Pane-Joyce Genealogy
John Otis (1609) & Margaret
4077. Alicia Otis. Born ca 1604 in Glastonbury, Somerset. Alicia was baptized on 23 Jun 1604.168 Alicia died aft 1657.

Alicia was bequeathed 5 shillings in her father’s will. She probably never married.168
4078. Joan Otis. Born ca 1610 in Glastonbury, England. Joan was baptized in Glastonbury on 13 Dec 1610.168 Joan died in Glastonbury, England in Dec 1611. Buried on 22 Dec 1611 in Glastonbury.168
4079. Joan Otis. Born ca 1612 in Glastonbury, Somerset. Joan was baptized on 1 Dec 1612.168 Joan died aft 1657.

Joan, mentioned in her father’s will as Ann, was bequathed 5 shillings. She probably never married.168
4080. Elizabeth Otis. Born ca 1614 in Glastonbury, England. Elizabeth was baptized in Glastonbury on 12 Nov 1614.168 Elizabeth died in Glastonbury in Mar 1615. Buried in Glastonbury.168
4081. Richard Otis. Born ca 1617 in Glastonbury, England. Richard was baptized in Glastonbury on 27 Feb 1617.168,25

Apparently died young, as no mention is made of him in his father’s will, or in the colonial records as far as known.168
4082. Hannah Otis. Born ca 1618 in Glastonbury, England. Hannah was baptized in Glastonbury on 16 Aug 1618.168 Hannah died in Hingham, MA 25 Jan 1675/6.45

Hannah came to New England with her parents in 1630. In her father’s will Hannah is bequeatehd ‘Two feather bouldsters, one Rugg and cotton blankett, my biggest brasse kettle’; while other articles were bequeated especially to her children, Thomas Gill, Frl, and Mary Gill.168
Ca 1642 Hannah married Thomas Gill in Hingham, MA.168 Born ca 1616 in England.45 Thomas died in Hingham, MA 24 Feb 1704/5.45

From Lincoln’s History of Hingham:45
    Thomas Gill was one of the early settlers of Hing. and the ancestor of all who have borne the surname in this town [Hingham]. He prob. came here at or ab. the time Rev. Peter Hobart and his company arrived, as he had a house-lot of five acres granted him the same yr., 1635, which was located on or near what is now the corner of main and South Sts. He also had grants of land at Broad Cove, at Pleasant Hill, etc. ... Constable in 1668; selectman 1645, 1646, 1684, and 1690. On May 4, 1650, his house was destroyed by fire. He afts. resided on North St., near Hobart’s Bridge.

Various parents have been proposed for Thomas Gill:
    i. John and Phyllis (Bennett) Gill, who married 12 Nov 1607 at St. Andrew, Plymouth, Devonshire.
    ii. Ralph and Ann (Heneage) Gill, where Ann was bp. 10 Oct 1579 at St. Catherine, Colman, London.
    iii. Thomas Gyll of London and Glastonbury, Somerset.
    iv. Thomas and Jane (Lambert) Gill of Kildwick-in-Craven, North Riding, Yorkshire
Their children include:
Mary Gill (ca 1643/4-17 Jun 1701)
Sarah Gill (ca 1643/4-)
Hannah Gill (10 Nov 1645-27 Feb 1722)
Elizabeth Gill (ca 1647-8 May 1693)
Lieut. Thomas Gill (8 Mar 1648/9-3 Sep 1725)
John Gill (Died young) (8 Apr 1651-23 May 1659)
Deborah Gill (8 May 1653-16 Apr 1727)
Samuel Gill (10 Dec 1655-29 Mar 1730)
Nathaniel Gill (Died soon) (7 Feb 1657/8-1 Mar 1658)
John Gill (Died soon) (14 Apr 1660-26 Sep 1660)
Rachel Gill (3 Oct 1661-5 Apr 1715)
4083. John Otis. Born ca 1621 in Glastonbury, England. John was baptized in Glastonbury on 14 Jan 1622.168,25 John died in Scituate, MA on 16 Jan 1684.25 Buried in First Parish Cemetery, Scituate Harbor.

From William A. Otis’s Memoir of the Otis Family:168
    When John was about ten years old the family emigrated to new England, and his father settled at Hingham. The family residence was at ‘Otis Hill,’ where John lived until after his parents’ death. In 1668 he, or at least a John Otis, is mentioned on the Hingham records as being a landholder; it is also recorded that he took the oath of fidelity there in 1662; although in 1661 he had moved to Scituate. There he bought of Deacon Thomas Robinson the house on the south of Coleman Hill, formerly the residence of Gen. Cudworth, and resided there. In 1663, according to thte records, he bought for 69 pounds a certain portion of another property from Mr. Hatherly. In 1678 he went to Barnstable and settled a land called Otis farm, opposite to Hinkley Lane, near the Marshes, West Parish. There he left his son John, and returned to Scituate, where he died.
    His monument was in the old burying ground. ‘Meeting House Lane,’ one mile south of the harbor, and in 1845, although broken and defaced, ws still legible. His will, dated Scituate 1683, gives to his eldest daughter, Mary, the wife of John Gorham, and daughter of Hannah and Elizabeth 50 pounds each; houses and lands at Hingham and Barnstable to John, Stephen, James, and Job; to Joseph and Job house and lands in Sciutate after after his mother’s decease. He is said to have been in King Philip’s War.
    John seems to have been of a rather pugnacious disposition and not easily amenable to the strict laws of the Puritans, so that one finds frequent references in the old records to his various legal troubles as indicated in the following:
    (Shurtleff’s Records of Mass.)
    In 1651, 22 May, at the general court of Boston, ‘John Oatis of Hingham pr’ferd a petition for the abatement or remission of a fine imposed uppon him by a Court at Boston, for his resistance of the constable, which the Court thinkes meete he should pay.’
    Boston Court, May 14, 1654. ‘In answer to the petition of John Oates for remitt’n of a fine imposed on him, the Court thinkes meete to graunt his request, excetp 30 shillings, 20 whereof belong to the county and 10 to the constable, so as the petition’r, on a Lord’s day, after exercise, or on some publicke assembling of the congregation make like full acknowledgement of his miscarriage, as he doth in this petition, by word or wrting, or else shall pay, within one six weekes, five pounds, as a fine to the county.’
    General Court at Boston, May 26, 1658. ‘In the case of Jno. Tucker and Anne, his wife, plaintiffe, agt. Jno. Ottis and Jno. Mansfield, defendnt, the court on hearing of all the evidenced produced in case, they found for the defendant costs of court, i.e., one pound nineteen shillings and fower pence.’
    (Plymouth Court Records. Vol. V., pg. 81.)
    ‘At the Court holden at Plymouth the 29th day of October, 1671, John Otis, for selling syder without order from the court, was fined the sum of 40 shillings to the Collonies use, or to appear to answare for the same.’
    Also, in the same Court records, his name appears several times as a member of grand jury--’Grand Enquest.’

From Deane’s History of Scituate:53
    John, whose posterity is very numerous, married Mary, daughter of Nicholas Jacob of Hingham, 1653. In 1661, he settled in Scituate, on the south of Colman's hills. In 1678, he went to Barnstable, and took ujp 'the Otis farm,' near Hinckley lane. He left at Barnstable his eldest son John, and returned and deceased in Scituate 1683. His monument is in 'the old burying ground in Meeting-house lane': it is broken and defaced, but legible at this time.
    In his will, dated at Scituate, 1683, he gives 'To eldest daughter Mary, (wife of John Gowin), and daughters Hannah and Elizabeth 50 pounds each. Houses and lands at Hingham and Barnstable, to John, Stephen, James and Job. To Joseph house and lands in Scituate, after his mother's decease.'

From L. Vernon Briggs’ History and Genealogy of the Briggs Family:42
    In 1655, in accordance with a promise made to him at the time of his marriage in 1649, his father conveyed to him all of his real estate in Hingham, includeing the home on North Street. John Otis and his family resided there until 1661, when he purchased from Deacon Thomas Robinson a house, formerly that of Gen. James Cudworth (his second home in Scituate), on the south side of Colman hills in Scituate, and here he removed from Hingham. The site of this house is now [1938] covered by the railroad track of the Scituate Sand and Gravel Company.
Ca 1649 John married Mary Jacob (11010) , daughter of Nicholas Jacob (ca 1604-5 Jun 1657) & Mary Gilman (3698) (ca 1605-15 Jun 1681), in Hingham, MA.16 Born ca 1632 in Hingham, Norfolk. Mary was baptized in Hingham, Norfolk, on 11 May 1632.16 Mary died aft 12 Jul 1699.
Their children include:
Mary Otis (14 Mar 1652/3-1 Apr 1733)
James Otis (Died soon) (1655-bef 1663)
Hon. John Otis (21 Sep 1657-23 Sep 1727)
Hannah Otis (22 Mar 1659/60-aft 1683)
Capt. Stephen Otis (1661-26 Aug 1733)
James Otis (Died unmarried) (1663-1690)
Hon. Joseph Otis (1665-11 Jun 1754)
Elizabeth Otis (1671-17 Jun 1748)
Job Otis (20 Mar 1677-1758)
4084. Margaret Otis. Born ca 1619 in England.168 Margaret died in Hingham, MA on 21 Oct 1670.168

In Margaret’s father’s will there is the following bequest: ‘To my daughter, Margaret Burton, and her three children, 20 s. amongst them and a smale brasse pott and a canvas sheete.’168
Ca 1640/1 Margaret married Edward Burton. Edward died bef 21 Oct 1670.16

There’s an article on Edward Burton in The Great Migration Begins.16
    Edward came to New England in 1632. His first residence was Charlestown, and he settled at Hingham in 1646.16

He was one of the signers of Dr. Child’s petition for ‘redress of wrongs and grievances in the Governmane,’ which William Vassall of Scitaute went to England to present in 1646.42

(Edward Burton is listed as Thomas Burton in the History of Hingham.45)
Their children include:
Hannah Burton (ca 1641-)
Phebe Burton (ca 1644-bef Apr 1708)
Ruth Burton (Died soon) (ca 1646-17 Aug 1647)
Sarah Burton (ca 1649-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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