Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Mary Peirce (2854) & Clement Coldham
8004. Judith Coldham. Judith died on 28 Feb 1650.47
8005. Elizabeth Coldham. Born ca 1640 in Gloucester, MA. Elizabeth died in Lynn, MA on 18 Dec 1703.

Children of Francis and Elizabeth (Coldum) Norwood:
    i. Thomas Norwood, b. 10 Dec 1664;
    ii. Francis Norwood, b. 9 Dec 1666, m. 24 Jan 1693 Mary Stevens (d. 19 Nov 1724, dau. of James Stevens);
    iii. Elizabeth Norwood, b. 17 Feb 1669;
    iv. Mary Norwood, b. 7 Jan 1672;
    v. Stephen Norwood, b. 24 Nov 1674;
    vi. Deborah Norwood, b. 14 Sep 1677;
    vii. Hannah Norwood, b. 8 Nov 1679;
    viii. Joshua Norwood, b. 1683;
    ix. Caleb Norwood, b. 1685; and
    x. Abigail Norwood, b. 1689, m. 1 Jan. 1711 Nathaniel Ellery.
On 15 Oct 1663 Elizabeth married Francis Norwood, son of Frances Norwood (-23 Mar 1681/2) & Judith Gates (-23 Mar 1685/6), in Gloucester, MA.25 Born ca 1635 in Leckhampton, Gloucestershire. Francis died in Gloucester, MA 4 Mar 1708/9.

Will: On the web at

        Estate of Will of Francis Norwood of Gloucester
        Essex Probate Docket # 19653

In the name of God Amen
I francis norwood Sr of the town of glocester and county of Essex in new England being _________ with sickness and weaknes but through the
goodness of god Att the present time I am in good and perfect memory and yet not knowing how near the time of my death and departure out of
this world may be att hand and knowing that all men are born to die and goe of the stage of this world do therefore I declare and make known
this my last will and testiment all former wills to be voide and of none effect and this my last will and testiment to stand in full force and power
in manner and form following first I committ and comend my soule into the hands of god the father of sperits and my body to the ground to be
decently buried by my surviving friends and as for my goods and Estate which god of his goodness and mercy hath bestowed upon me I doe
hearby ordain in manner and form following Imprimus I give and bequeath unto my loving wiffe Elizabeth norwood after my deceas so long as
the said Elizabeth continues my widdow yearly for her mentiniance two pounds tenn shillings in currant money of new England eight bushels
of indian corne two bushels of malt and one hundred and forty pounds of good poark two barralls of good sydar and apples for her owne
spending both winter and summer oute of the orchards that did belong to mee in my lifetime and one cow to give her milk for her owne use if
my wiffe desire it and five coards of fire wood to be brought to the doare of the house where I now dwell for her liveing fitt and convenient for
her to handle and to have the lower roome of the wester end of the dwelling house where I doe now dwell with that part of the leantoo which is
joined to the said roome and the ____ parte of the sellor which used to be locked and to keep a horse or hors kind that is convenient for a women
body to ride upon summer and winter and the use of the garden and the apple trees and what other trees is thering and the use of the new barne
which is newly sett up by the said garden those things to be performed by my executors to my wiffe Elizabeth norwood during her widdowhood
and what is hearafter given to my wiffe Elizabeth norwood during her naturall liff what remains of it att her deceas to be divided equelly
amongst my daughters then surviving viz and feathor bed which my wiffe please to take with all that do belongs unto the said bed viz boulster
pillows two coverlids two blankets two pairs of sheets two pairs of pillow black curtains and vallence and one high bedstead and one trunall
bedstead and one flock bed belonging to it one coverlid and blankett and paire of sheets and one boulster one Iron pott and brass kettle and one
little Iron kettle two smale puter basons two puter platters two spoons and the sidor to be made good and winter apples to be good and brought
into the sellar in time conveninet before the frost to hurt either the apples or sider and to have the use of the cubard which is in the roome t
hat I have left for my wiffe to live in to make use of it as longe as she doth live in the same roome and two chests I give to my wiffe to be
________ the rest is to be disposed of after her deceas one of said chests is made wainscot fasshon which came from Lin and the other chest is
that my wiffe had when I married with her and one box which my wifffe please to take
& I give and bequeath to my Eldest son Thomas norwood besides what I have formarly given him in money and aker pay two shillings in money
and all my wearing clothes that I leave behind and att my deceas both linen and wollen and what els I use to wear of all sortes the reason is that
give my son thomas no more in this my will is because he went from mee to his grandfather Clement Coldum when he was but about the age of
twelve years and upon that account he was setled by his grandfather Coldum and my self in the housen and lands which is in the township of
Lin and instrument being under my hand and seall for the setlement of him in said housen and lands and my son thomas norwood gave an
instrument under his hand and seall never to trouble nor disturb my executors affter my deceas for any parte more of my estate but what more I
was pleased to bestow on him in this my last will and testament
& I give and bequeath unto my second son francis norwood that parcell of upland grounde containing two acres be it more or less as it is
bounded and fenced in the fence on the Easter side of said land runs through the orchard called by the name of cove orchard downe to the well
which is by or neare his house that is the house of said francis norwood for which Land I have given him a deed of gift under my hand and seall
for the above mentioned two acres of upland more or less also it is my mind and will that my son francis norwood affter my self and my wiffe
deceas the remainder parte of the oarchard called by the name of the Cove orchard I give and bequeath unto my son francis norwood and to his
heirs and assignes for ever both the land and trees of all sortes and fences that do belong to said orchard to have and to hold forever so that
none of the rest of my children sons or daughters shall lay any claims to any parte or parcell thereof after my self and my wife deceas
& I give and bequeath unto my third son Joshua Norwood after my deceas a parcell of upland ground containing sixty acres be it more or less
with all that dos belonge or appertains to said land which land is situate and lying att the head of the cape by piggion cove so called and foure
acres of of meadow or salt marsh ground be it more or less situate and lying on the wester side of the river called annisquam river by the cove
usely called by the name of Longe cove having the marsh ground of John Sawyer on the easterly side and the marsh ground that is now in the
possession of William King on the westerly side with all the privileges that do belong to the said meadow or marsh ground for ever only I do
appoint my son Joshua norwood shall pay to two of his sisters thirty five pounds in money and pay as is hereafter expressed viz to my daughter
deborah harradan the wiff of benjamin harradan he shall pay twenty pounds five pounds of the said twenty to be paid in money and fifteen in
goods to make up the twenty pounds to my daughter deborah harradan and shall be made mention of in this my will and likwis my son Joshua
norwood shall pay to my daughter Abigaill norwood fifteen pounds one quarter parte of said fifteen pounds to be paid in money and the other
three quarters to be paid in pay as shall be made mention of hereafter in this my will and the land to stand bound for the payment of the same
& I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth potter the wiffe of John potter of Lin twenty pounds five pounds of the said twenty to be paid
in money and the other fifteen pounds to be paid in pay as it paseth from man to man upon account and to be paid by my executors in four years
time after my deceas five pounds year yearly and to pay one quarter parte yearly in money as well as the quarter parte yearly in pay
& I give and bequeath unto my daughter mary sargeant the wiffe of samuel sargeeant of glocester twenty pounds five pounds in money of the
said twenty pounds and theother fifteen pounds to make up the twenty to be paid in good pay that will pas from man to man at price currant
upon account and to be paid by my executors in four years time after my deceas five pounds year to pay a quarter parte of the money yearly as
well as the quarter parte of the pay
& I give and bequeath unto my daughter deborah harradan the wiffe of benjamin harradan of glocester twenty pounds five pounds of the said
twenty to be paid in money and the other fifteen pounds of said twenty to be paid in good pay att price currant as pay passeth from man to man
upon account and to be paid in four years time after my deceas by my son Joshua norwood and to pay five pounds year yearly and the land that
my son Joshua norwood doth _____ to injoy to stand bound for the payment of both his sisters legacies that he is to pay to them
& I give and bequeath to my youngest daughter Abigaill norwood twenty pounds five pounds of said twenty to be paid in money and fifteen
pounds in good currant pay as it paseth from man to man upon account fifteen pounds of the said twenty to be paid by my son Joshua norwood to
be paid in foure years time after my deceas which will be three pounds twelve shillings and six pence year and to pay one quarter parte yearly
in money and the other five pounds to be paid by my executors in four years time after my deceas a quarter parte to be paid yearly in money and
the rest in good pay yearly
& I give and bequeath unto my youngest son caleb norwood and to his heires after him for ever a certain parcell of upland ground containing
two acres be it more or less situate and lying on the easterly side and on the westerly side of the land where his brother Steben norwood sett up
his hous in his life time and bounded as follwos on the easterly side by Lobster cove side with a smale pitch pine tree with a great slab sett into
the ground by the side of it with a heap of rocks laid about them and so upon a line from the said pitch pine tree to a great rock a white oak
standing in the line between the _____ by Lobter cove side and the said rock and so upon a line to a heap of rocks which is laid in the range
where the old fence formerly stood of my planting field and bound on the westerly side with the bound tree being a great red oak by Lobster
cove side and so at the fence now stands along the line to a white oak tree and from said oak on a straight line to a heap of rocks which is laid in
the range where the old fence stood of the planting field and so to run _____ that end next to the field from one heap of rocks att the _____
corner to the heap of rocks att the eastern corner and my son caleb norwood to make and keep in repair all the fence that does belong to it
between my self and him during my life time so that I may not be damnified by any creature that is liable to be kept out of my planting field by
that part of fence
& I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Elizabeth norwood daughter of my son steven norwood deceased five pounds in good currant pay if it
please god the child do arive to the age of eighteen years to be paid by my executors att one entire payment att my dwelling house in glocester
& furthermore I do give and bequeath unto these my two sons francis norwood and caleb norwood all my housen and lands viz my dwelling house
and barne and all my upland ground both earabl and pasture orchards meadows or marsh ground and comon right which I am posessed of heare
in glocester which is not posessed of before by this my will to these my sons francis norwood joshua norwood and caleb norwood with all the
privileges there unto belonging to both upland and meadow or marsh ground the meadow or marsh ground lying in two parcells the one being
on corn ploat Island and the other parcel of meadow or marsh ground is situat and lying att the northeast end of the Island called by the name
of millett Island both parcells of marsh ground lying on the westerly side of sqam river the Island of marsh is situate and lying over the river
against the house of phillip stanwood and compassed in with creeks that run up to Peter Coffins farm moreover I give unto my two sons francis
and caleb both norwoods before named all my meat chattle hors kind sheep and living with all household goods of all __________ by this my will
to my wiffe Elizabeth norwood what I have left to her of the household goods in this my will for her use during her Liffe and after to be
disposed of if made mention in this my will moreover I give unto my sons hear named all my husbandry tools of what sorte so ever and all the
debts which is owing to me from any man or woman and those of my two sons francis norwood and caleb norwood to be joint heires of all the
before mentioned housen and lands and the other estate to keep it together or to parte it if they can agree in consideration of what I have
bequeathed to these my two sons above written they shall pay out of my estate and make good that which I have and to pay there sisters share
portions as it is made mention of in this my will and testiment and to pay all my debts which shall be legally due to any man or woman and all
my finurall charges
moreover it is my mind and will that if my son Joshua norwood doe lay charge to any part of the house and land that was his brother stefen
norwoods then my executors shall ________ to sell six acres of the land ________ hous I give my daughter Abigaill norwood one trunk which my
father Clement Coldum brought with him from Lin after my decease if I do not give to her in my lifetim
And to the end that this my last will and testiment may be observed and kept due constituted ordain and appoint my two loving sons francis
norwood and caleb norwood to be my whole and sole executors to this my last will and testiment in order to the performance of this my last will
and testiment in all and every the perticulars therof which is mad mention of in both sides and also to see that your brother Joshua norwood do
pay your two sisters what he is to pay to them as it is mad mention of before in this my will
In witness hearof I the said francis norwood Senr of glocester do sett to my hand and seall this the twenty third day of january in the fourth
year of her majesties reign anne of England queen and year of our Lord god one thousand seven hundred and five, six 1705/6
publicly Signed and sealled in presence of us
the marke of
Nathaniell wharfe Senr
Francis norwood senior [signature]
The marke of
mary norwood

Source: From original on file in Essex County Court House, Salem, Mass.
This transcription was made from the original by James G. Dempsey and retranscribed by Richard Case Norwood, Jr. 13 March 1998 in HTML

Submitted by: Richard Case Norwood, Jr.
Their children include:
Thomas Norwood (10 Dec 1663/4-28 May 1755)
Elizabeth Norwood (17 Dec 1668-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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