Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Winifred Hatch (2190) & Stephen Huckstepp
5473. Thomas Huckstepp. Born ca Nov 1584 in Tenterden, Ashford, Kent. Thomas was baptized in Tenterden, Ashford, Kent, on 22 Nov 1584.8
On 28 Mar 1611 Thomas married Mary Reeve in Tenterden, Ashford, Kent.
Their children include:
5474. John Huckstepp. Born ca 1586 in Tenterden, Ashford, Kent. John was baptized in Tenterden, Ashford, Kent, on 22 May 1586.8 John died in Tenterden, Ashford, Kent in Oct 1628. Buried on 15 Oct 1629 in Tenterden, Ashford, Kent.

Will: The Will of John Huckstepp of Tenterden in the county of Kent, yeoman, 6 Nove mber 6 Charles I[.1630]. To my wife Alice 30 pounds, household goods to the v alue of40 pounds, wearing apparel, cloth, wheat, bees, poultry, etc. The resi due of my household stuff to my children, equally divided, to my sons at twen ty-one and to my daughters at nineteen or marriage. To my brother Thomas Huc kstepp 10 pounds, and I make him executor. To my daughters, Sara and Joane 40 pounds each at nineteen or marriage. To my son Stephen at twenty-one the lea se of the farm where I dwell, he paying to my father Stephen Hucstepp, if he be then living, 16 pounds a year for life. My brother Thomas to have the lett ing of said farm during the minority of my son Stephen, he paying the said a nnuity to my father, and the overplus to be used to apprentice my sons, with the consent of my wife,to some honest and lawful trade. My last will concernin g my lands and messuage in Appledore and Tenterden. To son Stephen at twenty- one a messuage and three acres of land in Appledore in the occupation of Anth ony French. To my son Thomas Hucstepp at twenty-one my other two pieces of la nd in Appledore called Barueland and lower wish, containing ten acres and in my own occupation. To my four youngest sons, Nathaneall, William Joseph, and John, at twenty-one, my two pieces of land in Tenterden at Sherleys Moore, co ntaining nineteen and a half acres. My brother Thomas to have the letting of my farm, paying the pro~ts to my wife Alice for the maintenance and education of all my children. [Signed] John Huckstepp. Codicil, 15 August 1631, makes provision for any possible posthumous child. Witnessese: Samuel Curtis and Nathanaell TiIden. Proved 2 December 1631 by Thomas Huckstepp, gen'. Bro ther of the deceased and executor named in; the will.)Consistory of Canterbur y, vol a codicil was added in Aug. 1631 but he is supposed to ha ve died in 1630 so there is some discrepancy.
John married Alice.
Their children include:
5475. Lydia Huckstepp. Born ca 1587/8 in Tenterden, Ashford, Kent. Lydia was baptized in Tenterden, Ashford, Kent, 11 Feb 1587/8.8 Lydia died in Scituate, MA on 31 Jul 1672.
Lydia first married Richard Wills.
On 13 Oct 1606 Lydia second married Elder Nathaniel Tilden (834) , son of Thomas Tilden (808) (bef 1541-Jun 1617) & Alice Bigge (325) (ca 1546-May 1593), in Betherton, Kent.14 Born in 1583 in Tenterden, Ashford, Kent. Nathaniel was baptized in St. Mildred's, Tenterden, on 28 Jul 1583. Nathaniel died in Scituate, MA between 25 May 1641 and 31 Jul 1641. Buried in First Parish Cemetery, Scituate Harbor.

From Deane’s History of Scituate:53
    Elder Nathaniel Tilden came from Tenterden in Kent, with his family, before 1628. He was chosen Ruling Elder of the first Church in Scituate 1634. His house lot was on Kent-street, the 3d. south of Greenfield lane. He had also lands at Long marsh: and lands also in 1640, on the east side of the North River, below Gravelly beach.

    Nathaniel arrived in New England in 1634 in the ship Hercules, of Dover, with his wife and children (Joseph, Mary, Sarah, Judith, Lydia, Stephen, and Thomas), and the following, who came under the designation of ‘servants:’ Thomas Lapham, George Sutton, Edward Ford, Edward Jenkins, James Bennett, Sarah Couchman, and Mary Perien. The Rev. William Witherell came on this same boat.42

    “Nathaniel Tilden was among the earliest of the ‘Men of Kent’ who established plantations at Satuit before 1628, others being Anthony Annable, Thomas Bird, Edward Foster, William Gillson, Henry Merritt, Henry Rowley, Nathaniel Tilden, and Deane says, ‘perhaps others.’”42

    Nathaniel was a Magistrate in Tenterden, and elected to the office of Mayor.42

    “Elder Nath’l Tilden was the ancestor of nearly all the Tildens in Marshfield. He was one of three borothers, and they were called ‘Men of Kent,’ from ENgland. He came to Scitaute at that portion called ‘Tow Mile’ tract, now known as North Marshfield, in 1628. His farm extended both sides of North River, part of it being on ‘Gravelly beach.’”61

    Nathaniel came in the Hercules in 1635 from Sandwich, in Co. Kent, being one of an old family at Tenterden, near Cranbrook, in that shire, bringing wife Lydia, seven children and seven servan ts. He may have visited our country before and went home to bring his household; but it does not appear by any facts. He settled in Scituate. In May 1637, with his friend Hatherly, he was appointed by Plymouth Colony to settle the bounds between it and the Massachusetts Colony. He was ruling elder in the church and died 1641, the inventory being of 31 July, and his will of 25 May preceding in that year. It names his wife Lydia, perhaps daughter of Thomas Bourne of Marshfield, yet married in England to which he gives his home at Tenterden, all the seven children Joseph; Thomas, b. a. 1621; Mary, the w. of Thomas Lapham, m. 13 Mar. 1637; Sarah, the w. of George Sutton; Judith; Lydia; and Stephen; also two servants who should serve his eldest son..25
Their children include:
Thomas Tilden (Died young) (ca Oct 1608-Jan 1617/8)
Mary Tilden (ca May 1610-28 Mar 1690)
Joseph Tilden (Died soon) (ca Jan 1611/2-Mar 1611/2)
Sarah Tilden (ca Jan 1612/3-Mar 20 1676/7)
Dea. Joseph Tilden (ca Apr 1615-3 Jun 1670)
Stephen Tilden (Died soon) (ca Mar 1617-Oct 1619)
Thomas Tilden (ca Jan 1618-1 Feb 1704/5)
Judith Tilden (ca Oct 1620-30 Mar 1663)
Winifred Tilden (Died young) (ca Oct 1622-Sep 1627)
Lydia Tilden (Died soon) (ca May 1624-Sep 1624)
Lydia Tilden (ca Sep 1625-ca Jun 1673)
Stephen Tilden (ca Oct 1629-22 Aug 1711)
In 1642 Lydia third married Timothy Hatherly (766) , son of Robert Hatherly (300) (ca 1552-) & Ellinor.53 Born ca 1588 in Winkleigh, Devon. Timothy was baptized in Winkleigh, Devon, on 29 Sep 1588.16 Timothy died in Scituate, MA on 24 Oct 1666.52 Occupation: feltmaker.

“Mr Timothy Hatherly arrived at Plymouth in the ship Ann, 1623. He there erected a house, which was soon destroyed by fire. He went to England 1625, and did not return hither until 1632. Winthrop says ‘in the Charles from Barnstable, Eng., which sailed April 10, and arrived June 5.’ He came in by way of Boston, proceeded to Plymouth, where he tarried a year or more. We notice in the Colony records, 1633, ‘ordered that the whole tract of land between the brook at Scituate on the north-west side, and Conihassett, (the gulph), be left undisposed of until we know the resolution of Mr James Shirley, Mr John Beauchamp, Mr Richard Andrews and Mr Timothy Hatherly.’ The grant was made to these gentlemen 1637: bet we find Mr Hatherly her in 1634. This territory ... was purchased of the other three to whom the grant was made, by Mr Hatherly, and sold in shares, he retaining one fourth of the whole: and by agreement that fourth consisted of four hundred acres north and west of the harbour, two hundred acres at Musquashcut harbour, (afterwards Briggs’s harbor), and 10£ in money. The first land which he cultivated was west of great Musquashcut pone, where he had ‘a herring wear,’ and where he had a house 1638. In 1651, he sold a farm on Musquashcut harbour to Walter Briggs. He married Lydia, the widow of Elder nathaniel Tilden, 1642, and changed his residence to Kent street. He was ever ready to purchase the lands and houses of those who were desirous to remove, and to accomodate others who came into the settlement. He built several houses, one of which was afterwards the parsonage. He purchased Mr Lothrop’s house on his retiring to Barnstable, and sold it again to Mr Chauncy. In short, he was the pillar and supporter of the plantation—always ready to advance money for the Town in times of difficulty, or to aid individuals with his wealth. His large tract of land west of Accord pond, he sold but in part, and gave the remainder to the Conihassett partners: it consisted of nine square miles, and was laid out to him by order of gevernment, 1663. The line of this land is called ‘the share line.’ He gave a share in Conihassett lands to Rhodolphus Ellmes—a house lot to Eglin Hanford, (north of Thomas Ensign’s, at the Harbour), his sister’s daughter. He gave the parsonage house and land to the Church, 1654, and seven years afterward his Musquashcut farm and buildings to the Church and Society. No man deserved so well of the plantation, and we believe he was generally considered as the guardian and patron of Scituate. We have often regretted that the Town was not called after his name. Morton, in the New England’s Memorial, observes: ‘He was one of the first beginners, and a good instrument to uphold the Church and Town of Scituate.’ We may add that he was also an important member of the government, having been an assistant thirteen years—treasurer of the Colony—and a commissioner of the United Colonies three years.”53

Timothy was one of the London Adventurers, a felt maker of St Olaves, Southwark, Surrey. He visited Plymouth in 1623, but came as a settler in 1632 on the William and Mary, residning at Scitaute, where the General Court had given him large land allotments.69

Timothy’s will, dated 12 Dec 1664, proved 30 Oct 1666, named his wife Lydia; Edward Jenkins, his wife and children; Nicholas Wade, his wife and children ; Susanna, wife of William Brooks, and children; Timothy and Elizabeth Foster; Thomas Hanford; Fear, the wife of Samuel Baker, and the other three children of Isaac Robinson, John, Isaac, and Mercy; Lydia Garrett, his wife's daughter, and her four children; George Sutton, his wife and children; the wife of William Bassett, his wife's daughter; widow Preble, his wife's daughter, Lydia Lapham; Thomas Lapham; Stephen Tilden; Nicholas Baker, “my man Thomas Savory”; and Lydia Hatch, daughter of William Hatch; with his friend Joseph Tilden as executor (Mayflower Descendant 16:158).
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.