Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Mary Boaden (2554) & Samuel Oakman
6720. Samuel Oakman.
6721. Josiah Oakman.

Josiah inherited his father’s estate. He settled in Marblehead, MA, soon after the indians wars of 1689-90, and the Oakmans of Salem and Lynn, were his descendents. A Mary Oakman, adm., who was admittted to the first church of Marblehead in 1698, was probably Josiah’s wife.47
Josiah married Mary.
Their children include:
Samuel Oakman (-bef Oct 1730)
6722. Tobias Oakman. Born ca 1664 in Scarborough, Cumberland County, Maine. Tobias died in Marshfield, MA on 16 Jun 1750.343 Buried in Marshfield Hills Cemetery. Occupation: mariner, coaster, yeoman.

Tobias was made captive of the Indians. Later he removed to Marshfield.47

The will of Tobias Oakman of Marshfield, yeoman, dated 21 Mar 1745, proved 29 Jun 1750 mentions his son Edward Oakman, grandsons Samuel and Tobias Oakman sons of his deceased son Samuel, grandson Jeddediah Eames, his six daughters Faith Foster, Eliza Ford, Sarah Randall, Susanna Collamer, Mary Shairman, and Mercy Hamilton.332

Will: Will of Tobias Oakman of Marshfield, Province of the Massachusetts Bay (1745)
Transcribed by John A. Maltby from Plymouth County Probate Vol. 12, p. 90, from FHL microfilm #0551539.
    In the Name of God Amen I Tobias Oakman of Marshfield in the County of plimouth in New England yeoman being aged and under Infirmytes But of Sound mind Doe make this my Last Will and Testement fors I Recomend my Soul to god that gave it and my body to the Earth to a Decent burail at ye Discretion of my Execr. hereafter named and Touching Such Worldy Goods and Estate as I am ye owner of I give the Same in maner following that is to Say —
    Impr I give and bequeath unto my Son Edward Oakman my Carte and Wheels and all my Husbandry Tools and Implements and one half of my Stock of Cattle and my Negro man Named Jack ~~
    Item I give and Bequeath unto my Grand Sons Samul Oakman and tobias Oakman the Sone of my Son Saml. Deceasd all my Land at Spaniznck River both upland and medow with my Comon Right thereto belonging and also all my Land in ye Eastern part in New England to be Equaly Divided betwext them and to be to their heirs and assigns for Ever ~
    Item I give to my Sd Grandson Tobias his heirs and assigns forever my Lot of Land in Marshfield aforesd near Benja thomases being the third Lot in ye Second Division of Marchfeld Comons and also apiece of Salt marsh in said Marchfield Which I have in parteneship with ye Tildens Called Crookers meddo my part being about four or five acres more or Less ~
    Item I give to my Grand Son Jeddediah Eames Twenty pounds in Bills of Credite of the Old Tener to be paid by my Execr within Two years after my Decease
    Item – I give and bequeath unto my Six Daughters Faith Foster Eliza Ford Sarah Randall Susannah Collamer Mary Shairman and Marcy Hamilton and to thair heairs and assigns for Ever all the rest of my Estate both reail and personal of Every Sort and kind and Whairsoever Lying and Being to be Equely Divided betwext them my Just Debts and funeral Charges and Legeses aforesd being first paid out of the Same —
    Lastly I doe hereby appoint my sd Son Edward to be the Sole Execr of this my will in wittness Whaireof I have herunto Sett my hand and Seal March the 21 1745 –
  Tobias  T  Oakeman  (seal)
Sined Sealed pubeshed and Declaired by ye sd Tobias Oakman to be his Last Will and
Testement in presents – of ~
        William Cushing
        Mary Cushing
        Hannah phillips
        Mary Cushing Junr.
Probated on 26 July 1750, and proved by Willm Cushing, Mary Cushing and Mary Cushing Junr.
On 3 Dec 1696 Tobias married Elizabeth Doty (10063) , daughter of Edward Doty (3388) (by 1637-8 Feb 1689/90) & Sarah Faunce (4620) (ca 1645-27 Jun 1695), in Plymouth, MA. Born on 22 Dec 1673 in Plymouth, MA.63 Elizabeth died in Marshfield, MA, on 16 Dec 1745; she was 71.60 Buried in Marshfield Hills Cemetery.
Their children include:
Faith Oakman (15 May 1697-26 Dec 1758)
Samuel Oakman (15 Mar 1698/9-21 Nov 1739)
Elizabeth Oakman (10 May 1701-5 Nov 1768)
Sarah Oakman (ca 1704-12 Jun 1770)
Susannah Oakman (Jan 1705/6-aft Mar 1757)
Mary Oakman (3 May 170[9?]-aft 4 Oct 1749)
Mercy Oakman (ca 1711-)
Edward Oakman (ca 1716-21 May 1791)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.