Pane-Joyce Genealogy
3466. Sarah Dickerman. Born in Oct 1653 in Malden, MA.36
3467. Lydia Dickerman. Born in Jun 1655 in Malden, MA.36 Lydia died on 13 Sep 1680.36
3468. Thomas Dickerman. Born in Aug 1657 in Malden, MA.36
3469. Hannah Dickerman. Born on 27 Dec 1659 in Malden, MA.36 Hannah died on 18 Jul 1706; she was 46.36

Hannah drowned in the Medford River.36
15 Mar 1685/6 Hannah married Francis Fensum.36

Isaac, of Malden.
3470. Mary Dickerman. Born ca 1660 in Malden, MA.36 Mary died in Malden, MA 20 Mar 1738/9.36

Mary’s will was dated 29 Oct 1733. As she didn’t mention any siblings except her brother John and sister Elizabeth, wife of John Dorr, both deceased, she was the last of her family. Her possessions were to be divided among four respected friends: Samuel Bucknam, Samuel Sprague, William Sprage, and Abraham Hill.36
3471. John Dickerman. Born ca 1666 in Malden, MA.36 John died in Milton, CT on 14 Aug 1729.36
In 1691 John married Sarah in Reading, MA.36 Sarah died aft 1732.
Their children include:
John Dickerman (30 Aug 1692-9 Feb 1760)
Thomas Dickerman (Died young) (1693-)
3472. Elizabeth Dickerman. Born ca 1668 in Malden, MA.36 Elizabeth was baptized in Charlestown, MA, on 4 Jul 1687.36 She was baptized age 19. Elizabeth died in Roxbury, MA 30 Jan 1732/3.36 Buried in Eliot Burying Ground, Roxbury. Lot: C327.

Elizabeth first married Ebenezer Clapp of Milton, second Samuel French of Braintree, and third Edward Dorr of Roxbury. Her will was dated 8 May 1728 and probated 28 Feb 1732/3.
On 11 Nov 1702 Elizabeth first married Ebenezer Clapp (9969) , son of Dea. Nicholas Clapp (3357) (1612-24 Nov 1679) & Sarah Clap (3367) (1611-ca 1650).25 Born in Jul 1643 in Dorchester, MA.25 Ebenezer was baptized in Dorchester, MA, on 17 Mar 1644.25 Ebenezer died on 31 Jul 1712.25

Ebenezer, of Dorchester and Milton, was freeman 1669, and one of the founders of the church in Milton in 1678. By neither wife did Ebenezer have any children.25
On 12 Nov 1713 Elizabeth second married Sergt. Samuel French in Milton, MA. Born 22 Feb 1659/60 in Braintree, MA. Samuel died in Braintree, MA on 13 Oct 1718. Buried on 15 Oct 1718 in Hancock Cemetery, Braintree.
On 9 Nov 1720 Elizabeth third married Edward Dorr in Braintree, MA. Born ca 1647 in England. Edward died in Roxbury, MA 9 Feb 1733/4.78 Buried in Eliot Burying Ground, Roxbury. Lot: C320. Religion: Edward was admitted to the Second Church of Boston 14 Nov 1680.

From E. B. Crane’s Rawson Family:320
    “Edward Dorr of Roxbury, Mass., the emigrant ancestor of the family. When the Colony of Massachusetts Bay organized the county of Devon at Pemaquid, near the mouth of the Kennebec in Maine, Edward Dorr was there, and with other inhabitants took the oath of fidelity on the 22d July, 1674. [See Colonial Records, vol. 5, p. 17-19.] He subsequently removed to Roxbury; perhaps on account of King Philip’s war, which broke out in 1675, placing that remote settlement in great peril.
    “Mr. Dorr became prominent in the civil and ecclesiastical affairs of Roxbury. He was one of the selectmen, and held other offices of importance and trust. He died in 1734, leaving a good estate. He was interred in the old burial ground in Roxbury, and his tombstone and that of his wife are [1874] in perfect preservation. The inscriptions upon them are as follows:
    “‘Here lies buried ye body of Mr. Edward Dorr. He died February 9 the, 1733-4, in ye 86th year of his age’
    “‘Here lyes ye body of Elizabeth Dorr, wife to Edward Dorr, aged 63 years. Deet December ye 7th, 1719.’”

Check out Descendants of Edward Dorr by Cheryl Dorr Wright.

Will: Following is taken from a Photostat copy of the original will of Edward Dorr 1648 - 1733/34.

        In the name of God amen. I Edward Dorr of Town of Roxbury in the
        County of Suffolk in the Providence of Massachusetts Bay in New
        England. Being aged and under bodily infirmities at present, yet
        notwithstanding of sound memory and judgment, being desirous to settle
        that outward estate which the Lord hath lent me, I do therefore here
        make this my last will and testament in manner and from following:
        that is to say first and principally I commend my soul into the hands
        of most glorious God and Father through Jesus Christ The Blessed
        redeemer, and my body to the earth, to be buried in such manner
        decently as my Executor hereafter named shall think meet, and as
        touching my worldly estate my will is that it be bestowed and employed
        as hereafter in and by this last will is expressed:
        Imprimis I do hereby will and appoint that all my just debts that I
        owed to any person be paid out of my estate in convenient time after
        my decease by my executor: and then first I will and bequeath unto
        Ebenezer Dorr, my oldest son, eighty pounds besides the hundred and
        thirty pounds he has had formerly of me by deed or gift.
        Item: I give to my son Joseph Dorr seventy pounds besides his liberal
        education and forty pounds he had of me formerly.
        Item: I give to my son Edmund Dorr one hundred and ten pounds besides
        the one hundred pounds he had of me formerly.
        Item: I give to my son Harbottle Dorr forty pounds besides the one
        hundred I gave him formerly and the seventy pounds he owes me by
        Item: I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Scott seventy three pounds,
        besides the seventy three she had of me formerly.
        Item: I give to my daughter Clement Weld seventy three pounds,
        besides the seventy three she had of me formerly.
        Item: I give to my Grandson Edward Dorr in Roxbury five pounds in
        Item: I give unto the Honorable Rev. Nehemiah Walter forty shillings
        to buy a ring besides the gloves he is to have.
        Moreover my will is that my oldest son, Ebenezer Dorr not be disturbed
        or interrupted in enjoyment of the land sold to him by me formerly.
        Although the principle be not paid yet, provided he pays the sum two
        hundred and fifty pounds mentioned in the deed of mortgage to me, and
        that it be divided equally among my heirs: and further my will is that
        when the house and land in Roxbury is sold and the land in Leicester
        is sold and my personal estate is sold the money be equally
        distributed among my six children or their heirs that survive them,
        and further I do hereby will and appoint or make and nominate my
        trusted and well beloved son Ebenezer Dorr my only and sole Executor
        of this my will and last testament and will that he be paid out of my
        estate for all just charges in the matter of managing of my estate for
        the good of the whole family and further my will is that when the
        house and land in Roxbury is to be sold that my grandson Edward Dorr
        of Roxbury have the refusal of it at Ten pounds cheaper in price than
        any other person shall whatsoever. And now I declare this to be my
        last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand
        and seal this tenth day of April, one Thousand seven hundred thirty
        and three; and my will is that all the legacies be paid in two years
        after my decease.

        Signed and Sealed in the presence Edward
        of us:
        Edmund Weld
        Joseph Turner
        Abigail Loring
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.