Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Richard Baldwin (1804) & Isabella Harding
4503. Mary Baldwin. Born ca 1604 in Cholesbury, Buckinghamshire.
4504. Timothy Baldwin. Born in 1605 in Cholesbury, Buckinghamshire. Timothy died in New Haven, CT 17 Jan 1664/5.80
Timothy first married Mary Welles, daughter of Gov. Thomas Welles (ca 1590-14 Jan 1659/60) & Alice Tomes (ca 1595-bef 1646). Born ca 1618 in Burmington, Warwickshire. Mary died in Milford, CT on 21 Jul 1647.80
Their children include:
Mary Baldwin (ca 1643-Aug 1680)
Hannah Baldwin (ca 1644-7 Aug 1706)
Sarah Baldwin (ca 1645-)
On 5 Mar 1645 Timothy second married Mary.58 Mary died in 1676.80

Mary, widow of John Mepham. She married third in 1666 Thomas Topping of Branford.80
Their children include:
Abigail Baldwin (Died young) (ca 1650-ca 1661)
Ann Baldwin (Died soon) (1 Jul 1655-21 Jul 1655)
Sergt. Timothy Baldwin (12 Jun 1658-3 Dec 1703)
4505. Hannah Baldwin. Born ca 1608 in Cholesbury, Buckinghamshire.
4506. Joseph Baldwin. Born ca 1609 in Cholesbury, Buckinghamshire. Joseph died in Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts on 2 Nov 1684.64 Religion: Joseph and Hannah joined the church at Milford 23 Jun 1644.64

Joseph first married Hannah (prob. Whitlock), second Isabel (Ward) (Catlin) Northam; widow of John Catlin and James Northam; and third Elilzabeth (Gibbons) (Hitchcock) Warriner, widow of Luke Hitchcock and William Warriner.

Joseph came to New England in 1638, to Milford in 1639, and then to Hadley about 1663.

Joseph was given lot #52 in Milford which consisted of 2 acres 1 rod and 20 poles, near where the present railroad passes over West Town Street. He left to his sons Jonathan and David “all my accomatations in Milford.”64
On 10 Nov 1636 Joseph first married Hannah Whitlock, daughter of John Whitlock (-1658), in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.64 Hannah died in Milford, CT on 25 Apr 1661.

Hannah’s surname may have been Whitlock.
Their children include:
Joseph Baldwin (ca 1640-21 Nov 1681)
Benjamin Baldwin (ca 1642-)
Hannah Baldwin (ca 1644-)
Mary Baldwin (ca 1644-4 Apr 1704)
Elizabeth Baldwin (ca 1645-24 Apr 1687)
Martha Baldwin (ca 1645-7 Jan 1675/6)
Sergt. Jonathan Baldwin (15 Feb 1649-13 Dec 1739)
David Baldwin (ca 1651-Sep 1689)
Sarah Baldwin (6 Nov 1653-17 Jan 1717)
Bef 1671 Joseph second married Isabel Ward, daughter of [___] Ward. Born ca 1625. Isabel died in Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts on 8 Dec 1676.64

Isabel first married John Catlin, second James Northam as his second wife, and third John Baldwin as his second wife. For a time after James Northam died but before she married John Baldwin, she resided in New Jersey.

It has been suggested that Isabel was a daughter of Andrew and Hester (Sherman) Ward, but as Isabel is not mentioned in the will that mentions the other children of Andrew and Hester, even though Isabel was alive at the time, the suggestion is most unlikely.
On 17 Sep 1678 Joseph third married Elizabeth Gibbons in Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts.80 Born in Fenny Compton, Warwickshire. Elizabeth died in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts on 25 Apr 1696.64,80

Elizabeth first married Luke Hitchcock, second William Warriner as his second wife, and third Joseph Baldwin as his third wife.
4507. Nathaniel Baldwin. Born ca 1610 in Cholesbury, Buckinghamshire. Nathaniel died in Fairfield, CT bef 19 Oct 1658.68 Inventory taken 19 Oct 1658. Occupation: Cooper.

Nathaniel came to New England in 1638 and settled at Milford, CT. He had a home lot recorded 13 Jan 1653/4 at Fairfield.
Nathaniel first married Abigail Camp (5400) , daughter of Nicholas Camp (2133) (10 Jan 1605/6-bef Feb 1655/6) & Sarah (-6 Sep 1645). Born ca 1622 in England. Abigail died in Milford, CT on 22 Mar 1648.68 Religion: Abigail joined the Church at Milfrod, 9 Jun 1744.58

Abigail may have been the daughter of Nicholas Camp.12
Their children include:
John Baldwin (ca 1644-)
Daniel Baldwin (ca 1644-possibly 1711)
Abigail Baldwin (ca 1648-1668)
Ca 1649 Nathaniel second married Joanna. Joanna died ca 1667.

Joanna, widow of Richard Westcottt of Fairfield. She married third Thomas Skidmore. Her sister was Ann, the wife of Robert Sanford.
Their children include:
Sarah Baldwin (ca 1650-)
Deborah Baldwin (ca 1652-)
Samuel Baldwin (ca 1655-12 Jan 1695/6)
4508. Christian Baldwin. Born ca 1614 in Cholesbury, Buckinghamshire.
4509. Sarah Baldwin. Born on 25 Jun 1621 in Cholesbury, Buckinghamshire. Sarah died in Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, on 3 Oct 1690; she was 69.
On 16 Mar 1639 when Sarah was 17, she first married John Searle in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts. John died in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts on 11 Aug 1641.
Their children include:
John Searle (3 May 1641-3 Oct 1718)
On 28 Apr 1642 when Sarah was 20, she second married Alexander Edwards in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts. Alexander died in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts on 4 Sep 1690.25

ALEXANDER, Springfield, came from Wales a. 1640, emb. at Bristol, m. 28 Apr. 1642, Sarah, wid. of John Searl, had Samuel, b. 7 Mar. 1643; Hannah, 18 Feb. 1645; Joseph, 8 Aug. 1647; Mary, 20 Jan. 1650; Benjamin, 24 June 1652; and Sarah, 21 Nov. 1654; next yr. rem. to Northampton, there had Nathaniel, 25 June 1657; and Elizabeth 22 Feb. 1660; d. 4 Sept. 1690. All the s. had fam. Samuel, Joseph, and Nathaniel, with the f. were made freem. 1690; and descend. are very num. Mary m. 17 Dec. 1670, John Field.25
Their children include:
Samuel Edwards (7 Mar 1642/3-13 Apr 1712)
Joseph Edwards (8 Aug 1647-21 Sep 1690)
Benjamin Edwards (24 Jun 1652-31 Oct 1724)
Nathaniel Edwards (25 Jun 1657-3 Oct 1731)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.