Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Thomas Emerson (1867) & Elizabeth Brewster
4696. Robert Emerson. Born on 24 May 1612 in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire. Robert died in Haverhill, MA, on 25 Jun 1694; he was 82.325

Will: On the web at

        Estate of Robert Emerson of Haverhill
        Essex Probate Docket # 8936

I being weake of body but in my right mind & of a good and perfect memory I thinke good to mak my last will and tastament I give and bequeath my sole to God yt gave it & my sperit I commit into ye hands of my blessed savier and redeemer yt has died for me and my body to return to dust from whance it came: and for my worly d goods I disposeth of as foloeth vedalisit I give unto my son Thomas one half of my right and intrast of uplands & madow in my farm ling by mares crike pond and three akers madow at hakes madow yt I bought of Peter Ayers to him and his Aires for ever and ye other half of my farme both upland and madowe I give to my sone Joseph and to his Aires for ever and I give unto my sone (.....) my four aker of land (.....) yt joins to Peter (.....) and also on common right and I give also unto my son ephrom my madow ling at ye este madow comonly called unto him and his Aires forever and I give unto my two yongest sones Steven and baniamen my dweling house and barne and my upland and madow where my house stands be tween them unto them and thair Aires for ever alwais provideed yt Steven & Beniamen do paye unto thaier mother three pounds a year and kepe her a cow and a hors when shee has a ocasion for him and my wife shall have one ende of ye house douring hare widowhode and thaye Steven & beniamen shall find hare fire wood and eke three pounds a yere to be paied on halfe in whate and rye and the other half to be paied in inden corne at prise corent and if my wife doo marye yn shee shall have but forti shiling a yere yerliye douring har life time to be paid in graine further I give unto my dafter Elisabeth on cow and three shepe and unto my dafter Sarah on cow and three shepe and I give unto my dafter Ladey one cow and three shepe and I give unto my two yongest sones steven and beniamen on yoke of oxen betwixt them two and I make my wife and my sone Thomas Emerson my sole Executors for too reseve all detes & to paie all dets and what is undisposed of after my wifes deth to be aquilly devided amongst my children.

This is my last will & (.....) June 3: 1694

Robert X Emerson His marke

Steven Coffin
Joseph Johnson
William (his marke) Johnson X

Source: Probate Records of Essex County, Massachusetts, Dockett # 8936

Submitted by: Pamela Rhett Molzan
On 22 Oct 1635 when Robert was 23, he first married Elizabeth Grave in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire. Elizabeth died in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire on 22 Jun 1636.
4 Jan 1658/9 Robert second married Ann Grant, daughter of Thomas Grant & Jane, in Rowley, MA.85 Born in England. Ann died in Haverhill, MA on 28 Jul 1718.325 She drowned.
Their children include:
Elizabeth Emerson (29 May 1660-)
Thomas Emerson (4 Jun 1662-)
Sarah Emerson (23 Apr 1665-)
Lydia Emerson (11 Aug 1667-)
Sergt. Joseph Emerson (26 Feb 1669-6 Aug 1755)
Ephraim Emerson (25 Aug 1672-)
Stephen Emerson (17 Dec 1674-)
Benjamin Emerson (18 Jan 1679-9 May 1734)
4697. Benjamin Emerson. Born on 2 Oct 1614 in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire. Benjamin died in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire, on 27 Oct 1614.
4698. John Emerson. Born ca Feb 1614/5 in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire. John was baptized in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire, 26 Feb 1614/5.
4699. Ralfe Emerson. Born on 19 Oct 1615 in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire. Ralfe died in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire, on 8 Jun 1626; he was 10.
4700. James Emerson. Born on 16 Feb 1618 in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire. James died in Tangiers, Africa in 1664.
James married Lydia.
Their children include:
4701. Rev. Joseph Emerson. Born ca 1620 in Hertfordshire, England. Joseph was baptized in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire, on 25 Jun 1620.6 Joseph died in Concord, MA 3 Jan 1679/80.6

Joseph was a minister of the standing order of Puritan clergymen. He settled first with his father at Ipswich, and admitted a freeman there 19 Dec 1648. He preached at York, ME, in 1648, and soon after was the pastor at Wells, ME. His ministry was not successiful, and he was dismissed about 1664. He settled in Mendon, MA, 1 Dec 1669, and remained there until the town was destroyed in King Philip’s War at which time he removed to Concord. Administration on his estate was granted to his widow Elizabeth 10 Mar 1679/80.6
Ca 1649 Joseph first married Elizabeth Woodmansey, daughter of Robert Woodmansey (ca 1602-13 Aug 1667) & Anna. Born 3 Jan 1623/4 in Cherry Burton, Yorkshire. Elizabeth died 24 Feb 1653/4.
Their children include:
James Emerson (ca 1649-ca 1756)
Joseph Emerson (ca 1652-bef 1708)
On 7 Dec 1665 Joseph second married Elizabeth Bulkeley (5371) , daughter of Edward Bulkeley (2115) (ca 1614-2 Jan 1695/6) & Lucian Lenten, in Concord, MA.77 “mr Joseph Embarson & Elizabeth Bulkely maryed, 7. desem^r 1665”. Born ca 1638 in Massachusetts Bay Colony.6 Elizabeth died in Reading, MA on 4 Sep 1693.81
Their children include:
Lucian Emerson (2 Oct 1667-17 Jan 1739/40)
Dea. Edward Emerson (26 Apr 1670-9 May 1743)
Peter Emerson (ca 1673-19 Jan 1750/1)
Ebenezer Emerson (ca 1677-Oct 1751)
Daniel Emerson (ca 1680-bef 1725)
4702. Elizabeth Emerson. Born on 14 Jun 1623 in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire. Elizabeth died in Ipswich, MA, on 4 Jun 1666; she was 42.
Elizabeth first married Thomas Perrin.
On 15 Apr 1638 when Elizabeth was 14, she second married John Fuller, son of Roger Fuller (19 Oct 1572-30 Apr 1644) & Jane Gowan. Born ca 1611 in Topcroft, Loddon, Norfolk. John was baptized in Topcroft, Loddon, Norfolk, on 14 Dec 1611. John died in Ipswich, MA on 5 Jun 1666.
Their children include:
John Fuller (ca 1642-ca 1725)
William Fuller (ca 1644-)
James Fuller (ca 1647-21 Jun 1725)
Thomas Fuller (Sep 1649-Sep 1689)
Susannah Fuller (4 Aug 1650-4 Jun 1707)
Elizabeth Fuller (31 May 1652-30 Jun 1715)
Nathaniel Fuller (Died young) (ca 1656-)
Joseph Fuller (4 Jul 1658-22 Aug 1731)
Sarah Fuller (ca 1660-26 Nov 1739)
Nathaniel Fuller (Jan 1663-1719)
Mary Fuller (1666-)
4703. John Emerson. Born on 26 Feb 1625 in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire. John died in Gloucester, MA, on 2 Dec 1700; he was 75.
John married Ruth Symonds (2335) , daughter of Dep. Gov. Samuel Symonds (1013) (ca Jun 1595-12 Oct 1678) & Martha Reade (13 Jul 1602-1662). Ruth died in Gloucester, MA on 23 Feb 1702.
Their children include:
Ruth Emerson (26 Aug 1660-)
Martha Emerson (28 Nov 1662-)
Mary Emerson (7 Mar 1665-4 Oct 1703)
Elizabeth Emerson (Died young) (26 Aug 1667-1683)
John Emerson (14 May 1670-21 Jun 1732)
Dorothy Emerson (6 Jul 1675-)
Samuel Emerson (Died young) (20 Nov 1678-4 Dec 1687)
4704. Thomas Emerson. Born ca 1628 in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire. Thomas died in Ipswich, MA in 1653.
Thomas married Elizabeth.
4705. Nathaniel Emerson. Born on 18 Jul 1630 in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire. Nathaniel died in Ipswich, MA, on 29 Dec 1712; he was 82.
Nathaniel first married Sarah. Sarah died in Ipswich, MA on 3 Aug 1670.
Their children include:
John Emerson (ca 1643-24 Feb 1712)
Nathaniel Emerson (16 Aug 1657-16 Sep 1738)
Sarah Emerson (14 May 1659-)
Joanna Emerson (ca 1663-4 Jul 1751)
Hannah Emerson (ca 1665-)
Thomas Emerson (ca 1670-14 Apr 1738)
Nathaniel second married Lydia Thorley, daughter of Richard Thorley (ca 1605-10 Nov 1685) & Jane (-19 Mar 1683/4). Born on 1 Apr 1640 in Rowley, MA.85 Lydia died in Ipswich, MA, on 17 Aug 1716; she was 76.

Lydia first married Nathaniel Wells, second Nathaniel Emerson as his second wife.
4706. Susan Emerson. Born on 17 Mar 1632 in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire. Susan died in at sea ca 1638.
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D. Pane-Joyce
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