Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Henry Loker (1577) & Elizabeth
3979. Anne Loker. Born ca 1605 in Suffolk, England. Anne was baptized in Bures St. Mary, Suffolk, on 1 Aug 1605. Anne died in Marlboro, MA on 5 Dec 1697.46

Anne (Hannah) was the younger daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Loker.
On 9 Aug 1636 Anne married Richard Newton in Bures St. Mary, Suffolk.46 Born in Suffolk, England. Richard died in Marlboro, MA on 24 Aug 1701.46 Richard died “almost a hundred years old”.

Richard was in Sudbury by 1640. He took the freeman’s oath in 1645, and again, perhaps in 1647, but after 1656 removed to the southern part of Marlborough, now Southborough.25

Check out references for the Newton family: Newton Genealogy by Ermina Newton Leonard (1915), and The American Genealogist 55 (1979), 87-87.


I, Richard Newton of Marlborough, in the County of Middlesex in their Majesties Province of Massachusetts Bay in Now England, husbandman, being in Competent health, and enjoying the freedom of mine understanding and by reason of my great age expecting my dissolution shortly. Do make and constitute my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. After the surrender of myself to God my Former and most merciful Preserver, I Give, grant and confirm to my eldest son John Newton senr of Marlborough aforesaid, House carpenter, and to his heirs and assigns formever, Sixteen Acre of Upland, more or less lying in Marlborough aforesaid, being so much of the Thirty acres long since granted unto me the said Richard Newton for an house lot by the Proprietors of said Marlborough, which sixteen acres are bounded Eastward, with the land of my son Moses Newton, Westward, with the land lately in the possession of Issac Newton my son deceased; Northward with the land of Nathaniel Joslin; Southward, with an highway. Likewise I give to my said son John, Ten acres of land, more or less of my Third division of upland in said Marlborough, bounded Eastward with the land of James Taylor, Westward and Southward with Common land; Northward with Stony- brook. And More I give to my said son John, Two acres of land together with my now dwelling-house, and all the Out-houses thereon erected; One acre and half an acre of which two acres is so much of my Addition, or Second Division of Upland, and the other half-acre thereof is that which the Proprietors of said Marlborough granted mee for an houseplat: These two acres last named every way bounded with highway. And I give unto my said son John Newton all of my right in Crane-Meadow-Cedar Swamp, lying in mid Marlborough it being the Twenty First Lot in said Swamp, and is fifteen rods wide, through the bredth of said Swamp. And I give unto my said son John all my right in Angular meadow in said Westbormgh, containing seven acres and an half acre, more or less bounded Eastward, with meadow lately in the possession of John Woods senr deceased, Northward, and Westward with Common land, Southward, with the Brook of Angular meadow. And, I give to my said son John all my right in Coldharbor meadow in said Marlborough, containing four acres of meadow, more or less, bounded Northward by the meadow of Joseph Rice, Southward, by meadow now in the possession of John Barns, Eastward, and Northward, by Common land. And I give unto my said son John a right of Commonage in mid Marlborough. viz. for Timber, Firewood, and feed of Cattle, proportionable unto ten acres of houselot, together with a Right in all Divisions of lands which shall herafter bee made by the Proprietors of said Marlborough of their yet undivided lands, within the bounds of their Township, according to Ten acres of my houselot. All the above given Parcels of Upland and Meadow, and Cedarswamp, and Right of Commonage, I bequeath unto my said son John, and to his heirs and Assigns former. And I alike give and bequeath unto my said son John Newton senr all my neat Cattle, and all my Swine, and also my cart and all my Tools and instruments belonging to Husbandry, and half the increase of my Mare, during the natural life of myself and of my wife-Likewise I give and bequeath unto my loving daughter Mary, the wife of Jonathan Johnson senr and to her heirs and Assigns, the sum of Eight Pounds ten shillings to be paid within Three Months after my death by my Executor, out of the household stuff which I shall leave behind me at my decease undisposed of, which said sum of eight pounds ten shillings, together with what my said Daughter hath already received from me, I allow unto her as her Portion. To each of my three sons, namely Moses Newton senr, Joseph Newton senr and Daniel Newton senr Also unto each of my Two daughters, namely Elizabh Dingley senr and Sarah Taylor senr, I say unto each of these my five Children last named, I bequeath Two Shillings, and no more, because I have given a portion to each of them already, these shillings shall be paid out of what estate I shall leave behind me, and that within Two months after my decease, to them or their heirs. To Hannah my loving wife, I give all my Movable goods which I leave, behind me at my death, Shee paying out of the same, all such Legacies as are above mentioned to be paid, (unless providence shall unavoidably deprive her thereof.) And of this my Will I appoint my loving am Joseph Newton senr and my loving friend Isaac Amsden Executors. This is my Will witnness my hand and Seal this twentyeighth day of September, in the year of our Lord Christ, One Thousand, six Hundred, Ninety and Three, Annoque Regni Guilielmi et Mariae Regis et Reginai nunc Angliae es Quinto
        Richard Newton (his mark)
        Read, acknowledged, Signed & ; Sealed
        in presence of these witnesses
        Nathaniel Johnson
        his mark
        James Woods
        his mark
        John Maynard Junr
        his mark
Their children include:
Anne Newton (Died young) (ca 1637-13 Apr 1654)
John Newton (20 Oct 1641-16 Oct 1723)
Ezekiel Newton (ca 1643-)
Mary Newton (22 Jun 1644-28 Dec 1728)
Moses Newton (26 Mar 1646-23 May 1736)
Elizabeth Newton (ca 1650-30 Mar 1718)
Dea. Joseph Newton (bet 1647 and 1652-24 Sep 1727)
Hannah Newton (Twin, died young) (13 Apr 1654-13 Apr 1654)
Henry Newton (Twin, died young) (13 Apr 1654-)
Sarah Newton (bet 1645 and 1655-aft 10 Oct 1713)
Isaac Newton (bat 1650 and 1660-12 Aug 1685)
Daniel Newton (21 Dec 1655-29 Nov 1739)
Hannah Newton (ca 1662-13 Mar 1697)
3980. Henry Loker. Born prob. by 1610 in Bures St. Mary, Suffolk.46 Henry died in Sudbury, MA on 14 Oct 1688.70

In 1678 Henry deeded his whole estate for love to his son Jacob and daughter Elizabeth Moore.46
On 24 Mar 1647 Henry married Hannah in Sudbury, MA.70 Hannah died in Sudbury, MA on 14 Feb 1679.70

Hannah first married John Brewer of Cambridge, second Henry Loker.

(The Sudbury70 vital records state Henry Loker and Hannah Brewer married 24 Mar 1647. A century later a Henry Loker and Hannah Barber married 22 May 1755 at Sudbury.)
Their children include:
William Loker (27 Sep 1652-23 Jan 1728)
Jacob Loker (ca 1652-)
3981. John Loker. Born in Bures St. Mary, Suffolk. John died in Sudbury, MA on 18 Jun 1653.46
Ca 1650 John married Mary Draper.46
Their children include:
John Loker (2 Dec 1650-10 Nov 1719)
Mary Loker (28 Sep 1653-28 Oct 1735)
3982. Bridget Loker. Bridget died in Marlboro, MA on 11 Mar 1685.46
By 1646 Bridget first married Robert Davis. Born ca 1606 in England.46 Robert died in Sudbury, MA on 19 Jul 1655.70
Their children include:
Sarah Davis (10 Apr 1646-)
On 26 Dec 1655 Bridget second married Dea. Thomas King in Sudbury, MA.46 Born ca 1600 in England. Thomas died in Sudbury, MA on 3 May 1676.

Thomas first married Anne Collins, second Bridget (Loker) Davis, widow of Robert Davis.
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D. Pane-Joyce
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from Leister Productions, Inc.