Pane-Joyce Genealogy
2497. James Northam. James died bef 1662.

“James Northam, immigrant ancestor, was born in England. He settled in Connecticut, as early as 1640 (Connecticut Rec. i., p. 45), and at Wethersfield, in September, 1644 (ibid L, p. 110). Other references to him occur under dates of 1648-55-58. He was admitted a freeman in 1658. He was one of the seceders who agreed to leave Connecticut and locate at Hadley, Massachusetts, but he died before 1662.”47
Samuel Northam (ca 1650-12 Nov 1726)
Ca 1655 James second married Isabel Ward, daughter of [___] Ward. Born ca 1625. Isabel died in Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts on 8 Dec 1676.64

Isabel first married John Catlin, second James Northam as his second wife, and third John Baldwin as his second wife. For a time after James Northam died but before she married John Baldwin, she resided in New Jersey.

It has been suggested that Isabel was a daughter of Andrew and Hester (Sherman) Ward, but as Isabel is not mentioned in the will that mentions the other children of Andrew and Hester, even though Isabel was alive at the time, the suggestion is most unlikely.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.