Pane-Joyce Genealogy
2503. Robert Reynolds. Born ca 1598 in England.14 Robert died in Boston, MA on 27 Apr 1659.169 Occupation: Shoemaker. Religion: Admitted to the Boston church 10 Aug 1634.14

Robert resided in Boston.

There’s an article on Robert Reynolds in The Great Migration.14

For more on Robert and Mary Reynolds and their descendants, see Marion H. Reynolds’
The history and some of the descendants of Robert and Mary Reynolds (1630?-1931) of Boston, Mass. Brooklyn NY: Reynolds Family Association, 1931, second edition. It’s available on line at the Hathi Trust Digital Library

(Suffolk, Mass. Registry of Probate, Book I, p. 324)

Will. Now Liuing in Boston. ITEM: I give to my wife, my house with all that appertaine unto it, with my Marsh ground at Muddy River, with one Lott of Ground at Long Island, so Long as she Liveth, with all my house hold stuffe whatever is in my house, and what money there is left, and after her decease I haue given my house & Orchard to my sonne Nathaniell and to his heyres foreuer, and if he should dye without Children, or any one Child Lawfully begotten of his owne body, then his wife to enjoy the said house and Orchard so long as she Liueth, and after her decease, to Returne to my fowre daughters Children, that is to say, one part to my daughter Ruth Whitney and to her Eldest Sonne; a second part to my Daughter Tabitha Abdy & her sonne Mathew Abdy, and if he should dye, to her two daus. one part to either of them alike; a third part to my daughter Sarah Mason and her sonne Robert Mason, & if he dye, to her daughter Sarah; and a fourth part to my dau. Mary Sanger & her sonne Nathaniell & if he dye to her next child, either sonne or daughter; likewise I give to my daughter Ruth Whitney twentie pounds to be payd in good countrey pay & likewise I give to my Daughter Tabitha twentie pounds & also I give to my daughter Sarah twentie pound & likewise I give to my dau. Mary twentie pound, & for the payment of these Legacies I have eight accres of marsh Land, which if my sonne Nathaniell will pay £20 in good pay towards this fowre score pound, then he to haue and enjoy my Marsh land and his heyres foreuer; but if he refuse to pay the twentie pound, then to be devided equally to my fower daughters & to theire children, that is to my daughter Ruth & her Children one part, and to my daughter Tabitha & her Children one part, & to my daughter Sarah and her Children one part, and to my daughter Mary & her Children one part, or else that it may be sold for as much as it will yeeld, and devided among them equally as I said before, & the other three score pound to be raysed out of my owne estate, & what is ouer and aboue, my will & desire is, my wife shall haue, and so I do make her my Executrix to pay all my debts and receive all my debts, and also I joyne my sonne Nathaniell with her, to be as helpefull to my wife, his mother, as possibly he can, and these legacies to be payd within one yeare and a day, and if it should please God that I doe Liue so Long as any of my Estate should be spent, as it is likely it may, I & my wife being stricken in age & are almost past our Labour, then, for euery one of them to abate proportionably alike. Written with my owne hand the 20th day of the 2d month 1658.

        Robert Reynols

At a Countie Court 27th July 1659. Thomas Grubb and Nathaniell Bishop deposed, that being a vissiting of Robert Reynols, a little before his death, the said Reynols, in their prnce, declared this paper to be his Last Will & Testament, & yt he was of a sound and disposeing minde when he so declared it to theire best knowledge.
Ca 1623 Robert married Mary.14 Mary died in Watertown, MA on 18 Jan 1663.14 Religion: Admitted to the Boston church 4 Oct 1645.14
Their children include:
Ruth Reynolds (ca 1623-aft 1692)
Tabitha Reynolds (ca 1625-May 1661)
Capt. Nathaniel Reynolds (ca 1627-10 Jul 1708)
Sarah Reynolds (ca 1629-bef 1706)
Mary Reynolds (ca 1631-aft 1711)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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