Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Elizabeth Hutchinson (3805) & Nathaniel Putnam
11268. Samuel Putnam. Born 18 12 mo. [Feb] 1652[/3] in Salem Village, MA.198 Samuel was baptized in Salem, MA, 17 2mo. [Apr] 1653.198 Samuel died in Salem, MA bef 17 Nov 1676.

From A History of the Putnam Family, page 55:198
    Of Samuel Putnam we know nothing except that an inventory of his estate, which amounted to £191-07-03, was taken by Jacob Barney and Joshua Rea, 17th 9 mo., 1676, and was allowed 29th 9 mo., 1676. Administration was granted to Elizabeth Putnam, relict.
    Probably the above Elizabeth is the “widow Elizabeth Putnam” who married Benjamin Collins of Lynn, 5 Sept., 1677.
Samuel married Elizabeth.
Their children include:
11269. Nathaniel Putnam. Born 24 2 mo. [Apr] 1655 in Salem Village, MA.198 Nathaniel was baptized in Salem, MA, 27 3 mo. [May] 1655. Nathaniel died bef Jul 1700.
11270. John Putnam. Born 26 1mo. [Mar] 165[6/]7 in Salem Village, MA.198 John was baptized in Salem, MA, 6 7mo. [Sep] 1657. John died in Salem Village, MA in Sep 1722.198

From A History of the Putnam Family, pages 56–57:198
John Putnam’s farm was in that part of Danvers west of Hathorne's hill near the log bridge across Ipswich river. The farm, or part of it, is now [1891] owned by George H. Peabody, Esq. In this immediate vicinity his cousins Deacon Edward and Sergeant Thomas Putnam, lived. John Putnam was known as “Caroliua John,” and as “John Putnam, junior.” During the witchcraft excitement, he was constable, and, of course, must have taken a more or less active part in the proceedings. At one time, Mercy Lewis, one of the “afflicted girls” had been living in his house as a servant and in May, 1692, he testifies, apparently in good faith, as to a fit she had when bewitched. It was at a church meeting at his house in 1698 that several of the wronged members of the church again met with the majority and all agreed to live in “love together.” This occurred a week after the ordination of the Rev. Joseph Green.
    Besides the office of constable, John Putnam was frequently tything man, surveyor of highways, especially towards Ipswich road, and was appointed to other minor positions.
    In his will dated 30 Nov., 1721, he appoints Ebenezer and Thomas Putnam overseers; mentions his wife Hannah, sons Samuel, Josiah, John, Joshua, Amos, his son Isaac Buxton; daughters Priscilla, Abigail, Sarah and Rebecca Putnam, and Elisa Phelps. Proved 1 Oct., 1722.
On 2 Dec 1678 John married Hannah Cutler, daughter of Samuel Cutler (ca 1629-17 Mar 1693) & Elizabeth, in Salem, MA.198 Born on 6 Dec 1655 in Middleton, MA. Hannah was baptized in Salem, MA, 8 Feb 1684/5.198 Hannah died aft 1722.
Their children include:
Hannah Putnam (22 Aug 1679-1721)
Elizabeth Putnam (26 9 mo. [Nov] 1680-)
Abigail Putnam (26 Feb 1682-)
Samuel Putnam (5 Nov 1684-20 Dec 1753)
Josiah Putnam (29 Oct 1686-5 Jul 1766)
Joseph Putnam (ca 1687-)
Mary Putnam (29 Sep 1688-bef 1721)
Susanna Putnam (11 Apr 1690-)
Rebecca Putnam (16 Aug 1691-aft Jun 1759)
John Putnam (16 Aug 1691-10 Feb 1764)
Sarah Putnam (5 Mar 169[2/]3-)
Joshua Putnam (ca 1694-1739)
(son) Putnam (Died young) (-25 Aug 1695)
Amos Putnam (27 Jan 1697-between 15 Jun 1773 and 8 Nov 1774)
Priscilla Putnam (7 May 1699-)
11271. Joseph Putnam. Born 29 8mo. [Oct] 1659 in Salem Village, MA.198 Joseph died bef 1721.
11272. Elizabeth Putnam. Born on 11 Aug 1662 in Salem Village, MA.198 Elizabeth died in Salem, MA 6 Mar 1696/7.198
On 2 Mar 1679 when Elizabeth was 16, she married Sergt. George Flint, son of Thomas Flint (ca 1603-15 Apr 1663) & Ann (-ca 1672). Born on 6 Jan 1652 in Salem Village, MA.198 George died in North Reading, MA, on 23 Jun 1720; he was 68.198

From A History of the Putnam Family, page 58:198
Sergeant George Flint removed to Reading and settled before 1682 on land inherited from his father. His house was used as a garrison house during the Indian troubles. He was the first of his name in Reading and held the office of selectman. (Flint Genealogy, pp. 10-11.)
Their children include:
Elizabeth Flint (19 Aug 1685-Oct 1762)
George Flint (1 Apr 1686-)
Anna Flint (18 Apr 1687-1742)
Ebenezer Flint (16 Dec 1689-18 Sep 1778)
Nathaniel Flint (Died young) (21 Oct 1690-)
Mary Flint (4 Nov 1691-)
Mercy Flint (7 Oct 1692-)
Nathaniel Flint (4 Jan 1694-12 Nov 1760)
Hannah Flint (12 Feb 1695-)
John Flint (Died soon) (4 Mar 1696-)
11273. Benjamin Putnam. Born on 24 Dec 1664 in Salem Village, MA.198 Benjamin died in Salem Village, MA ca 1715.198

From A History of the Putnam Family, pages 58–61:198
    Benjamin married, according to Col. Perley Putnam, 25 Aug., 1686, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Putnam, but on the Salem records, the births of his children are recorded and it is there stated that they were “by wife Hanna.”
    Benjamin Putnam was a prominent man in Saleni, and held many town offices. He had always the title of “Mr.” unless other titles are given. He held the positions of Lieutenant and Captain (1706–1711). From the time he was chosen tything man at the Village in 1695–6, hardly a year passed but what he was honored by his fellow townsmen. He was constable and collector in 1700. He was constantly chosen tything man and surveyor of highways at the Village. He was oue of the selectmen in 1707–1713 and that his judgment was considered of value is shown by the frequency with which he was returned to the Grand and Petit Juries. His last appearance on the Salem records was in 1712 wheu he was one of those chosen to perambulate the bounds between Salem and Topsfield. On 30 Dec, 1709, he was chosen deacon of the church at the Village. On 25 July, 1713, Rev. Joseph Green in his diary mentions the tact of his calling on “Landlord Putnam” and that he was very sick and out of his head. This was the beginning of the end, for he died in 1714 or 1715. In regard to his part in the witchcraft delusion it can be summed up thus: The Goods were dependents in his family and when the indemnities were paid by the General Court to the heirs of those accused and imprisoned and murdered, William Good through the instrumentality of Benjamin Putnam obtained a very large proportion, — Mr. Upham thinks more than his share. Among the signatures to the certificate of character of Rebecca Nurse both those of Benjamin and his wife Sarah are found. He never seems to have appeared as a witness of any account and probably steered clear as far as he was able, of the whole affair. The title “Landlord” was one often given to the eldest living Putnam.
    The following entries are as yet unexplained, diligent search among the state archives failing to reveal the reason of Benjamin Putnam's imprisonment. These eutries are also from Rev. Joseph Green’s journal.
    “1707, June 16. News of Captain Putnam having come to Marblebead.
    June 17. Our country in great confusion. Some for the army, others against it. I went to Boston to ye Governor to release Benj. Putnam.
    Sept. 21. Sab. 7 baptised. Discoursed Capt. Putnam at night."
    The Rev. Joseph Green often alludes to Benjamin Putnam in his diary. “1708, July 29, I went with B. Putnam to Reading to Deacon Fitches, to spend ye day in prayer for him, he being almost blind, and old Mr. Weston quite blind, and other disconsolate deaf, &c. Mr. Pierpont began, I prayed, Dea. Fitch, Landlord Putnam and Dea. Bancroft then sang 146 Psalm and I concluded with a short prayer and blessing.”
    During the following August there was more or less anxiety from attacks by the Indians at Haverhill.
    “Oct. 23. I went with Major Sewall and Capt. Putnam to Haverhill.”
    “Dec. 30 (1709). Benj. Putnam chosen deacon by every vote except his own.”
    “March 1 (1711). Ye church kept a Fast at ye house of Dea. Benj. Putnam’s.”
    “May 4 (1711). Chh. meeting rec’vd to full communion ... ye wife of Dea. Ben. Putnam.”
    “May 10. I went to Capt. Putnam’s house raising.”
    “Mar. 17 (1713). I visited Dea. Ben. Putnam who is ill with a fall.”
    “July 25. Visited Landlord Putnam, very sick and out of his head.”
    At the time covered by the above extracts, there were several “Capt. Putnams” viz.: John, Jonathan, Nathaniel and as in the cases above Benjamin, it is possible that some of the extracts may refer to Jonathan, who was extremely active at this time.
    The will of Benjamin Putnam is dated 28 Oct. , 1706, proved 25 April, 1715. He gives to his son Daniel (minister at Reading) “£150 for his learning.” Overseers, “Uncle John Putnam and Capt. Jona. Putnam.” All his children but Josiah are here mentioned.
    30 June, 1715. The children of Benjamin who were of age, viz.: Tarrant, Benjamin, Robert Hutchinson, Elizabeth Hutchinson entered into an agreement.
    On April 1, 1717, Cornelius chose his brother Nathaniel his guardian.

Benjamin’s will is quoted on pages 61–62 of A History of the Putnam Family.198
Benjamin first married Hannah. Hannah died in Salem, MA on 21 Dec 1705.198

(Since Benjamin’s third son was named Tarrant, it may be that his wife’s maiden name was Tarrant, or perhaps her mother’s.)
Their children include:
Dea. Nathaniel Putnam (25 Aug 1686-21 Oct 1764)
Josiah Putnam (ca 1687-)
Tarrant Putnam (12 Apr 1688-ca 1732)
Elizabeth Putnam (8 Jan 1690-)
Benjamin Putnam (8 Jan 1692/3-between 28 May 1744 and 15 Oct 1744)
Lieut. Stephen Putnam (27 Oct 1694-1772)
Rev. Daniel Putnam (12 Nov 1696-20 Jun 1759)
Dea. Israel Putnam (22 Aug 1699-12 Nov 1760)
Dea. Cornelius Putnam (3 Sep 1702-29 May 1761)
On 1 Jul 1706 when Benjamin was 41, he second married Sarah.198

Sarah first married Benjamin Holton, second Benjamin Putnam.
11274. Mary Putnam. Born 15 7 mo. [Sep] 1668 in Salem Village, MA.198 Mary was baptized in Salem, MA, in Dec 1668.198 Mary died in Malden, MA in Jul 1758.
Ca 1687 Mary married John Tufts, son of Peter Tufts (ca 1617-13 May 1700) & Mary Pierce (-Jan 1702/3). Born ca 1664 in Malden, MA. John died in Malden, MA on 28 Mar 1728.198

From A History of the Putnam Family, pages 58–61:198
    John was freeman 1690; bought four lots of land in 1701 of John Putnam.
    John’s will was dated 9 May, with codicil 20 Nov., 1727, proved 12 Apr., 1728, devised to wife Mary the west end of house, to Nathaniel, Mary and grandson John, Peter, Benjamin, Thomas, son-in-law John Willis.
Their children include:
Mary Tufts (11 Apr 1688-12 Feb 1716)
John Tufts (28 May 1690-16 Aug 1725)
Nathaniel Tufts (23 Feb 1692-27 Aug 1741)
Peter Tufts (10 May 1697-5 Dec 1776)
Benjamin Tufts (28 Nov 1699-17 Nov 1774)
Timothy Tufts (13 Oct 1703-2 May 1727)
Thomas Tufts (Died unmarried) (4 Dec 1704-1739)
Stephen Tufts (1 May 1711-5 Dec 1785)
Mary Tufts (6 Sep 1716-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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