Pane-Joyce Genealogy
4086. Phebe Parkhurst. Born ca 1612 in Ipswich, Suffolk. Phebe was baptized on 29 Nov 1612. Phebe died in Providence, RI ca 1700.
On 27 Mar 1635 Phebe first married Daniel Cane in Wolverstone, Suffolk.
Ca 1640 Phebe second married Thomas Arnold (2535) , son of William Arnold (1160) (-ca 1616), in Watertown, MA. Thomas died in Providence, RI 24 Mar 1674/5.

The name of Thomas’s first wife is not known. His second wife was Phebe Parkhurst.

From Bond’s Watertown Genealogies, entry on Arnold families:30
    John Arnold, admitted freemand May 6, 1635.
    Thomas Arnold, admitted freeman May 13, 1640.
    John Arnold, admitted freeman May 10, 1643.
    Thomas Arnold, aged 30, came to America in the Plain Joan May, 1635. [May have been a different Thomas Arnold.]
    Thomas Arnold married Phebe, daughter of George Parkliurst, Sen., and had 1. Ichabod, b. Mar. 1, 1640-1; 2. Richard, b. Mar. 22. 1642-3; 3. John, b. Feb. I9, 1647-8; 4. Ebenezer, b. June 17, 1651.
    In Oct., 1651, he was fined 20s. by the Court, for offence against the law concerning baptism. Ap. 2, 1654, he was lined 5l. for neglecting public worship 20 days. Ap. 2, 1655, he was lined 10l., for neglecting public worship 40 days, and his land was levied on to pay it. Mar. 30. 1655, he sold to “my brotlier-in-law, George Parkhurst, of Watertown,” the dividend of 30 acres, which '”I bought,” Dec. 20, 1648, of “our father, George Parkhust, and his wile Susanna.” Oct. 17. 1661, he, then a planter of Providence, sold lind in Watertown to John Whitney; and, Oct., 20, 1662, he and wife Phebe, of Providence, sold, to John Wincoll, their house, barn, &c., and 16 acres of land, a part of which hehad purchased of Thomas Straight, and the other part granted to him. He was probably a Baptist.

From Savage’s Genealogical Dictionary:25
Thomas, of Watertown, was made freeman of Massachusetts colony 13 May 1640. After being fined once for neglecting the law of baptism and twice for neglect of public worship, with increasing weight, and his daughter Susanna having married John Farnum of Boston, who favored the Baptist views of ordinances, he was driven to Providence, and lived in that part now Smithfield.

There’s a new book on this family by Richard H. Benson: The Arnolds of Smithfield, Rhode Island, Newbury Press, 2008.

Kay Haden’s report on the Descendants of William Arnold at
thoroughly documents Thomas’ many activities in Watertown. Bond mentioned a few of them. She follows Watertown activities by Thomas’s records in Providence.

Will: Thomas died in 1674 leaving no will, having a large estate of lands, (said to have been 20,000 acres), goods, and cattle disposed of only by his mouth. On June 29 1683, it was agreed by the widow, Phoebe, and Richard, (their eldest son), Thomas, John, Eleazer, also sons of the deceased and Elizabeth Comstock, his daughter, that there should be five instruments of covenant prepared and signed by all of them, Samuel Comstock, signing as husband of Elizabeth, that "whereas the said deceased Thomas Arnold did by word of mouth leave his mind with his wife and children how they should divide his estate of lands, goods and cattle among them after his decease, the aforementioned, all and every one of them do hereby endeavor to propagate and perform to the best of their abilities, &c.

To Phoebe, the widow, the lot bought of William Fenner with orchard, and at her decease the same to revert to Thomas; to Phoebe also land east of the Moschussuck River; said home lot at her decease to go to son John; to Phoebe also all household goods, two cows and nine swine at her disposal. To Elizabeth Comstock 30 pounds; to Thomas Arnold a house lot in town, two other lots, a meadow, a tract of 50 acres, and rights of common. To John Arnold 3 lots, an orchard, a piece of land of 17 1/2 acres, share in meadow, etc.; to Eleazer Arnold 50 acres near place called "World's End", a 15 acre lot, 3 shares of meadow, etc.; To John and Eleazer an equal share in certain lands. To Thomas and John equally the tackling and tools of the deceased. To Richard, the eldest son, all the rest of the lands.
Their children include:
Ichabod Arnold (Died young) (1 Mar 1640/1-)
Richard Arnold (22 Mar 1642/3-22 Apr 1710)
Thomas Arnold (ca 1645-aft 1674)
John Arnold (19 Feb 1647/8-5 Jan 1722/3)
Eleazer Arnold (17 Jun 1651-29 Aug 1722)
Elizabeth Arnold (ca 1650/1655-20 Oct 1745)
4087. Mary Parkhurst. Born ca 1614 in Ipswich, Suffolk. Mary was baptized on 28 Aug 1614. Mary died in Woburn, MA on 27 Mar 1687.124
Ca 1639 Mary married Rev. Thomas Carter. Born ca 1608. Thomas died in Woburn, MA on 5 Sep 1684.124 Education: St Johns, Cambridge, B.A. 1629, M.A. 1633.25

“Thomas Carter came to America in 1635, and took the Freeman’s Oath March 9, 1636/7. He was in Dedham and in Watertown before November 22, 1642, when he became the first minister of the Church of the newly organized town of Woburn.”344

Thomas was first in Dedham where he took the freeman’s oath 9 Mar 1636/7, then in Watertown, where he was an Elder in the Church, and proprietor of a homestead of ten acres, and a farm of 92 acres.264

A painting of Thomas’ ordination ceremony hangs today in the Woburn Public Library.

From Sewall’s History of Woburn:125
    “Descendants of Rev. Thomas Carter, bearing his name, were formerly very numerous, particularly in Wilmington, and in ‘Carter Row,’ so called, now considerably diminished, they have not yet [1868] become extinct.”

Check out the Genealogy of The Descendants of Thomas Carter.
Their children include:
Rev. Samuel Carter (8 Aug 1640-1693)
Judith Carter (15 Mar 1642-3 Oct 1678)
Theophilus Carter (Died young) (12 Jun 1645-15 Feb 1649)
Mary Carter (24 Jul 1648-16 Dec 1688)
Abigail Carter (10 Jan 1650-14 Sep 1676)
Deborah Carter (Died young) (17 Sep 1651-14 Dec 1667)
Timothy Carter (12 Jun 1653-8 Jul 1727)
Thomas Carter (8 Jun 1655-aft 21 Sep 1722)
4088. Samuel Parkhurst. Born ca 1616/7 in Ipswich, Suffolk. Samuel was baptized 2 Feb 1616/7. Samuel died in England bef 1641.
4089. Deborah Parkhurst. Born ca 1619 in Ipswich, Suffolk. Deborah was baptized on 1 Aug 1619. Deborah died in Edgartown, Dukes County, Massachusetts ca 1686.
Deborah married John Smith. John died in Dukes County, Massachusetts ca 1670/1674.

Although Bond mentions several John Smiths in his Watertown Genealogies,30 none of them are this John Smith.

Will: I John Smith of Martin's Vineyard, being in perfect health and Soundness Both
        in body and Minde, doe make my Last Will and Testament this 14th day of
        Febua: in the year: 1670: as followeth:

        Imprimis : I Give unto my two sonnes John and Samuell all my lands on the Iland
        of Nantuckett wth all privelledges thereto belonging to be equally devided between
        them: they paying to their two sisters Deborah and Abigaill unto either of them five
        pounds to be payed within one year after their Entrance and Possession thereof.
        Item : I give unto my sonne phillip my land and house at Martin's Vineyard with
        all priviledges belonging to the aforesaid land, to be his after the decease of his
        mother, and in the mean time after my decease my will is that the said Phillip my
        sonne shall injoy two thirds of the said lands and privelledges. The true intent and
        meaning of this my Gift unto my sonne phillip is this: because the wise disposing
        hand of God hath ordered that my said Sonne at present is impotent in his
        understanding: that his weakness shall not alienate the lands from my families:
        therefore my will is that the lands and priviledges as aforementioned shall be thus
        disposed: Namely: if he said phillip shall Marrie and have issue : then the lands are
        Given to him and his heirs for Ever: but if the said phillip shall dy without issue,
        then it shall at his decease fall to the next heir in the family: and farther I Give to
        my sonne phillip what drawing cattle are in being on the land or living aforesaid at
        my decease, with carts, plowes and all furniture belonging to the teame, and also
        two Cowes: and liberty to dwell in the house all the time of his Mothers life.
        Ite : I mak Deborah my wife whole Executor of this my last will, and I desire and
        appoint my Loving Friends Mr. Thomas Mayhew and Isaac Robinson at the
        Vineyard & Mr Edward Starbuck and Thomas Macy of Nantuckett overseers of
        this my last will and testament: and in case one or m of these friends dy or leave the
        country and their places vacant, then the Survivors or Remainers shall have liberty to
        chuse others to supply, and are desired so to doe: for the confirmation hereof I the said
        Testator have hereunto set my hand the day & year above written.
        John Smith
        Thomas Macy Junr
        Sarah Macy
        Mary Starbuck.
        [Dukes Deeds, I, 348.]
Their children include:
Deborah Smith (ca 1635-8 Mar 1674/5)
Lieut. John Smith (ca 1646-2 Dec 1708)
Philip Smith (ca 1650-bef 1713)
Samuel Smith (ca 1661-5 Jan 1737/8)
Abigail Smith (ca 1662-)
4090. George Parkhurst. Born ca 1621 in Ipswich, Suffolk. George was baptized on 5 Jun 1621. George died in Watertown, MA 16 Mar 1698/9.30

The old Parkhurst farm, where George probably settled, was on the east side of Beaver Brook, and north side of the county road, and the house stood a few rods east of the new [as of 1860] cottage of Mr. Thomas Page.30
On 16 Dec 1643 George first married Sarah Brown, daughter of Abraham Brown (ca 1588-1650) & Joan Shelton, in Watertown, MA.30 Born ca 1620 in Childerditch, Essex. Sarah was baptized in Childerditch, Essex, on 30 Jul 1620.16 Sarah died in Watertown, MA late Sep 1649.
Their children include:
John Parkhurst (10 Jun 1644-12 Sep 1725)
Sarah Parkhurst (Died young) (14 Sep 1649-bef 1659)
On 24 Sep 1650 George second married Mary Veazey in Watertown, MA. Mary died in Watertown, MA 9 Mar 1679/80.

Mary Pheza, or Feazie, Veazie, or Veazey. Perhaps the widow of a Robert Veaze?
4091. John Parkhurst. Born ca 1623 in Ipswich, Suffolk. John was baptized on 19 Oct 1623. John died in England bef 1641.
4092. Abigail Parkhurst. Born ca 1625 in Ipswich, Suffolk. Abigail was baptized 1 Jan 1625/6. Abigail died in England bef 1641.
4093. Elizabeth Parkhurst. Born ca 1628 in Ipswich, Suffolk. Elizabeth was baptized on 18 May 1628.
On 10 Apr 1640 Elizabeth first married Emanuel Hilliard in Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Born ca 1618. Emanuel died in at sea on 20 Oct 1657.
Their children include:
Timothy Hilliard (ca 1645-17 Aug 1723)
John Hilliard (Died soon) (2 Mar 1650/1-7 Aug 1651)
Benjamin Hilliard (7 Nov 1652-13 Jun 1677)
Elizabeth Hilliard (22 Jan 1654-1746)
On 14 Dec 1659 Elizabeth second married Joseph Merry in Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Born ca 1607 in England. Joseph died in West Tisbury, Dukes County, Massachusetts on 5 Apr 1710.
Their children include:
Hannah Merry (29 Nov 1660-27 Feb 1758)
Abigail Merry (19 Oct 1662-2 May 1741)
Bathsheba Merry (16 Jun 1665-)
Samuel Merry (16 Nov 1669-6 Oct 1727)
4094. Joseph Parkhurst. Born ca 1629 in Ipswich, Suffolk. Joseph was baptized on 21 Dec 1629. Joseph died in Chelmsford, MA on 30 Nov 1709.
On 26 Jun 1656 Joseph married Rebecca Reed, daughter of Esdras Reed & Elizabeth Watson, in Concord, MA. Born bef 27 Sep 1626. Rebecca died in Chelmsford, MA bef 1703.
Their children include:
Mary Parkhurst (10 Aug 1657-6 Sep 1694)
Rebecca Parkhurst (14 Aug 1659-30 Oct 1722)
Joseph Parkhurst (12 Jan 1661/2-11 Dec 1720)
Abigail Parkhurst (14 Mar 1664/5-aft 1729)
Ebenezer Parkhurst (2 Dec 1671-9 Nov 1745)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.