Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Peter Cushing (2296) & Susan Hawes
5688. Theophilus Cushing. Born ca 1584 in Hardingham, Norfolk. Theophilus was baptized in Hardingham, Norfolk, on 4 Nov 1584.47 Theophilus died in Hingham, MA on 24 Mar 1679.2

Theophilus came to New England, 1633, in the ship Griffin in company with Governer Haynes and puritans Cotton and Hooker. For a time he resided on Haynes’ farm as Haynes advisor and secretary. Later Haynes became Governer. Later Theophilus settled with his brother Matthew at Hingham, MA. He was blind for 25 years before his death and died without issue.2
5689. Matthew Cushing. Born ca Mar 1588 in Hingham, Norfolk. Matthew was baptized in Hardingham, Norfolk, on 2 Mar 1589.2 Matthew died in Hingham, MA on 30 Sep 1660.45 Buried in Old Ship Cemetery, Hingham.

Form The Genealogy of the Cushing Family, pages 21–22:2
    For the first fifty years of his life Matthew lived in Hardingham and Hingham, Norfolk County, England, until 1638, when whith his wife and five children, and his wife’s sister (Widow Francis Riecroft, who died a few weeks after their arrival) he embarked in the ship Diligent of Ipswich, 350 tons, John Martin, master, which sailed from Gravesend 26 Apr 1638 with its 133 passengers, among whom was Robert Peck, M.A., Rector of the parish of Hingham, Eng. The immediate occasion of their departure seems to have been trouble in eccleasiastical matters. Their rector, doubtless with the sympathy and aid of most of those constituting the emigrating party, had pulled down the arils of chancel and altar, and levelled the latter a foot below the church, as it remains to this day. Being prosecuted by Bishop Wren, he left the Kingdom, together with his friends—who sold their estates at half their real value. The party, having landed at Boston, Mass., 10 Aug 1638, immediately proceeded to their destination, Hingham, Mass., so named after the name of the former home of the Cushing family in England.
    At a town meeting held 1638, a house lot of five acres, first below Pear Tree Hill, on Bachelor (Main) St., was given to Matthew Cushing, and it continued in the posssession of the family until 1887. He was early engaged in the public affairs of the town, became a deacon in Rev. Hobart’s church, and was the progenitor of many eminent descendants. It is now a pretty well established fact that, with the exception of a few families who have come to this country during the past century, all the persons bearing the surname of Cushing in the United States and Ganada are his direct lineal descendants.
    His will, which was a verbal one, was written after his decease by his children, who, un-
der date of 15 Nov., 1660, pray that Daniel Cushing, Esq., their oldest brother, may be appointed administrator of their father's estate. [Matthew’s will appears in the appendix.]

From Lincoln’s History of Hingham:45
    Matthew, with his wife and five children, came from Hingham in Old England and settled in Hingham in New England, in the autumn of 1638. According to a memorandum kept by one of the family, they came to Boston in the ship Diligent, John Martin, master, arriving on the 10th of August of that year. Matthew, however, had sev. lots granted him prior to his arrival here. The lot upon which he built his dwelling-house, first below Pear Tree Hill, was among those granted for building purposes on Bachelor (Main) St. in 1638, and it continued in the family possession until 1887. The history of the Cushing family is traceable in England for several generations before either Pilgrim or Puritan set sail for America. A Thomas Cushing owned land in Hing. and other parts of Eng., early in the fifteenth century. William, the oldest son of Thomas, commenced his will of 1492 as follows: —’In the name of god Amen, The xx Day of the moneth of Septembr, in the yere of or lord god M'cccclxxxxij, I William Cusshyn of Henghm in my hoel mend And good memory beying, make my testament and my last will Declare in this forme Folloyng;’ etc. John, son of William, made his will in 1522. Thomas, son of John, died at 1588. Peter, son of Thomas, was buried at Hingham, England, 2 March, 1596; he was the father of eight children, five sons and three daughters. Of the sons of Peter, Theophilus and Matthew emigrated to New England. Theophilus came in 1633, in the ship Griffin, and resided several years at Haynes farm. He afterwards settled in our Hingham; was blind during the last twenty-five yrs. of his life, and d. 24 March, 1678-79, aet. nearly 100 yrs. There is no record showing that he had a family. With Matthew, therefore, the genealogical record of all the persons bearing the surname Cushing in Hingham and vicinty, and perhaps in the United States, commences. The wife of Matthew, whom he married at England 1613, was Nazareth Pitcher, a daughter of Henry Pitcher. She died at Hingham 6 Jan. 1681-82, aet. 96 yrs. Matthew died 30 Sept. 1660, aet. 71 yrs. He was early engaged in the public affairs of the town; was deacon of the church, and the progenitor of many eminent descendants. His will, which was a verbal one, was written out after his decease by his children, who, under date of 15 Nov. 1660, pray that Daniel Cushing, Esqr., their oldest brother may be appointed administrator of their father’s est. Resided on main St., below ‘Pear Tree Hill.’
On 5 Aug 1613 Matthew married Nazareth Pitcher, daughter of Henry Pitcher (-Aug 1622) & Elizabeth [Pitcher] (-May 1618), in Hingham, Norfolk.25 Born ca Oct 1586 in Hardingham, Norfolk. Nazareth was baptized in Hardingham, Norfolk, on 30 Oct 1586.2 Nazareth died in Hingham, MA 5 Jan 1681/2.45
Their children include:
Daniel Cushing Esq (ca 1619-3 Dec 1700)
Capt. Jeremiah Cushing (ca 1621-ca 1665)
Lieut. Matthew Cushing (ca 1623-1 Jan 1700/1)
Deborah Cushing (ca 1625-25 Sep 1700)
Col. John Cushing Esq. (ca 1627-31 Mar 1708)
5690. William Cushing. Born ca 1593 in Hardingham, Norfolk. William was baptized in Hardingham, Norfolk, on 1 Apr 1593.47

William and Margery had children William, Robert, Anne, and Elizabeth.2
William married Margery.
5691. Bridget Cushing. Born ca 1596 in Hardingham, Norfolk. Bridget was baptized in Hardingham, Norfolk, on 19 Feb 1596.47
On 13 Jul 1627 Bridget married George More in Hingham, Norfolk.2
5692. Barbara Cushing. Born ca 1596 in Hardingham, Norfolk. Barbara was baptized in Hardingham, Norfolk, on 16 Jun 1596.47 Barbara died in Jan 1632.2
5693. Peter Cushing. Born ca 1599 in Hardingham, Norfolk. Peter died in Hardingham, Norfolk on 21 Jan 1665.

Peter of London married Godly, widow of Simon Payne. His will is dated 2 Feb 1664, and was proved 2 Jan 1665. He died without issue. His wife made her will 11 Apr 1675 and died the same year.2
Ca 1625 Peter married Godly [Payne]. Godly died aft 11 Apr 1675.
5694. Katherine Cushing. Born ca 1601 in Hardingham, Norfolk.

Katherine married a Mr Long of Carlton Road near Wymondham in Norfolk.2
5695. Thomas Cushing. Born ca 1603 in Hardingham, Norfolk. Thomas was baptized in Hardingham, Norfolk, on 15 May 1603.47 Thomas died in London, England on 10 Aug 1669.

Thomas of London dated his will 10 Aug 1669. He called himself of London, Gentleman, unmarried.2
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.