Pane-Joyce Genealogy
5740. Elizabeth Norton. Born ca 1635 in York, York County, Maine. Elizabeth died in Scituate, MA bet. 7 Dec 1714 and 4 Sep 1722.383

Elizabeth’s petition: “Feb. 26 1695/6 James Convers in behalf of Elizabeth Stover petitioned the General Court saying that said widow in the beginning of the present Warr lost her husband, and she withmuch difficulty and charge maintained her fort at Cape Nadick about two years. But in the year (1691) she was neglected, her neighbors left her, her sons removed, she was forced to quit the (then) best fort in the Eastern parts which was within one week seized by the Enemy, her houses one of stone and the other of wood within the walls burnt, during the time of her abode there she was very ready and forward to supply soldiers with beef and other provisions upon the march and otherwise as need required. She obtained a ticket from your Petitioner and other commanders for her disbursements and had a debenture signed to theTreasurer for fifteen pounds and seventeen shillings (according to the best of my remembrance) sent to her son-in-law of Scituate, and her sd. son lost it by the way. The books have been searched and no payment thereof found. She hath made as many jourdeys up to Boston with a man she hired to come with her (about it) as cost her above three pounds in money, and always met with disappointment, though our late honored Govr promised she should be paid yett she being weary left the matter to your Petitioner." The Court voted to pay her £1S. 18s.383

Her will, dated 7 Dec. 1714, when she was living at Scituate, Mass., was proved at Plymouth, Mass., 4 Sept. 1722. In it she named her children John, Dependence, George, Josiah, Elizabetrh Walfoot, Sarah Lancaster, Deborah Sqwyer, Mary Wanton, and Hannah Bryant.383

Will: Will of Elizabeth Stover, Probate Court, Plymouth, MA

IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. The Seventh day of December in the first year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord, George, by the grace of God of Great Brittan, France, and Ireland, Defender of the faith & c. Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and fourteen;
I ELIZABETH STOVER of SCITTUATE in the County of Plymouth in the Provice of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Spinster; Being of weak body but of sound memory; calling to mind my mortality, & the uncertainty of my Life, I do make & ordain this my Last Will and Testament In manner & form following, hereby revoking & making null & void all former Will or Wills by me made either by word or writing, ratifying & confirming this & no other to be my Last Will & Testament.

First & principally I give & recomment my Soul into the hands of God yet gave it & my body to the earth to be buried after a Decent & Christian manner at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named. - And as touching such worldly estate as the Lord hath blessed me with, I do give & bequeath & dispense of the same in manner following.

    Imprimiss: I give & bequeath unto my son JOHN STOVER the Summ of twenty & three pounds in silver money at eight shillings an ounce.
    Item. I give & bequeath unto my son DEPENDANCE STOVER the summ of twenty & three pounds in Silver money at Eight shillings an ounce.
    Item. I give & bequeath unto my son JOSIAH STOVER the summ of twenty & three pounds in Silver money at Eight shillings an ounce.
    Item. I give & bequeath unto my son GEORGE STOVER the summ of twenty & three pounds in Silver money at Eight shillings an ounce.
    Item. I give & bequeath unto my daughter ELIZABETH WALFOOT the summ of twenty & three pounds in Silver money at Eight shillings an ounce.
    Item. I give & bequeath unto my daughter SARAH LANCASTER the summ of twenty & three pounds in Silver money at Eight shillings an ounce.
    Item. I give & bequeath unto my daughter DEBORAH SAWYER the summ of twenty & three pounds in Silver money at Eight shillings an ounce.
    Item. I give & bequeath unto my daughter MARY WANTON the summ of twenty & three pounds in Silver money at Eight shillings an ounce.
    Item. I give & bequeath unto my daughter HANNAH BRYANT the summ of twenty & three pounds in Silver money at Eight shillings an ounce.
    Item. I give unto Phebie, my Negro woman slave, her freedom at my death, and ten pounds in silver money at eight shillings an ounce to be paid her by my Executors at the end of one month after my decease.
    Item. I give unto my said negro woman all her wearing cloths, together with the bed she lyeth on, and the bed stead & clothing which belongs to it.
    Item. I give unto Jonathan my Negro Lad, the Son of Phebie my negro woman, his freedom at my decease.
    Item. I give unto the lad Jonathan all his wareing cloths, the bed whereon he lyeth and the clothing belonging to it, my Gun, and ten pounds in silver money at eight shillings an ounce to be paid him by my Executor when he shall arrive to the age of twenty and one years.
    Item. I give unto Jerrusha my Negro Girl the Daughter of Phebie my negro woman her freedom at my decease.
    Item. I give the sd Jerusha her wareing cloths, & ten pounds in silver money at eight shillings an ounce, to be paid unto her by my Executor when she shall arrive at the age of eighteen years.11
On 25 May 1652 Elizabeth married Sylvester Stover in York, York County, Maine. Born ca 1630 in Ipswich, Suffolk. Sylvester died in York, York County, Maine bet. 21 Jul 1687 and 14 Feb 1689/90.383

“The English origin of this early settler, [Sylvester Stover], the ancestor of a large and important family in the history of this town, can be traced without much doubt to the county of Suffolk [England]. ...
    “His life in York was uneventful. Beyond his appointment as ferryman at Cape Neddick River in 1652 he held no public office. He signed the Submission in 1652; the petition to Cromwell, 165 6; the address to Massachusetts, 1662, but otherwise took no active part in the political controversies of the period. His landed estate began with his acquistion of the shares of his three partners, and to this was added seventy acres ‘near the’ higher falls of the Cape Neddick River and some small grants of marsh land towards the Wells line.
    “The Court Records afford more extended references to him . On June 25, 1655 Stover and his wife were presented by the Grand Jury ‘for complaining of one another on the Lords Day in the morning in saying that his wife did abuse him and bid him go to Thomas Crocketts and carry some bread and cheese to his b...’ In 1666 they were presented for ‘not comeing unto the Meeting upon the Lords day about six weeks,’ and in 1667 he was charged with neglect of the ferry, and ‘offering Mr. Hooke some abuse and for threatening to fight him.’ In 1650 ‘Silvester Stovard’ was listed among doubtful debtors of Robert Button of Boston.”82

Sylvester “first appears in New England on 13 July 1649, when, with three other men, he received a grant of land on 13 Jul 1649 at Cape Neddick, York, consisting of a neck of land on the south side of the river. Subsequently he acquired all the rights of his associates in this land, and built a fortified house on it, which he made his home. In 1653 thirty acres of land were confirmed to him, which had been granted to him some years previously by Edward Godfrey. He added to his holdings either by grant or purchase, and at the time of his death owned many acres.”383

Will abstract: Dated 21 Jul 1687, proved 14 Feb 1689/90. Mentions his wife Elizabeth, his sons John, Dependence, Josiah, and George, and ‘the rest of my children.’ Bequeathed to his son Dependence Stover threescore and ten acres of land where his house was, up the river in ‘Cape Nadaick,’ and to his son George ‘the houses and the rest of my land that is not disposed of. Inventory presented by Elizabeth Stover, widow, 17 Feb 1689/90, appraised at £731. 7s.383

Check out the Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, pp. 666-667.

Will: July 21 ano Dom: 1687
        This being the last Will and testament of the sd Silvester Stover liueing in Cap nadick belonging to york in the province of Maine in New England, who being bound by the grace of God into old England Doe here Giue and Will vnto my sone John Stover my right and title that I haue in the Cape neck in Whole after the decease of my wife
        And I doe here confirme vnto my sone dependance Stover, Three score and ten acres of land where his house is vp the river lieing in Cape Nadick
        And to my sone Josiah Stover I giue to him the new pasture lieing upon the right hand of the lane goeing from my house to yorke and so vppon the Southard side of the way to run west south west so farr as my bownes go. and the salt Marsh belonging to it lieing vp the river, after the decease of my wife
        And the houses and the rest of my land that is not Disposed of I will and Giue vnto my sone George Stover and If my sone John Stover please he shall haue that Libertie for to change with my sone George Stover for what land and houses which he haue at the Cape neck for that which my sone George Stover haue here after the decease of my wife.
        And as for the Moueables I leaue to my Wife for to Dispose amongst the rest of my Children as shee see Good at her decease Wher vnto I here haue sett my hand and fixed my seale in the presence of
        Signed Sealed Silvester [marks] Stover delivered in the presence of Nathaniell Clayce
        Henry Goddard

        Sworn to by both attesting witnesses 14 Feby 1688-89; Inventory returned at [pounds] 731:07:00 by
        Elizabeth Stover, widow, 17 Feby 1689-90-
Their children include:
John Stover (May 1653-bef 12 Apr 1748)
Elizabeth Stover (ca 1654-aft 1738)
Sarah Stover (ca 1656-)
Dependence Stover (ca 1659-25 Sep 1723)
Josiah Stafford (ca 1662-9 Apr 1743)
Mary Stover (ca 1662-)
George Stover (ca 1668-bet. 12 Apr 1748 and 2 Apr 1753)
Deborah Stover (ca 1667-13 Jul 1734)
Hannah Stover (ca 1670-6 Apr 1736)
5741. George Norton. Born ca 1640.82 George died in Manchester, MA on 1 May 1717.11
In 1672 George married Mary Foxwell, daughter of Richard Foxwell (ca 1604-bef 6 Nov 1677) & Susanna Bonython (ca 1614/5-).11 Born ca 1653.
Their children include:
Elizabeth Norton (ca 1685-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.