Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Richard Otis (4073) & Grizel Warren
12003. Hanna Otis. Born ca 1687 in Dover, Strafford County, New Hampshire.168 Hanna died in Dover, Strafford County, New Hampshire in Jun 1689.168

From William A. Otis’s Memoir of the Otis Family:168
    Hannah was a child of two years at the time of the Indian attack on Dover, June 28-29, 1689, and according to report, was killed by an Indian dahsing her head against the chamber stairs.
12004. Christine Otis. Born on 15 Mar 1689 in Dover, Strafford County, New Hampshire.168 Christine died in Feb 1773.168

From William A. Otis’s Memoir of the Otis Family:168
    When the town of Dover was taken and destroyed by the Indians the night of June28-29, 1689, she was carried captive with her mother to Canada. The French priests took this child, then three months old, under their care, baptized here (may 9, 1693) by the name of Christine, and educated her in the Roman faith. Whe passed some time in a nunnery, but declined to take the veil. At about the age of sixteen she married (according to report of Alice Baker) against her wishes. There were four children born from this marriage.
On 14 Jun 1707 when Christine was 18, she first married Louis Bau, son of Pierre Jean Bau & Etiennette Lory, in Montreal, Quebec.168 Born in 1678.168 Louis died on 26 Feb 1713.168
Christine second married Capt. Thomas Baker, son of Timothy Baker & Sarah Hollister. Born on 14 May 1682.168
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.