Pane-Joyce Genealogy
8669. Richard Temple. Born ca 1623 in Stowe, England. Richard died in Concord, MA on 15 Mar 1689.

Removed to Charlestown, MA, before 1647, and from there to Concord, in 1654. He bought and sold much real estate in Charlestown. In Concord he had a saw-mill and resided on Spencer brook. In Salem he was assigned lands July 30, 1644. At Charlestown his farm reached to salt water and extended to near Bunker Hill. Was made a freeman by the General Court at Boston, May 15, 1672. In the year 1688 Richard, having become enfeebled in health, proceeded to divide up his property among his children by deed of gift. These documents, on record in the office of the Register of Deeds, East Cambridge, Mass., afford matter of great interest to his descendants. December 2, 1668, he made a gift of eighty acres, including the dwelling house in which she lived, to his daughter, Abigail Temple Brabrook, "in consideration of her dutifulness and, in particular, her carefulness of him in the time of his late great weakness in a special manner." January 6, 1689, he gave about sixty acres to his. daughter, Sarah Temple Estabrook, in consideration of her dutifulness and in particular of her lameness and impotency." December 22, 1688, Richard entered into an agreement with his son Isaac,"honorably to main tain him (Richard) and his wife during their life, pay their funeral expenses and their debts." Isaac was also obligated to pay his invalid sister twenty pounds. In consideration of this undertaking on the part of Isaac, Richard deeded to Isaac "his (Richard's) new mansion or dwelling place" in Concord, consisting of one hundred acres, containing "dwelling house, barn, outhousing, gardens, yards and fencing bounded south by the highway and west by Spencer's brook." The gift included "the fruit of all the apple trees of that place of land which Richard gave to his son Abraham in the old orchard." The conveyance included also his (Isaac's) eighth part in the saw mill near to his (Richard's) house and all his moveable estate." Richard's best love was reserved for his son Abraham. The deed of gift from Richard to Abraham bears date of December 22, 1688. "Divers Considerations moving me, and more particularly my Son Abraham, he being my eldest Son, as also making me a promise to bestow more of his estate upon his two eldest Sons, Richard and Abraham than upon any of the rest of his children ... in regard his (Abraham's) Son, Abraham, doth bear up the name of my father and his Son Richard' bearing up my name." The conveyance to Abraham includes one hundred and twenty acres lying on the north side of the North river and "twelve acres more in my old field." The Edmunds meadow, and two other pieces of four and five acres each are also given to Abraham. He was married to Joanna in 1645.285
Ca 1645 Richard married Joanna in Salem, MA. Joanna died in Concord, MA on 24 Feb 1688.
Their children include:
Abigail Temple (15 May 1647-6 Sep 1694)
John Temple (1649-23 Jun 1725)
Abraham Temple (4 Jun 1652-4 Jan 1739)
Richard Temple (15 Oct 1654-16 Feb 1698)
Isaac Temple (19 Jun 1657-)
Christopher Temple (ca 1660-28 Sep 1691)
Sarah Temple (8 Mar 1662-29 Nov 1726)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.