Pane-Joyce Genealogy
2512. John Taylor. Born in England.

From Descendants of Edward Small of New England:126
    John Taylor had been in Plymouth Colony as early as 1635, probably in Scituate; in 1651, he was at “Damariscove.” When he was driven away from Damariscotta by the Indians, he fled to Massachusetts, where he died; his wife was Sarah. Isaac^2 Taylor, of of his sons, also had a wife Sarah; they lived for a short time in Boston before returning to Scituate. This Isaac appeared among the claimants, for a “tract on the west side of Damariscotta River, in the Sheepscot Township,” next north of Walter Phillips, “the late possession of John Taylor ... all which said John Taylor was possessed of upwards of forty years, and enjoyed the same peaceably till the first Indian war.” It is said that Isaac Taylor was the “only son of an original settler in these parts who returned to his father’s land;” his descendants were numerous in that region. ... Besides the daughter Sarah who was married to Thomas Gent, John Taylor had another dauaghter, wife of ___ Simmons; a third, wife of ___ Woodbridge; and a fourth, who “lived single till upwards of 90 years of age.”

For more information about the Taylor families of Damariscotta and Scituate, see Forrest Perreault’s research. His NH First Settlers database (2006 version) is at RootsWeb

See also at the Phipps Family Pages.
John married Elizabeth.
Their children include:
Isaac Taylor (-ca 1720)
William Taylor (-ca 1748)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.