Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Matthew Allyn (2534) & Margaret Wyott
6604. Mary Allyn. Born ca 1627/8 in Braunton, Devon. Mary was baptized in Braunton, Devon, 20 Jan 1627/8.16 Mary died in Windsor, CT on 29 Jul 1689.
On 11 Jun 1646 Mary married Capt. Benjamin Newberry, son of Thomas Newberry (-ca Jan 1635/6) & Jane, in Windsor, CT.25 Born ca 1624 in Yarcombe, England. Benjamin died in Windsor, CT on 11 Sep 1689.

BENJAMIN, Windsor, s. of Thomas of Dorchester, b. in Eng. m. 11 June 1646, Mary, only d. of Matthew Allyn, had Mary, b. 10 Mar. 1648, Sarah, 15 June 1650; Hannah, 22 Dec. 1652, d. at 11 yrs.; Rebecca, 2 May 1655; Thomas, 1 Sept. 1657; Abigail, 14 May 1659; Margaret, 23 Oct. 1662; Benjamin, 20 Apr. 1669; Hannah, again, 1 July 1673; and he d. 11 Sept. 1689; his w. d. 29 July preced. tho. Stiles, 720, makes it 14 Dec. 1703. An idle tradit. reports that he m. Abigail, wid. of Rev. John Warham, and had two ds. He was rep. at 22 sess. and an Assist. 1685, a captain in the war with k. Philip, and memb. of the Council of war. His eldest d. m. 10 Dec. 1664, John Maudsley, as Stiles correct. says, 703, yet 721, under Newberry, calls him Marshall; Sarah m. 4 June 1668, Preserved Clap; Abigail m. 8 Jan. 1684, Ephraim Howard; Margaret m. 23 May 1689, Return Strong; and Hannah m. 17 Dec. 1703, John Wolcott.25
Their children include:
Sarah Newberry (14 Jun 1650-3 Oct 1716)
Rebecca Newberry (2 May 1655-17 Oct 1718)
Thomas Newberry (1 Sep 1657-20 Apr 1688)
Margaret Newberry (23 Oct 1662-1699)
Benjamin Newberry (20 Apr 1669-3 Nov 1710)
6605. Col. John Allyn. Born ca 1630/1 in Braunton, Devon. John was baptized in Braunton, Devon, 24 Feb 1630/1.

JOHN, Hartford, s. of Matthew, b. in Eng. m. 19 Nov. 1651, Ann, d. of Henry Smith of Springfield, gr.d. of William Pynchon, had Ann, b. 18 Aug. 1654; Mary, 3 Apr. 1657; Margaret, 29 July 1660; Rebecca, 2 Mar. 1665, d. young; Martha, 27 July 1667; and Elizabeth 1 Dec. 1669. By sec. w. Hannah, d. of George Lamberton, wid. of Samuel Welles of Wethersfield, I suppose, he had no ch. He was many yrs. Secr. of the Col. after 1657, when he was lieut. rose to be col. an Assist. in 1662, and many yrs. foll. and of the Counc. under Sir Edmund Andros in 1687, and d. 6 Nov. 1696, leav. large est. to the five ds. Ann m. 1676, as his sec. w. Joseph Whiting of Hartford; Mary m. 6 Oct. 1686, Col. William Whiting; Margaret m. a. 1684, William Southmayd of Middletown, as his sec. w. Martha m. 3 Jan. 1684, Aaron Cooke the third; and Elizabeth m. 21 Dec. 1704, as his sec. w. Alexander Allen of Windsor; and next John Gardiner of Gardiner's isl. Increase Mather includes, in his Relat. of Ind. Wars, the Account of the troubles preced. and during that with the Pequots, writ. by Allyn, filling 19 of his pages.25
On 19 Nov 1651 John first married Ann Smith, daughter of Henry Smith (ca 1610-1681/2) & Ann Pynchon, in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts.16 Born ca 1632.
Their children include:
Mary Allyn (3 Apr 1657-)
Martha Allyn (27 Jul 1667-)
John second married Hannah Lamberton, daughter of Capt. George Lamberton (-1646) & Margaret Lewen. Born ca 1634.

Hannah, widow of Samuel Welles of Wethersfield.12
6606. Thomas Allyn. Born ca 1633.16 Thomas died in Windsor, CT 14 Feb 1695/6.80
On 21 Oct 1658 Thomas married Abigail Warham, daughter of Rev. John Warham (ca 1595-1 Apr 1670) & Jane, in Windsor, CT.16 Born ca 1638 in Windsor, CT. Abigail was baptized in Windsor, CT, on 27 May 1638.16 Abigail died bef 1696.80
Their children include:
Jane Allyn (22 Jul 1670-11 Apr 1712)
Esther Allyn (29 Jan 1676-4 Oct 1750)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.