Sept. 1655; and Joanna, 1659. His inv. bears date 1 Mar. 1698, but his will of 1690. Perhaps wrong date is giv. to Miriam, for she m. 1667, James Blackman. He may have liv. at New Haven 1643.25
Their children include:
Elizabeth Wheeler (1 Aug 1642-)
Miriam Wheeler (28 Mar 1647-bef 4 Oct 1693)
Samuel Wheeler (28 Apr 1649-29 Mar 1699)
Moses Wheeler (5 Jul 1651-30 Jan 1723/4)
Mary Wheeler (13 Sep 1655-7 Feb 1734/5)
Joanna Wheeler (5 Mar 1657/8-1694)
2469. Hannah Hawley. Born ca 1633. Hannah died in Milford, CT in 1698.
Ca 1654 Hannah first married John Ufford, son of Thomas Ufford (ca 1590-bef 6 Dec 1660) & Isabel (-bef 1659). Born ca 1626 in Nazeing, Essex. John was baptized in Nazeing, Essex, on 11 Jun 1626.16 John died in Milford, CT in 1692.68 They were divorced.

John came to New England with his father in 1632.64
On 25 Mar 1657 Hannah second married Capt. John Beard, son of James Beard & Martha. Born ca 1627. John died in Milford, CT on 1 Sep 1690.

JOHN, Milford, the other br. of the preced. that source of intellig. is more bountif. He was a man of import., rep. 1677, and oft. aft. had two ws. but wh. as first may need investigat. One, perhaps the earlier, had been by name of Hannah Hawley m. to John Ufford, or Offit, and at her desire divorc. By her he had sev. ch. and by Abigail, d. of Richard Hollingworth, perhaps the sec. had prob. no ch. was capt. in one of the expedit. against the Ind. 1675. His est. was distrib. 18 Nov. 1690, to w. Ann, ch. John, James, Joseph, Samuel, Mary, w. of Timothy Baldwin, and Ann; and the wid. d. 1698. The list of proprs. 1713 at M. has sev. of this name wh. were descend. of him or his brs.25
Their children include:
John Beard (27 Jun 1654-24 Aug 1708)
Elizabeth Beard (Died unmarried) (20 Sep 1656-)
Mary Beard (12 Nov 1658-29 Nov 1703)
James Beard (Died unmarried) (4 Dec 1661-1709)
Anna Beard (ca 1664-25 Jun 1740)
Joseph Beard (20 Jul 1666-Nov 1732)
Lieut. Samuel Beard (4 Feb 1669/70-1754)
Jeremiah Beard (Twin) (16 Apr 1672-2 Nov 1744)
Ebenezer Beard (Twin, died soon) (16 Apr 1672-24 Aug 1674)
Sarah Beard (22 Jul 1675-)
2470. Joseph Hawley. Born ca 1603. Joseph died in Stratford, CT on 20 May 1690.

Joseph was named as an uncle in the will of Ephraim Booth of 1683.68

Will: I Joseph Hawley of Stratford, Yeoman, sometime Justice of the Peace, or commissioner in Stratford, in the Colony of Connecticut and County of Fairfield, retaining the understanding and reason the Lord hath given me, do leave this my last will. My spirit I commit into the hands of Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, my body to a comely buriel, and after my debts and funeral expenses are discharged, I do, as hereinafter followeth, dispose of what worldy estate I shall be possessed of at my death, viz:

I do hereby confirm to my children all the lands given them as they are recorded to them, further I give to my son Samuell Hawley, all my lands and buildings in Parwidge in Darbyshire in Old England, to him, his heirs and assigns, after the death of my now wife Katharine Hawley. Moreover I give to him my meadow called the common meadow on the Great Neck, and my meadow at Galep's Gapp, between Porter's children and me.

I give to my son Ephraim Hawley, one acre and a quarter of meadow in ye Great Neck on the east side of the creek, the south side of which is a part of that meadow purchased of Mr. Zacher Walker. All the right of that peace of meadow on the Great Neck, both of the west side of the creek and east, which I purchased of Mr. Walker, I give to my son, John Hawley.

I give to my grandchildren, John Chapman and Joseph Chapman at Seabrook, fifteen pounds to each of them when they come to the age of one and twenty years, in such goods and chattels as my executors are able best to pay them.

I give to Joseph Hawley, my son Samuel's son, besides what is upon record given him, my lot at the field gate called the Stubing lot, the whole of it.

I give to my sons, Ephraim and John Hawley, the two little lots on Claboard Hill and what was laid out to me at the Gallos Creek, also a little lot by Joseph Curtus' lot, purchases of Mr. Ripon, that was laid out to John Wheeler, being above one acre.

I give to my daughter Hannah Nichols, twenty shillings, and to my daughter Mary Coe, twenty shillings. Moreover, I give all my grandchildren five shillings apiece.

Moreover, I appoint my three sons, Samuel Hawley, Ephraim Hawley, and John Hawley, my executors, and do given unto them all my lands in Stratford, Darby and Woodbury equally amongst them, their heirs or assigns forever, also I give unto them all and whatsoever is my estate in debts or otherwise not given, they paying all legacies and debts, and taking care of their mother, my now wife, that she hath whatsoever she needeth during her widowhood; also, I will that my wife Katherine Hawley, shall have the disposing of what household stuff she pleases, and what cows she desires to keep and what corn she shall desire from my said executors or any other needful thing whatsoever wherey her life may be comfortable; and all this I command whilest she remains
unmarried. It is to be understood that what of the above said estate my wife disposes of, it is to be to her children or grandchildren, and if she die and leave households undisposed of, then they are to be divided amongst all my children equally that are living, and such children of mine that are called away by death those children shall have their parts.

I give to Mr. Israel Chancie five pounds, and in case their fail to be an difference amongst my above-named executors, my will is that Mr. Israel Chancie and Capt John Geard shall have the power to put a final issue to any difference.

That this is my will I declare by setting my hand and seal this 17 of September, 1689. Joseph Hawley.

Memorandum, John Hawley shall have Uriah Mills the remainder of his time and fulfil his indentures.

Signed and Sealed in the presence of Joseph Curtis, Recorder.
In 1646 Joseph first married Katherine Birdsey, daughter of Joseph Birdsey & Abigail Dayton. Katherine died in Stratfield, CT on 25 Jun 1692.
Their children include:
Samuel Hawley (ca 1648-24 Aug 1734)
Joseph Hawley (Died young) (9 Jan 1649[/50]-)
Elizabeth Hawley (26 Jan 1651[/2]-10 May 1676)
Ebenezer Hawley (17 Sep 1654-3 Oct 1681)
Hannah Hawley (26 May 1657-)
Ephraim Hawley (7 Aug 1659-18 Apr 1690)
Capt. John Hawley (14 Jun 1661-27 Jul 1729)
Mary Hawley (16 Jul 1663-9 Sep 1731)
Joseph second married Alice. Alice died in Stratford, CT 25 Jan 1697/8.68
2471. Grace Hawley. Born in 1605.
2472. Thomas Hawley. Born ca 1607. Thomas died in Sudbury, MA on 21 Apr 1676.78 “Thomas, sr., under the command of Capt. Samll Wadsworth, slain by the Indians at Sudbury”.

Thomas was an early settler at Roxbury. He died with Capt. Wadsworth and many of hs company at Sudbury in battle in King Philip’s War.
Thomas first married Emma [Hawley]. Emma died in Roxbury, MA in Nov 1651. Buried on 29 Nov 1651 in Roxbury, MA.78
Their children include:
Thomas Hawley (Died soon) (ca 1651-)
On 2 Feb 1651 Thomas second married Dorothy Harbottle in Roxbury, MA. Born ca 1625 in Horton, Northumberland. Dorothy died in Roxbury, MA 28 Jan 1698/9. Religion: Dorothy Harbeetle was admitted to the Roxbury Church in 1638/9.

Dorothy first married Thomas Lamb, second Thomas Hawley.

After the death in 1639 of Thomas Lamb’s first wife Elizabeth, “he afterwards married Dorothy Harbitle, a godly maid, a sister of our church.” (Roxbury Church Records.)

Dorothy’s parents are sometimes given as William and Alles (Bealle) Harbottle of Yorkshire, with Harbottle variously spelled Harbetle, Harbotle, or Harbittle.
Their children include:
Joseph Hawley (Died soon) (ca Nov 1652-Nov 1653)
Capt. Joseph Hawley (7 Jun 1654-19 May 1711)
Elizabeth Hawley (ca 1656-7 Dec 1719)
Dorothy Hawley (ca 1658-29 May 1710)
2473. Elizabeth Hawley. Elizabeth died in Stratford, CT in Sep 1689.
Ca 1640 Elizabeth married Richard Booth. Born ca 1606. Richard died in Stratford, CT in 1687.

Richard was selectman 1669, and on freeman's list the same year and after 1673, probably lived many years. He testified he was 80 years old in 1687 [GDFS].

Check out The Genealogy of the Booth Family, by Donald Jacobus 1952
Their children include:
Elizabeth Booth (10 Sep 1641-24 Oct 1732)
Ann Booth (14 Feb 1643[/4]-)
Ephraim Booth (1 Aug 1648-1683)
Ebenezer Booth (19 Nov 1651-1732)
Sergt. John Booth (5 Nov 1653-6 Dec 1728)
Joseph Booth (8 Mar 1656-31 Aug 1703)
Bethia Booth (18 May 1658-2 Aug 1699)
Joanna Booth (21 Mar 1661-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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from Leister Productions, Inc.