Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Dea. Richard Sillis (1696) & Margery Ashenden
4292. Hannah Sillis. Born ca 1614 in Biddenden, Kent. Hannah was baptized in Biddenden, Kent, 8 Jan 1614/5.20 Hannah died in Brookline, MA on 18 Sep 1697.
On 15 Oct 1638 Hannah married John Winchester, son of Richard Winchester & Elizabeth, in First Parish Church of Scituate.52 “John Winchester of Hinghame and Hannah Sillis of Scituate were marryed the xv^th Octob^r 1738”. Born ca 1611 in Cranbrook, Kent. John was baptized in Cranbrook, Kent, on 19 May 1611.349 John died in Brookline, MA on 25 Apr 1694.349

From Henry Winchester Cunningham’s article “John Winchester of New England and some of his descendants”:349
    “John Winchester, the immigrant ancestor of the family that forms the subject of this article, embarked in England, 6 Apr. 1635, in the Elizabeth, the same ship in which came Clement Bates from Lydd, co. Kent, and arrived a few weeks later at Boston in New England. After remaining there a short time he went to Hingham, where Clement Bates had already settled, and received, 3 Joly 1636, a grant of five acres of land in that town, situated on the present South Street in West Hingham (Lincoln’s History of Hingham, vol. 3, page 330). On 20 may 1667 Elizabeth hersie granted to her son John four acres of land in Hingham, ‘in the feild called the plane neck,’ which her late husband, William Hersie, had bought of John Winchester (Suffolk Deeds, lib. 5, fo. 514). William Hersie had originally received a grant of five acres adjoining John Winchester’s land, and on the same date 3 Jul 1636.”

    He was made a freeman March 9, 1636-37. At the time of the military trouble here, 1644-45, he took an active part in the proceedings, from which cause he was fined, but subsequently released on account of his poverty. (Colonial rec's, iii. 80.) His w., whom he m. Oct. 15, 1638, was Hannah, dau. of Dea. Richard Sealis of Scit. They removed to "Muddy River," a part of Boston, where he d. 25 Apr.1694, at about the age of 75 yrs.45
Their children include:
John Winchester (ca 1643-1 Feb 1717/8)
Mary Winchester (ca 1648-)
Jonathan Winchester (ca 1650-8 Jan 1697)
Josiah Winchester (ca 1655-22 Feb 1728)
4293. (infant child) Sillis. Born in 1618 in Biddenden, Kent. (infant child) died in Biddenden, Kent in May 1618. Buried on 9 May 1618 in Biddenden, Kent.20
4294. Hester Sillis. Born ca 1619 in Biddenden, Kent. Hester was baptized in Biddenden, Kent, on 26 Sep 1619.20

Hester, or Esther, Siles, or Sealis.
On 22 Nov 1639 Hester married Samuel Jackson.62 Born ca 1610. Samuel died in Scituate, MA bef 30 Oct 1682. Religion: Joined the Scituate Church 1637.

From Deane’s History of Scituate:53
    Samuel was one of the first settlers of Barnstable, MA in 1639. On 23 Feb 1644 he was "excommunicated and cast out of ye church for lying and sundry, suspitious (sic) of stealing, as pinnes which were John Russell's and divers other things from others." On 31 Jan 1647 he acknowledged his evils, renewed his covenent, and was again received into church fellowship. Hester was his second wife.
    “Samuel Jackson came from Plymouth 1638. He married Hester, the daughter of Dea. Richard Sealis, 1639, and succeeded to his residence. He had but one son, Jonathan born 1647, who was a soldier in Philip’s war, and received a grant of land for his services. He succeeded his father, and had but one son, Jonathan born 1685, and daughters Sarah and Hannah.”

    “Brother Jacksonn’s wife of a consumption died March 4 or 5 1638.”

    “Samuell Jacksonn excomunicated, & cast out of y^e church for Lyeing & sundry suspitions of stealeing, as pinnes w^eh were John Russells & divers other things from others, Ffebru: 23, 1744.
    “Samuell Jacksonn in the acknowledging of his Evills, & renueing his covenaunt, was received againe into fellowshipp with us January 31, 1746, & went from us to live at Situate, beeing necessitated thereunto, Ffebru: 10, att night 1646.”

Samuel’s will was dated 28 Aug 1682, probated 30 Oct 1682.
Their children include:
Anna Jackson (ca 1636-)
Bethia Jackson (ca 1640-)
Hester Jackson (ca 1642-)
Samuel Jackson (Died young) (ca 1646-1648)
Jonathan Jackson (7 May 1647-14 Jan 1725)
Sarah Jackson (ca 1648-)
4295. (infant child) Sillis. Born in 1621 in Biddenden, Kent. (infant child) died in Biddenden, Kent in Dec 1621. Buried on 3 Dec 1621 in Biddenden, Kent.20
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.