Pane-Joyce Genealogy
9476. Isaac Barker. Born ca 1642.16 Isaac died in 1710.290 Occupation: farmer.

From Elizabeth Barker’s Barker Genealogy:290
    Isaac was surveyor of Duxbury in 1674, constable in 1687 and a well to do farmer.
On 28 Dec 1665 Isaac married Judith Prence, daughter of Gov. Thomas Prence (ca 1600-29 Mar 1673) & Apphia Quick (-bef 1 Aug 1668), in Plymouth, MA.62 Born ca 1645.
Their children include:
Samuel Barker (2 Sep 1667-1 Feb 1739)
Isaac Barker (-7 May 1754)
Robert Barker (1673-6 Sep 1765)
Rebecca Barker (say 1674-aft 1728)
Francis Barker (Died unmarried) (-1694)
Mary Barker (2 Mar 1678-15 Feb 1772)
Jabez Barker (1685-)
9477. Lieut. Francis Barker. Born ca 1646.16 Francis died in 1720.290

From Elizabeth Barker’s Barker Genealogy:290
    Francis was especially active in the civic affairs of the colony; in 1686 he was appointed to treat with Scituate, Mass. about the division of a tract of land in dispute with Duxbury, was a deputy to the General Court at Plymouth in 1686, 1694, 1701, 1703, was Selectman of Duxbury in 1685-96, was Constable in 1689, was commissioned an ensign 10-2-1689. He built and had gained sufficient wealth to rank as ‘Gentleman.’

Francis “was one of the Selectmen of Dux. 1685, and 1686, Capt. of a military company, etc. Later in life he removed to Pem. where in the conveyances of real est. he is called ‘Gentleman.’45

Francis lived in that part of Duxbury that is now Pembroke. It is claimed that he built and operated the first iron furnace in America in 1702 on Furnace Pond. Lieut. Francis Barker retired from active business in 1713 and gave his estate to his surviving children. To his daughter Ruth he gave a house in Pembroke.42
5 Jan 1674/5 Francis married Mary Lincoln (7685) , daughter of Thomas “the husbandman” Lincoln (2783) (22 Dec 1622-16 Aug 1692) & Margaret Langer (2782) (ca 1620-5 Mar 1693/4), in Duxbury, MA.192 Born 10 Feb 1647/8 in Hingham, MA.45 Mary was baptized in Hingham, MA, on 23 Apr 1648.45
Their children include:
Francis Barker (Died soon) (9 Oct 1675-29 Oct 1675)
Joshua Barker (Died unmarried) (16 Nov 1676-)
Elizabeth Barker (31 Oct 1677-17 Apr 1711)
Josiah Barker (21 Sep 1679-1718)
Ruth Barker (Died young) (31 Jan 1681-)
Francis Barker (18 Oct 1682-1733)
Ruth Barker (21 Jan 1683-1732)
Capt. Thomas Barker (1686-ca 1734)
Elisha Barker (Died unmarried) (say 1687-1710)
Ebenezer Barker (say 1689-10 Apr 1756)
Isaac Barker (say 1691-5 Dec 1725)
9478. Rebecca Barker. Born ca 1650.16 Rebecca died in Marshfield, MA on 28 Apr 1711.60
Ca 1669 Rebecca first married Josiah Snow (9084) , son of Anthony Snow (ca 1615-Aug 1692) & Abigail Warren (3081) (ca 1618-aft 3 Jan 1692/3).477 Born ca 1645 in Plymouth, MA.31 Josiah died in Marshfield, MA in Aug 1692.60 Occupation: carpenter.
Their children include:
Abigail Snow (6 Dec 1670-)
Lydia Snow (5 Jul 1672-8 Apr 1716)
Mercy Snow (29 Aug 1675-aft 12 Jun 1731)
Deborah Snow (Died young) (21 Dec 1677-31 Oct 1681)
(infant son) Snow (Died soon) (ca Dec 1679-Dec 1679)
Sarah Snow (8 Nov 1680-)
Bethiah Snow (Dec 1681-1 Oct 1761)
Lusanna Snow (7 Mar 1682/3-7 Mar 1732)
Rebecca Snow (Died young) (16 Jun 1685-bet 1692 and 1697)
Abiah Snow (1691/2-1 Feb 1717/8)
On 23 Nov 1694 Rebecca second married John Sawyer in Marshfield, MA.60 Born on 24 Aug 1645 in Newbury, MA. John died in Marshfield, MA aft 28 Apr 1711. Occupation: wheelwright.
9479. Lt. Robert Barker. Born on 27 Feb 1651 in Duxbury, MA.42 Robert died in Duxbury, MA, on 25 Sep 1729; he was 78.286 Occupation: Yeoman. Religion: Quaker.

Robert first married Alice Snow, second Phebe (Cook) (Arnold) Marsh, widow of Oliver Arnold and Jonathan Marsh.

From Deane’s History of Scituate:53
    In 1675, Lieut. Robert Barker “broke away from the army, when they were on their march, in a mutinous way, and by his example allured others to come away.” Barker was deprived of his commission — he was of Duxbury. That this mutiny was the result of Quaker principles, we judge from the circumstance, that of the fifteen others whom he allured away, five were Scituate men, and Quakers, viz. Zechariah Colman, Joseph Colman, Thomas Colman, John Rance, and John Northey: who were fined from 1£ to 8£, according to their respective offences.

From Elizabeth Barker’s Barker Genealogy:290
    Robert was a yeoman and was made Lieut. 10-4-1675, later owned in 1681 a saw mill run by the water power in the brook by the family home, in 1684 he owned a farm in Pudding Brook and built a dam there in 1693, was Constable in 1685 and surveyor in 1687, he also owned land in Rhode Island.

Robert was back in Duxbury again in 1701 when 16 acres adjoining his farm were given him.180
Ca 1681 Robert first married Alice Snow (9088) , daughter of Anthony Snow (ca 1615-Aug 1692) & Abigail Warren (3081) (ca 1618-aft 3 Jan 1692/3).31 Born 18 Jan 1657/8 in Marshfield, MA.60 Alice died aft 1697.42 Religion: Quaker.
Their children include:
Abigail Barker (24 Aug 1682-bef 4 Jan 1762)
James Barker (1 Jan 1683-16 Jul 1718)
Caleb Barker (24 May 1685-25 Aug 1772)
Deborah Barker (7 Dec 1686-)
Susannah Barker (20 Dec 1689-11 Jul 1769)
Robert Barker (5 Jul 1693-1759)
Alice Barker (3 Jun 1695-4 Dec 1778)
Lydia Barker (5 Sep 1697-20 Oct 1776)
On 7 Oct 1705 when Robert was 54, he second married Phebe Cook (6964) , daughter of Capt. Thomas Cook (2618) (ca 1626-ca 1699) & Thomasin (-Oct 1670), in Jamestown, RI.16 Born ca 1664 in Portsmouth, RI.251 Phebe died in Newport, RI on 13 Sep 1732.

Phebe first married Oliver Arnold, second Jonathan Marsh as his second wife, and third Robert Barker as his second wife.
9480. Abigail Barker. Born ca 1657 in Duxbury, MA. Abigail died in Pembroke, MA on 11 May 1718.290

From John Rogers of Marshfield:236
    Abigail Rogers of Pembroke, “widow and relick” of Joseph Rogers late of said Pembroke, deceased, in her will d. April 19, 1718, p. June 20, 1718, gives all her lands, &c., in Pembroke, to her son,
John Rogers; thirty pounds and her best bed and its furnishings to her daughter, Lydia Rogers; one horse and heifer, to her grandson, commonly called Joseph Staples; one heifer, to her granddaughter, Mercy Parris, to be paid when she becomes of age; and the remainder of her movable estate to be equally divided between her sons, Joseph Rogers, Timothy Rogers, her daughters, Rebecca Andrews and Lydia Rogers, and the children of her daughter, Abigail Parris, deceased. She made John Rogers, executor.
Abigail married Joseph Rogers (6439) , son of John Rogers (2504) (ca 1595-3 Feb 1661) & Frances (-1687). Born ca 1632 in England. Joseph died in Pembroke, MA on 10 Apr 1716.

From John Rogers of Marshfield:236
    Joseph lived in Duxbury close to the Marshfield line and in that part which became Pembroke.
    Marshfield, on July 4, 1670, gave to Joseph Rogers, Sen., of Duxbury, its interest in a certain parcel of land (four or five acres) at Mattachesitt. Town Rec. p. 124.
    The will of Joseph Rogers of Pembroke, d. Apr. 10, 1716, and p. July 16, 1716, describes him as “aged”; gives to Joseph, his oldest son, his meadow in Marshfield; to his wife, Abigail, land at a place called the cove in Marshfield, his home farm, (except a small lot given to his son, John Rogers), his stock, &c., and other real estate; gives a lot to his son, Thomas, and ten acres to his son, Timothy, lying near that which he already has; to his daughters, Lydiah and Rebecca, twenty pounds apiece; to the children of his daughter, Abigail Parrice, deceased, fifty shillings each; and to his grandson, commonly called Joseph Staples, five pounds. He left the care of his son, Francis, to his wife, and after her death to be maintained by the children to whom his wife should leave the real estate.
    He left the bulk of his estate to his wife to be disposed of to his children as she should deem most convenient, but it was his will that if his two sons, John and Thomas “do behave themselves kind and obligeing to their mother during her life, that after her decease all my said housing and lands, meadow and swamp, lying in Pembroke aforesaid shall be left to them.” He appointed his wife executrix with his trusty and well-beloved brothers, John Rogers, Francis Barker and Robert Barker, overseers.

More from John Rogers of Marshfield:236
    Francis^3 was evidently laboring under some disability and as neither he nor Thomas, nor any child of either, is named in their mother’s will it is quite certain that both died, without issue, between the dates of their father’s and their mother’s wills.
    Robert Barker, whose children were Francis, Isaac, Robert, Rebecca and Abigail, in his will d. Feb'y 18, 1689, mentions his daughter, Abigail Rogers.
    We have ascertained nothing in relation to the parentage or history of Joseph Staples.
    Joseph and Abigail Rogers conveyed, May 3, 1677, to John Rogers, Sen. of Marshfield, meadow land at Jones's river. Deeds B. I, p. 220,
    Joseph Rogers of Duxborough conveyed Sept. 5, 1699, to John Rogers Jr. of Marshfield, twenty acres of land in M. bounded East by the common land, west by land of said Joseph Rogers, south by land of said John Rogers that he had of his father, Timothy Rogers. B. IV, p. 51.
    Joseph Rogers of Duxbury conveyed, Jan'y 24, 1706/7, to his son, Timothy Rogers of D., thirty acres of land in D. part of what he bought of James Ford of Marshfield, June 29, 1705, bounded on Hobbamock and Little Ponds ; deed witnessed by Rebecca Rogers, his daughter, and Thomas Parris, his son-in-law. B. VIII, p. 87.
    Deeds Joseph Rogers of Mattapoisett in Duxbury to Michael Ford, June 19, 1705: Joseph Rogers of Duxbury to John Rogers of Marshfield, Jan’y 15, 1711: and Joseph Rogers of Pembroke to Abram Booth, April 16, 17 12. B. IX, pp. 231, 158. 371.
    Joseph Rogers^2 and his son, Timothy^3 lived in that part of Duxbury which became part of Pembroke, while his sons, Joseph^3 and John^3 lived in that part of Marshfield which became part of Pembroke, incorporated in 1712.
Their children include:
Moses Rogers (Died unmarried) (-1707)
Lydia Rogers (Died unmarried)
Rebecca Rogers (ca 1679-)
Abigail Rogers (ca 1676-11 Dec 1713)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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