Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Stephen Holden (3625) & Hannah Lawrence
10874. Stephen Holden. Stephen died in Groton, MA on 28 Jul 1688.155
10875. Lieut. John Holden. Born ca 1685 in Groton, MA.155 John died in Groton, MA on 27 Dec 1753.155
On 22 Nov 1716 John married Sarah Davis, daughter of John Davis (10 Mar 1663/4-25 Oct 1704) & Mehitable Shed (3 Jan 1674/5-), in Groton, MA.155 Born on 22 Sep 1694 in Groton, MA.155 Sarah died in Groton, MA, on 21 Dec 1753; she was 59.155
Their children include:
Sarah Holden (5 Sep 1717-5 Mar 1798)
John Holden (Died unmarried) (15 Oct 1719-bef 1753)
Rachel Holden (13 Mar 1722-)
Caleb Holden (1 Feb 1723/4-aft May 1795)
Amos Holden (16 Jun 1726-28 Mar 1803)
Isaiah Holden (20 Aug 1728-Nov 1811)
Nehemiah Holden (12 Mar 1731-1809)
Lois Holden (2 Mar 1732-)
Hannah Holden (24 Jun 1732-1 Sep 1773)
David Holden (16 Dec 1738-8 Aug 1803)
10876. Ens. Stephen Holden. Born ca 1690 in Groton, MA.155 Stephen died in Groton, MA in 1757.155
On 2 Sep 1719 Stephen first married Hannah Sawtell (34304) , daughter of Obadiah Sawtell (ca 1648/9-20 Mar 1740) & Hannah Lawrence (16380) (24 Mar 1661/2-aft 1726), in Groton, MA.155 Born on 8 Jun 1695 in Groton, MA.155 Hannah died bef Jul 1749.
Their children include:
Stephen Holden (11 Jun 1720-2 Feb 1791)
Charles Holden (Died unmarried) (22 Oct 1721-bef 1757)
Hannah Holden (30 Sep 1723-bef 1757)
Philemon Holden (28 Feb 1725-19 Jun 1810)
Jemima Holden (say 1727-)
Submit Holden (21 Nov 1729-)
Lieut. Simon Holden (1731-aft 1790)
Beulah Holden (ca 1733-)
Nathaniel Holden (Died young) (-15 May 1740)
On 4 Jul 1749 Stephen second married Sarah Russell, daughter of James Russell (-1 Apr 1748) & Mary Howe, in Charlestown, MA.155 Born 8 Feb 1716/7 in Lexington, MA.155

Sarah first married Jonas Cresse, second Stephen Holden.
Their children include:
Relief Holden (2 Apr 1750-)
Lieut. Jonas Holden (8 Sep 1751-19 Apr 1835)
Ephraim Holden (16 Sep 1753-aft 1820)
Content Holden (8 May 1756-)
10877. Nathaniel Holden. Born ca 1691 in Groton, MA. Nathaniel died in Groton, MA on 15 May 1740.155
On 24 Mar 1718 Nathaniel married Abigail Stone, daughter of Dea. Simon Stone (8 Sep 1656-19 Dec 1741) & Sarah Farnsworth (ca 1663-16 Sep 1731), in Groton, MA.155 Born ca 1691. Abigail died in Groton, MA on 29 Sep 1757.155
Their children include:
Abigail Holden (15 Sep 1719-31 Jan 1762)
Nathaniel Holden (Died unmarried) (2 Oct 1721-30 Apr 1740)
Isaac Holden (19 Nov 1723-1796)
Lydia Holden (Died unmarried) (6 Dec 1725-4 Feb 1744/5)
Mary Holden (3 Apr 1728-)
Prudence Holden (26 Apr 1730-21 Nov 1762)
Capt. Asa Holden (23 Aug 1732-23 Jun 1813)
Jabez Holden (12 May 1735-11 Aug 1787)
10878. William Holden. Born on 16 Aug 1699. William died in Groton, MA, on 25 Dec 1745; he was 46.155
Ca 1725 William married Elizabeth.155 Born ca 1705. Elizabeth died in Harvard, MA on 9 Sep 1767.155

Elizabeth first married William Holden, second John Darby as his second wife.
Their children include:
Elizabeth Holden (2 Jul 1725-)
Capt. William Holden (19 Feb 1728/9-8 Nov 1807)
Joshua Holden (6 Feb 1729/30-1 Dec 1817)
Jemima Holden (1 Jul 1732-bef 1776)
Richard Holden (25 Aug 1734-1776)
Jonathan Holden (25 Aug 1736-19 Nov 1821)
Eunice Holden (6 Aug 1738-)
Abigail Holden (13 Jan 1741-)
Lydia Holden (30 Mar 1745-)
10879. Rachel Holden. Born ca 1700 in Groton, MA. Rachel died in Groton, MA in 1768.
On 20 Dec 1716 Rachel married William Lund, son of Thomas Lund (ca 1660-aft 1721) & Elizabeth Bowker (3 Jul 1659-), in Groton, MA.155 Born on 25 Jan 1687 in Dunstable, MA. William died in Groton, MA, on 19 Nov 1758; he was 71.

William, of Dunstable.
Their children include:
William Lund (18 Jul 1717-20 Mar 1782)
Rachel Lund (28 Aug 1719-2 Jul 1762)
Charity Lund (16 Feb 1730/1-1793)
Mary Lund (28 Nov 1733-)
Lucy Lund (Died young) (26 May 1736-)
10880. Simon Holden. Born ca 1701/2 in Groton, MA. Simon died in Charlestown, MA bef 8 Jun 1786.

Will: Will of Simon HOLDEN (Holding), March 1782, Charlestown, Massachusetts:

In the name of God Amen this twenty ninth day of March A.D. 1782. I Simon HOLDING of Charlestown in the County of
Middlessex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, yeomen being weak in body but of perfect mind and memory-thanks be
given to God therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die
do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul
into the hands of God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the
discretion of my Executor: nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty
power of God; and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give devise and
dispose of the same in the following manner and form. First of all I order and my will is that all my just debts and funeral
charges be well and truely paid out of my estate in convenient time after my decease by my Executor hereafter named--I
give unto my beloved wife Abigail HOLDING the use and improvement of all my real and personal Estate for her
comfortable support during her remaining my widow. And is said the improvement be not sufficient for her support then I
impower her to sell and dispose of so much of my said Estate as shall be necessary for the same excepting the Chamber in
my dwelling house, the northeasterly quart of the Cellar under the same, also the Southeast part of the Barn also the
priviledge of using the well also the one half of my Lott called the Christen Lott lying in Charlestown adjoining to Ammi
Cutter Land.
I give unto my daughter Sarah HOLDING the Chamber in my dwelling house the northeasterly quarter of the Cellar under
the same also the southeast quarter of my Barn, also the priviledge of using the well, also the one half of my Lott lying in
Charlestown called the Christen Lott being that half part of the sme adjoining to Ammi Cutter Land. to have and to hold to
her and to her heirs and assigns forever without being accounted as any part of her portion out of the remaining part of
my Estate with liberty of passing and repassing over any of my other lands and estate for the use and improvement of the
I give unto my eldest son Nathaniel HOLDING one share and a half share in the remainder of my Estate to hold to him and
his heirs forever after the marriage or decease of my said wife, his mother and is all I give him out of my Estate.
I give unto my son Thomas HOLDING the other half part of my said Christen Lott being the southeasterly part thereof over
and above his equal part or shar in my Estate after the marriage or decease of my said wife, his mother and my said son
Thomas should not be alive or return again then that part of my Christen Lott that I have given him I order and will is that
my said daughter Sarah shall have and enjoy the same forever.
I give unto my two daughter Elizabeth TUFTS and Hannah CUTTER and to their heirs their equal part of shares in the
remainder of my Estate after the marriage or decease of my said wife which is all I give them out of my Estate.
And I do hereby nominate and appoint my well beloved wife Abigail HOLDING my sole Executor of this my last will and
testament revoking & disannulling all other and former wills and testiments, allowing this and none other to be my last will
and testament for witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above mentioned.
Signed, Sealed, Published, Announced, Declared, by the said Simon HOLDING as his last will and testament, in presence of
us the Subscribers. Signed Simon HOLDING
Amos Warren
Ebenezer Wyeth
William Whittemore

Middlessex-Cambridge 8th June 1786
To all the heirs at law of Simon HOLDIN late of Charlestown in said County yeoman deceased and to all others concerned.
Whereas an instrument? Purporting? The last will and testement of the said deceased is lodged with me to be proved, you
the said heirs and others are therefore cited to appear before me at my office in Cambridge at five of the clock this
afternoon, to offer what you may have to object against, or in support thereof.
Signed Oliver Prescott, J. Peace

To Miss Sarah HOLDIN to give this citation and to make return thereof. Oliver Prescott, J. Peace

To all, People to whom these presents shall come, Oliver Prescott Esquire, Judge of the Probate of Wills, in the County of
Middlesex within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, sendeth Greeting.
Know ye, That on the eighth Day of June Anno Domini 1786 the instrument hereunto annexed (purporting the last Will and
Testament of Simon HOLDIN-late of Charlestown in said County yeoman desceased) was presented for Probate by Abigail
HOLDIN-the executrix therein named; then present William Whittmore and Amos Warren two of the witnesses thereto
subscribed, who made Oath that they saw the said Testator sign, seal, and heard him declare the said instrument to be his
last Will and Testament, and that they with Ebenezer Wyeth, (now out of this commonwealth)-subscribed their names
together as witnesses to the Execution thereof in the said Testator, Presence; and that he was then (to the best of their
Judgement) of sound and disposing mind:
I do prove, Approve, and Allow of the said Instrument as the last Will and Testament of the beforenamed deceased, and do
commit the Administration thereof in all Matters the fame concerning, and of his estate whereof he died seiz'd and
posses'd in said County, unto Abigail HOLDIN-the before named Executrix well and faithfully to execute to said Will, and to
administer the Estate of the said deceased according thereto; who accepted of her said Trust, and is directed to give bonds
to exhibit and Inventory according to law and she shall render an account (upon Oath) of her Proceedings, when therunto
lawfully required.
In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and SEal of Office, the Day and Year above written.
Oliver Prescott

Know all men by these presents, that we Abigail HOLDIN widow as principal, William Whittmore gentlemen, Amos Warren
Juholder as sureties All of Charlestown in the County of Middlessex Within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, are
holden and stand firmly bound and obliged unto Oliver Prescott, Esquire, Judge of the Probate of Wills, and granting
Administration within the County of Middlessex in the Full Sum of Ten Thousand Pounds in lawful money of said
Commonwealth, to be paid unto the said Oliver Prescott his successors in the said Office or Assigns: To the true payment
whereof, we do bind ourselves, and each of us, our, and each our heirs, Executors, and Administrators, jointly and
severally, for the whole and in the whole, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our Seals. Dated the eighth day of June
Anino Domini, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-Six.

The condition of this present obligation is such that whereas the above said Abigail HOLDEN hath this day taken upon
herself the task of Executrix of the last Will and Testament of her late husband Simon HOLDIN late of Charlestown aforesaid
yeoman deceased.
Now therefore if she shall on or before the eighth day of September next, under an oath to the Judge of probate for
aforesaid County, a full thus inventory of all such estate of said deceased or shall have come to her hand, knowledge or
possesion. & moreover she do pay or cause to be paid said deceased debts and repairs so far as his goods and estate can
extend, I do administer his Executrix all things according to law the will of the wife, I do render a just and true account of
her proceedings given to the Judge of Probate in this County for the time being, when thereunto lawfully require to pay the
balance remaining to such persons or the Judge persuant at law shall direct his obligation to be void otherwise remains in
full force.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of; Hannah Cutter, James Wintrop.
Signed Abigail HOLDIN - her mark
William Whittemore, Amos Warren

Probate of wills in and for the county of Middlessex in the commonwealth of Massachusetts. We the subscribers agreeable
to your honor, commission to us directed have taken an inventory of all the Estate whereof Simon HOLDIN Late of
Charlestown in the County aforsaid Died seized of as shown to us by his executrix--
viz-one dwelling house, one barn and half an acre of land and adjoining valued at---------- 43:00
twelve acres of pasture land and meadows--------- 24:00
four acres of land called the Christen Lott-------------14:00
one old feather bed, bedstand, bolster, pillow and cord-----9:40
one old pair of chest of drawers 15/two old chest----16:4
ten pounds of old pewter at 10 pense, 8/4 one small table---9:21
one iron pot 4/one iron spider 2/one iron skillet-------7:0
one old coverlid, blanket, pillow, bedstead and cord---9:0
one old blue straightbodied coat, jacket and two ps. Of breaches----12:0
some other clothing, old, one old hat and cane-----7:0
two old Bibles and several other old Books-----5:0
Seven old charis 10/bone small looking glasses---11:6
One old broken chest of drawere/one old iron kettle----4:6
three glass bottles and three old knives, three old cask---3:2
one pair of small hand irons, one pair tongs and iron peal---10:0
one old iron trammel, one old bridle---2:6
two hay forks, one clever, 3 old hoes, two aces& sythes
one bread trough, meal bags and chest old---7:6
one cow 3:0 Total 90:9:0
Charlestown, August 7th, 1786

Appraisors: William Whittemore
        Amos Warren
        William Adams
Middlessex Nov. 8th, 1787
Abigail HOLDIN the executrix exhibited this inventory on oath; before me, Oliver Prescott, J. Peace

The account of Abigail HOLDIN the Executrix of the last will of Simon HOLDIN late of Charlestown yeoman Testate,
deceased who charges herself with the inventory of the personal estate exhibited 8th, November 1787----9.9.0

I leave allowances as followith---viz
To my time in loding to the deceased will and in proving the dower same---0.4.0
To paid the Probate Office----1.1.3
To paid the appraisors 6/each---0.18.0
To my time in attending the appraisers and entertainment----0.6.0
To going to the office to lodge the inventory horse & expenses---0.4.0
To paid Dr. Putnam 33/6 Robbins for grave----2.5.6
To paid Samuel Butterfield for Coffin-----0.12.0
To framing this account, allowing, recording & certificate---0.6.2
To receiving, allowing and recording the inventory----0.3.0

Balance in favor of the estate----9.9.0

Middlessex November 8th, 1787, having this amount & seen the voucher sworn Sally HOLDIN attorney to her Mother
Abigail HOLDEN the executrix, the person who transacted the whole business I allow thereof. Oliver Prescott, J. Peace
Ca 1735 Simon married Abigail Grover (15199) , daughter of Thomas Grover (Mar 1668/9-15 Sep 1739) & Bethia Burnap (5640) (9 Jun 1677-). Abigail died ca 1791.
Their children include:
Elizabeth Holden (Died soon) (ca 28 Oct 1735-26 Nov 1737)
Simon Holden (Died young) (6 Jan 1737/8-7 May 1752)
Elizabeth Holden (15 Sep 1739-17 Oct 1826)
Nathaniel Holden (16 Jul 1742-bef 1794)
Abigail Holden (28 Sep 1744-20 Jun 1773)
Charles Holden (19 Jun 1746-1816)
Thomas Holden (8 May 1749-aft 1782)
Hannah Holden (5 Aug 1752-23 Aug 1801)
Sarah Holden (16 Jun 1757-29 May 1832)
John Holden (-aft 1798)
10881. Jonathan Holden. Born ca 1703 in Groton, MA. Jonathan died in Groton, MA on 13 Sep 1758.155 Occupation: Housewright.
On 26 Apr 1742 Jonathan married Deborah Houghton, daughter of Robert Houghton & Deborah Wilder, in Groton, MA.155 Born ca 1717 in Groton, MA.
Their children include:
Robert Holden (5 Mar 1743-22 Jun 1826)
John Holden (Died soon) (28 Jan 1745-7 Oct 1747)
Deborah Holden (Died young) (20 Feb 1747-1 Sep 1753)
Jonathan Holden (16 Nov 1749-)
Mary Holden (Died soon) (11 Oct 1751-10 Sep 1753)
Deborah Holden (24 Oct 1753-)
Mary Holden (15 Sep 1756-)
Hannah Holden (8 May 1758-)
10882. Benjamin Holden. Born ca 1704 in Groton, MA. Benjamin died bef 1746.155
On 8 May 1728 Benjamin married Hannah Ockington (45706) , daughter of Thomas Ockington (-19 Nov 1732) & Rebecca Mason (26722) (22 Aug 1661-21 Feb 1716/7), in Dedham, MA.155 Born on 9 Sep 1695 in Dedham, MA.155 Hannah died in Princeton, MA, on 4 Jan 1776; she was 80.155

Hannah first married Benjamin Holden, second Samuel Bullard.
Their children include:
Col. Benjamin Holden (10 Mar 1728/9-24 Nov 1820)
John Holden (Died soon) (31 Dec 1731-19 Feb 1731/2)
Mindwell Holden (16 Feb 1732/3-)
Sarah Holden (13 Jul 1735-)
10883. Elizabeth Holden. Born ca 1706 in Groton, MA. Elizabeth was baptized in Groton, MA, 2 Mar 1706/7.155
10884. Hannah Holden. Born on 23 Feb 1707 in Groton, MA. Hannah died in Pepperell, MA, on 13 Sep 1797; she was 90.
9 Mar 1726/7 Hannah married William Green (34369) , son of William Green (16392) (13 Jul 1665-) & Mary, in Groton, MA.155 Born on 5 Mar 1699 in Groton, MA. William died in Groton, MA, on 7 May 1778; he was 79.155
Their children include:
William Green (25 Dec 1727-29 Nov 1809)
Simon Green (15 Sep 1729-16 Sep 1813)
Jonas Green (15 Mar 1731-)
Hannah Green (4 Dec 1732-)
Elizabeth Green (Died young) (17 Jun 1735-31 Aug 1741)
10885. Sarah Holden. Born ca 1708 in Groton, MA.
On 4 Nov 1731 Sarah married John Kemp, son of Zerubbabel Kemp (23 Mar 1677-1762) & Mary Lacey (25 May 1674-), in Groton, MA.155 Born on 18 Jan 1708 in Groton, MA. John died in Pepperell, MA, on 9 Aug 1755; he was 47.
Their children include:
John Kemp (4 Jun 1732-)
Lawrence Kemp (24 Sep 1733-)
Oliver Kemp (11 Jun 1735-May 1756)
Jabez Kemp (19 Mar 1736/7-)
Stephen Kemp (19 Sep 1739-)
Lucy Kemp (24 Apr 1742-)
Amasa Kemp (21 May 1744-)
Sarah Kemp (29 May 1746-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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