Pane-Joyce Genealogy
3709. Sarah Griswold. Born ca 1631 in Kenilworth, Warwickshire. Sarah was baptized in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, on 29 Jan 1631. Sarah died in Kenilworth, Warwickshire in Dec 1631. Buried on 28 Dec 1631 in Kenilworth, Warwickshire.
3710. George Griswold. Born in 1633 in Kenilworth, Warwickshire.115 George was baptized in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, on 19 May 1633. George died in Windsor, CT on 3 Sep 1704.

Georege, freeman 1654.115
On 3 Oct 1655 George married Mary Holcomb, daughter of Thomas Holcomb (1609-7 Sep 1657) & Elizabeth (ca 1617-7 Oct 1679), in Windsor, CT.115 Born ca 1636 in Windsor, CT.16 Mary died in Poquonock, Windsor, CT on 4 Apr 1708.115
Their children include:
Daniel Griswold (1 Oct 1656-1728)
Thomas Griswold (29 Sep 1658-18 Sep 1689)
Edward Griswold (19 Mar 1661-31 May 1688)
Mary Griswold (28 Sep 1663-13 Jul 1739)
George Griswold (3 Dec 1665-1740)
Sergt. John Griswold (17 Sep 1668-13 Jun 1738)
Benjamin Griswold (16 Aug 1671-)
Deborah Griswold (30 May 1674-19 Jan 1756)
Abigail Griswold (Died young) (31 Oct 1676-7 May 1682)
Samuel Griswold (Died soon) (5 Nov 1681-1 Jun 1682)
3711. Francis Griswold. Born ca 1633 in Kenilworth, Warwickshire. Francis died in Norwich, CT in Oct 1671.115

Francis, freeman 1657, removed to Saybrook, thence to Norwich, CT, of which he was a first proprietor and active citizen, and which town he represented in General Court from 1661 to 1671 inclusive.115
Francis married Mary Tracy.
Their children include:
Sarah Griswold (28 Mar 1653-7 Apr 1692)
Joseph Griswold (Died soon) (4 Jun 1655-31 Jul 1655)
Mary Griswold (26 Aug 1656-18 Sep 1723)
Hannah Griswold (11 Dec 1658-21 Feb 1687/8)
Deborah Griswold (6 May 1661-1704)
Lydia Griswold (Died soon) (Jun 1663-Apr 1664)
Samuel Griswold (16 Sep 1665-2 Dec 1740)
Margaret Griswold (Oct 1668-)
Lydia Griswold (Oct 1671-6 Jan 1752)
3712. Sarah Griswold. Born on 10 Jan 1635 in Kenilworth, Warwickshire. Sarah died in Windsor, CT, on 6 Nov 1715; she was 80.

Sarah came to New England with her father. She first married Samuel Phelps, second Nathaniel Pinney.
On 10 Jan 1650 when Sarah was 15, she first married Samuel Phelps (2870) , son of William Phelps (1229) (ca 1592-14 Jul 1672) & Mary (-Aug 1626), in Windsor, CT.115 Born ca 1621 in Crewkerne, Somerset. Samuel was baptized in Crewkerne, Somerset, on 5 Aug 1621.114 Samuel died in Poquonock, Windsor, CT on 15 May 1669.

From The Phelps Family of America:116
    (#21) Samuel Phelps, b. England, about 1625, emigrated to New England with his father, in ship Mary and John, settling with his father in Dorchester, removing from there to settling of Windsor, Ct., in 1635-6, where he m. Sarah Griswold, 10th Nov., 1650. She was daughter of Edward Griswold, and b. Kenilworth, England, and came to New England with her father in 1639. After the death of Mr. Phelps, she m. 2nd Nathaniel Pinney, 21st July, 1670, and had Nathaniel Pinney b. 11th May, 1671, and Sarah Pinney b. 11th Oct., 1673. Mrs. Pinney died 6th Nov., 1715.
    Mr. Phelps bought 1st Oct., 1657, Thomas Orton's house and land south of road separating it from his father's homestead, and brother William’s: the house stood on the rear of the lot just opposite his father’s house. This lot was of triangular shape, 4 rods on the rivulet, 60 rods on east and west road, 40 rods on Mill road, and 47 rods on the southeast line. The rear of this lot and house he sold to his brother Nathaniel, and removed to Poquonock, where he had received a grant of land, and where he also bought John Bartlett’s place east of Stony Creek, and north of Thomas Holcomb’s, and running east of the rivulet. Here he died 15th Mau, 1669. He witnessed a deed of land to his father by the Indians in 1666.
    January 8th, 1660, he paid rates for short slips, 7 shillings, highest amount assessed that year.
Town Records—24th May, 1669, “There was a day of training; by reason of the death of Samuel Phelps, voted that Benjamin Holcomb supply his place as Way Warden.”
Their children include:
Samuel Phelps (5 Sep 1652-21 Oct 1741)
Sarah Phelps (16 Mar 1654-26 Oct 1732)
Timothy Phelps (26 Oct 1656-bef 29 Apr 1712)
Mary Phelps (26 Oct 1658-1715)
William Phelps (3 Nov 1660-21 Nov 1711)
John Phelps (Died young) (7 Jul 1662-30 Apr 1679)
Ephraim Phelps (1 Nov 1663-30 Oct 1697)
Abigail Phelps (16 May 1666-)
Josiah Phelps (16 Dec 1667-)
On 21 Jul 1670 when Sarah was 35, she second married Nathaniel Pinney, son of Humphrey Pinney (ca 1605-20 Aug 1683) & Mary Hull (ca 1618-18 Aug 1684), in Windsor, CT.115 Born in Dec 1641 in Windsor, CT.16 Nathaniel was baptized in Windsor, CT, 2 Jan 1641/2.173 Nathaniel died in Windsor, CT on 7 Aug 1676.
Their children include:
Nathaniel Pinney (11 May 1671-1 Jan 1764)
Sarah Pinney (11 Oct 1673-aft 13 Jun 1711)
Sarah third married William Pratt.
3713. Lydia Griswold. Born in 1637 in Kenilworth, Warwickshire.115 Lydia was baptized in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, on 17 Nov 1637. Lydia died in England bef 1639.
3714. Anne Griswold. Born ca Jun 1642 in Windsor, CT. Anne was baptized in Windsor, CT, on 19 Jun 1642.173 Anne died in Windsor, CT on 21 May 1714.

Anne, or Hannah.
On 19 Nov 1663 Anne married Jonah Westover in Windsor, CT. Jonah died in Simsbury, CT on 15 Jan 1708.
Their children include:
Jonah Westover (20 Sep 1664-3 Jun 1714)
Margaret Westover (19 Feb 1665-)
Hannah Westover (8 Apr 1668-10 Aug 1753)
Elizabeth Westover (3 May 1670-18 Jul 1753)
Jane Westover (26 Mar 1672-)
Sarah Westover (ca 1675-15 Aug 1718)
Mary Westover (ca 1677-27 Sep 1713)
Jonathan Westover (ca 1679-23 Jun 1748)
Joanna Westover (ca 1681-)
3715. Mary Griswold. Born on 5 Oct 1644 in Windsor, CT.173 Mary was baptized in Windsor, CT, on 13 Oct 1644.173 Mary died in Windsor, CT, on 27 Nov 1715; she was 71.
On 19 Mar 1661 when Mary was 16, she married Lieut. Timothy Phelps (2878) , son of William Phelps (1229) (ca 1592-14 Jul 1672) & Anne Dover (-30 Aug 1689), in Windsor, CT.115 Born on 1 Sep 1639 in Windsor, CT.173 Timothy died bet 2 Mar 1716 and 28 Sep 1719.114

Timothy owned the Half-Way Cov’t, W. Ch., 8 Nov 1663; freeman at Windsor 1664; received his commission as Lieut. under Col. Wm. Whiting, with Capt. Matthew Allyn, in 1709, in Queen Anne’s War. He resided in Windsor on the original Phelps homestead.115

“He lived in Windsor, on the old homestead, on land purchased by his father from the Indians. He was freeman, May 2, 1664. He was chosen lieutenant of the train band in Windsor, May, 1690, and captain, May, 1696. He was appointed a lieutenant by the general court, in 1709, and served in Queen Anne’s war, under Colonel William Whiting, Captain Matthew Allyn’s company.”274

Two of Timothy and Mary’s sons moved to Hebron, Connecticut, namely Timothy and Nathaniel. A third son, Joseph, joined them later as did daughters Abigail and Anne.

From The Phelps Family of America, 116by Oliver S. Phelps & Andrew T. Servin, Pittsfield, MA, 1899, pages 93-96.
    (#24) Lieut. Timothy Phelps, b. Windsor, Ct., 1st. Sept., 1639, m. Mary Griswold, 19 March, 1661, daughter of Edward Griswold of Killingworth, Ct., she b. Windsor, Ct., bpt. 13 Oct., 1644. She died some years before her husband.
    Mr. Phelps resided in Windsor, Ct., on the old homestead, on land purchased by his father from the Indians. He was propounded Oct., 1663, and made a freeman 2d May, 1664. May, 1690, “Thos. Allen chosen and allowed Capt. of Trained Band in Windsor, and Timothy Phelps, Lieut., and are to be commissioned accordingly.”
    May, 1696, “The soldiers at Windsor have chosen Timothy Phelps as their Capt, The Court approveth their said choice and does order the said officers shall receive their commissions. Sgt. Timothy Phelps that went up to the Great Falls in Oct. last, ordered by the Gov. and Council, 6 Feb., 1706-7, upon public service, shall be allowed 8 shillings apiece more than allowed them by Capt. Matthew Allen.”
    He was appointed a Lieut, by the General Court, receiving his commission in 1709, and served under Col. William Whiting, in Capt. Matthew Allyn’s Co., in 1607, in the Queen Anne War. He died in 1719. His will, dated 2nd May, 1717, mentions all his children, (except Mary who died young,) and grandson Samuel Filer, son of his daughter Abigail.
    11th June, 1667, “to the Poor of other Colonies, Timothy
Phelps 3s. 6d.”— (Stiles' History.)
    Capt. Matthew Allyn led a company from Windsor, in the unfortunate campaign against Quebec. From letters to his wife from the camp on Woods Creek near Albany, that “Himself, Tim. Phelps, Obadiah Owen, Mat. Taylor and Bartlett are sick. Taylor the worst.”
    In a deposition taken in Hartford, Ct., Mar. 1682-3, he is mentioned as son of William, about forty-two years old.
    Vol. 9, p.p. 338.
Last Will and Testament of Mr. Timothy Phelps of Windsor, in the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticut in New England.
In the name of God, Amen: —
    I, Timothy Phelps of Windsor, in the town, county and colony aforesaid in New England, being very aged, and yet through the mercy of God retaining a good measure of that understanding and memory that he hath been pleased to bestow upon me, do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament: First, I commit my soul to God in Jesus Christ my saviour and my body to the earth, to be decently entered. As for my estate Real and personal, my just Debts and funeral expenses being deducted and paid by my Ex’rs., I will devise and bequeath as followeth.
    Imprimis. I give, devise and bequeath all my estate whatsoever, Both Real and personal, To my three sons William, Cornelius, and Samuell to have and to hold and Improve the same in trust for the use of my wife during her natural life and after her decease my will is and I hereby do give and devise all my houseing and Lands with the appurtenances, To my sons Timothy Phelps, William Phelps, Cornelius Phelps, Samuel Phelps, Nathl. Phelps and the heirs of Joseph Phelps, in the Room of their father to be equally divided into Six Equal parts provided always; and it is my will that they pay and make up to their Sisters Sarah, Hannah, Ann and Martha, my daughters or to their heirs and to the heirs of my daughter Abigail deceased fourty eight pounds as money apiece and my will is that what they have already received as entered upon my book shall be reckoned as part of said sum and if my said sons and the heirs of my son Joseph shall pay their sisters and their heirs above mentioned in equal proportion except that the heirs of Joseph shall pay four pounds more then an equal proportion and my son Cornelius four pounds less then an equal proportion. And my will further is that my wife shall have the free disposal of all her wearing apparel at her decease and that my grandson Samuel Tiler shall have half of that bequeathed to the heirs of my Daughter Abigail if he liveth with me so long as I live or till he comes to the age of eighteen years and I do hereby nominate and appoint my loving wife be my executrix and my three sons William, Cornelius and Sam 1 to be mx executors to this my last will and testament.
    In witness whereof that this is my last will and Testament I ye s’d Timotlry Phelps have hereto put my hand and seal this Second day of March Anno Domini One thousand Seven hundred sixteen or seventeen.
    Timothy X Phelps.
    his mark and a seal.
The said Timothy Phelps signed, sealed & declared this to be his last will & Testament in presence of us.
    John Mansfield,
    Thomas Moore.
And whereas I being aged and my wife so and not knowing how long it may please God to continue my life and not knowing what debts and charge may Arise before I leave this world my will is that my sons and my daughters & their heirs shall pay their equal parts and shares of my debts and charges after my decease and my daughters Sarah Hannah, Ann & Martha & the heirs of Abigail shall have fourty six pounds apiece with what they have already have to be paid as money out of my estate after my decease by the charge as above mentioned I intend that if there be any extraordinary charge so that the improvement of my estate will not maintain me this addition of my will was made and published this second day of March, One thousand Seven hundred Sixteen or Seventeen.
    Timothy X Phelps.
    his mark and a seal.
Signed sealed and Declared to be his addition to his Will
and Testament in presence of us.
    John Mansfield
    Thomas Moore
Windsor September 28th 1719
    Then came before me the subscribers hereunto Capt. Thomas Moore and John Mansfield both of Windsor and made solemn oath that they saw Timothy Phelps sign and seal the foregoing written both sides of the first half sheet of this paper & declared the same to be his last will and testament and that they set their hands thereunto as witnesses at the same time and also that they saw said Timothy Phelps sign and seal the writing on the other side of this half sheet paper and declare the same to be his addition to his will and testament and that they set their hands thereunto as witnesses at the same time and that according to their best observation he s’d Phelps was of sound mind and memory.
    Matthew Aelyn, Asst.

    Children were :
    i. Timothy, b. Windsor, Ct., 1 Nov., bapt 8th, 1663, m Martha Crow.
    ii. Joseph, b. Windsor, Ct., 27th Sept,, 1666, m. Sarah Hosford.
    iii. William, b. Windsor, Ct., 4 Feb., 1669, m. 1st, Abigail Mudge; 2nd, Ruth Barber.
    iv. Cornelius, b. Windsor, Ct., 26 April, 1671, m. Sarah Mansfield.
    v. Mary, b. Windsor, Ct., 14 Aug., 1673, d. 23 May, 1690, aged 17 yrs.
    vi. Samuel, b. Windsor, Ct., 29 Jan., 1675, m. Abigail Eno.
    vii. Nathaniel, b. Windsor, Ct., 7, bpt. 13 Jan., 1677, m. 1st, Hannah Bissell, 2nd, Abigail Pinney.
    viii. Sarah, b. Windsor, Ct., 27 Dec, 1679, m. David Marshall of Hebron, Ct.
    ix. Abigail, b. Windsor, Ct., 3 June, 1682, m. Samuel Filer.
    x. Hannah, b. Windsor, Ct., 2, bpt. 16 Aug., 1684, m. Thomas Phelps.
    xi. Anne, b. Windsor, Ct., 2 Oct., 1686, m. David Porter.
    xii. Martha, b. Windsor, Ct., 12 Nov., 168S, m. Corporal Samuel Holcomb.
Their children include:
Timothy Phelps (1 Nov 1663-1729)
Joseph Phelps (27 Sep 1666-30 Aug 1716)
William Phelps (4 Feb 1668-1733)
Cornelius Phelps (26 Apr 1671-ca 1740/1)
Mary Phelps (Died young) (14 Aug 1673-23 May 1690)
Lieut. Samuel Phelps (29 Jan 1675-bef 1749)
Capt. Nathaniel Phelps (7 Jan 1677-23 Sep 1746)
Sarah Phelps (29 Dec 1679-)
Abigail Phelps (3 Jun 1682-28 Jan 1709/10)
Hannah Phelps (4 Aug 1684-1726)
Anne Phelps (2 Oct 1686-24 Jan 1767)
Martha Phelps (12 Nov 1688-)
3716. Deborah Griswold. Born ca 1646 in Windsor, CT. Deborah was baptized in Windsor, CT, on 28 Jun 1646.173 Deborah died in Killingworth, CT on 7 Feb 1718.
On 30 Nov 1662 Deborah married Samuel Buell, son of William Buell (ca 1610-23 Nov 1681) & Mary Post (ca 1619-1 Sep 1684), in Windsor, CT. Born on 2 Sep 1641 in Windsor, CT.173 Samuel died in Killingworth, CT, on 11 Jul 1720; he was 78.

Samuel and Deborah removed to Killingworth.115
Their children include:
Samuel Buell (20 Jul 1663-2 Nov 1732)
Deborah Buell (18 Oct 1665-)
Hannah Buell (Died young) (6 Sep 1667-)
Mary Buell (28 Nov 1669-)
Dr. John Buell (17 Feb 1671/2-9 Apr 1746)
Hannah Buell (4 May 1674-)
William Buell (18 Oct 1676-7 Apr 1763)
David Buell (15 Feb 1679-25 Feb 1749)
Josiah Buell (17 Mar 1681-11 Nov 1732)
Mehitable Buell (22 Aug 1682-30 Apr 1704)
Peter Buell (3 Dec 1684-Mar 1769)
Benjamin Buell (18 Feb 1685-Mar 1769)
3717. Joseph Griswold. Born ca Mar 1647 in Windsor, CT. Joseph was baptized in Windsor, CT, on 12 Mar 1647.173 Joseph died in Windsor, CT on 14 Nov 1716.115
On 14 Jul 1670 Joseph married Mary Gaylord, daughter of Samuel Gaylord (ca 1619-19 Aug 1690) & Elizabeth Hull (ca 1625-2 May 1680), in Windsor, CT.115 Born on 20 Nov 1649 in Windsor, CT.173
Their children include:
Mary Griswold (16 Mar 1671-19 Dec 1719)
Elizabeth Griswold (28 Mar 1674-1742)
Joseph Griswold (24 Jan 1677-17 Feb 1725)
Francis Griswold (11 Jul 1683-)
Matthew Griswold (25 Feb 1686-1737)
Abigail Griswold (11 Aug 1689-1720)
3718. Samuel Griswold. Born ca 1649 in Windsor, CT. Samuel was baptized in Windsor, CT, on 18 Nov 1649.173 Samuel died in Windsor, CT in Jul 1672.115
3719. Dea. John Griswold. Born ca 1652 in Windsor, CT. John was baptized in Windsor, CT, on 1 Aug 1652.173 John died in Killingworth, CT on 7 Aug 1717.115
On 8 Aug 1672 John first married Mary Bemis, daughter of James Bemis (-1665) & Sarah Diamond, in Windsor, CT. Mary died on 27 Oct 1679.115
Their children include:
Mary Griswold (Feb 1673-26 Nov 1750)
Margaret Griswold (10 Dec 1675-21 Dec 1749/50)
Hannah Griswold (15 Oct 1677-)
John Griswold (Died soon) (22 Sep 1679-27 Dec 1679)
Ca 1680 John second married Bathsheba North, daughter of Thomas North & Mary Price. Born on 25 Dec 1654 in New Haven, CT.25 Bathsheba died on 19 Mar 1736; she was 81.115
Their children include:
Dorothy Griswold (Died young) (4 May 1681-3 Mar 1690)
Bathsheba Griswold (5 Dec 1682-Feb 1753)
Samuel Griswold (4 Apr 1685-29 Dec 1736)
Lucy Griswold (4 Jul 1686-)
Martha Griswold (Died soon) (1 Jun 1689-17 Mar 1690)
Joseph Griswold (Twin) (26 Sep 1690-18 Apr 1771)
Benjamin Griswold (Twin) (26 Sep 1690-)
Dorothy Griswold (23 Sep 1693-12 Feb 1775)
Martha Griswold (16 Jun 1694-)
Daniel Griswold (25 Oct 1696-10 Sep 1737)
Walter Griswold (7 Mar 1700-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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