Pane-Joyce Genealogy
12154. (a daughter) Rawson.

The oldest child of Edwar Rawson, a daughter, was left by him in England, where whe was born. To whom she was married is unknown, but he is said to have been and ‘opulent gentlemen.’320
12155. Rachel Rawson. Born ca 1636.
On 18 Jan 1653 Rachel married William Aubrey in Boston, MA.320

William, a merchant of Boston.
12156. Rev. Edward Rawson. Born ca 1638 in Newbury, MA. Edward died in England aft 1655. Education: Harvard 1653.

Edward returned to England, and was minister at Horsmanden in Co. Kent, whence, after the Restoration he was ejected by the farmer incumbent.25
12157. Mary Perne Rawson. Born 14 or 16 May 1640 in Boston, MA.320 Mary Perne died in Weymouth, MA on 10 Sep 1692.320

Mary Pirne, or Parnell, Rawson.
On 15 May 1657 Mary Perne married Rev. Samuel Torrey, son of Capt. William Torrey (21 Dec 1608-20 Jun 1690) & Jane Haviland (2 Aug 1612-Apr 1639), in Boston, MA.320 Born ca 1632 in Combe St Nicholas, Somerset. Samuel died in Weymouth, MA on 21 Apr 1707.320

Samuel first married Mary Rawson, second Mary (Chickering) Symmes, widow of William Symmes.

Samuel was minister at Hull from 1656 through 1664, and minister of the First Parish of Weymouth from 1664 to his death.
12158. Susan Rawson. Born ca 1642 in Newbury, MA. Susan died in 1654.
12159. David Rawson. Born on 6 May 1644 in Newbury, MA.25

John removed to England.320
12160. Perne Rawson. Born on 14 Sep 1646 in Newbury, MA.
Ca 1666/7 Perne married George Broughton, son of Thomas Broughton (ca 1616-12 Nov 1700) & Mary Briscoe (16 Sep 1619-). Born ca 1643 in Watertown, MA. George died bef May 1690. Occupation: Merchant.

George was killed by Indians before May 1690.
Their children include:
John Broughton (Died unmarried) (22 Jan 1667-2 Apr 1689)
Rachel Broughton (1 Sep 1670-)
Mary Broughton (10 Aug 1672-aft 1701)
Edward Broughton (12 Oct 1673-bef Dec 1734)
Perne Broughton (15 Jun 1677-)
Sarah Broughton (ca 1679-)
12161. Grindall Rawson. Born on 23 Jan 1649 in Newbury, MA.25

Grindall was so named in honor of the puritan Archbishop of Canterbury in Queen Elizabeth’s day. Archbishop Edmund Grindal died in 1583, 63 years before Grindall Rawson’s birth. Edmund Grindal was the great great uncle of both Edmund Rawson and his wife Rachel Perne.
12162. William Rawson. Born 21 Mar 1650/1 in Boston, MA.25 William was baptized in Boston, MA, 25 Mar 1650/1.25 William died in Boston, MA on 20 Sep 1726.

William removed from Boston to Dorchester about 1686, then to Braintree about 1690. Of his twenty children, only five lived to adulthood.
On 31 Jul 1673 William married Anne Glover, daughter of Nathaniel Glover & Mary Smith (ca 1630-29 Jul 1703), in Boston, MA.25 Born in 1656 in Dorchester, MA. Anne died in Barnstable, MA on 29 Jul 1730.

Anne was the only daughter of Nathaniel Glover of Dorchester.25
Their children include:
Anne Rawson (Died soon) (11 Apr 1674-)
Wilson Rawson (Died soon) (1675-)
Margaret Rawson (Died soon) (1 Aug 1676-)
Edward Rawson (Died soon) (6 Sep 1677-bef Aug 1678)
Edward Rawson (Died soon) (29 Aug 1678-)
Rachel Rawson (Died soon) (16 Oct 1679-)
Dorothy Rawson (Died young) (8 Aug 1681-20 Sep 1689)
Capt. William Rawson (2 Dec 1682-Oct 1769)
David Rawson (13 Dec 1683-20 Apr 1752)
Dorothy Rawson (Died young) (19 Jun 1686-)
Ebenezer Rawson (Died young) (1687-bef Jul 1691)
Thankful Rawson (Died soon) (6 Aug 1688-21 Aug 1688)
Nathaniel Rawson (3 Dec 1689-20 Apr 1731)
Ebenezer Rawson (Died soon) (24 Jul 1691-1691)
Edward Rawson (27 Jan 1692-1721)
Ann Rawson (Died soon) (28 Aug 1693-)
Patience Rawson (Died soon) (8 Nov 1694-14 Nov 1694)
Pelatiah Rawson (2 Jul 1696-1769)
Grindall Rawson (Died soon) (24 Aug 1697-15 Oct 1697)
Mary Rawson (Died soon) (16 Dec 1698-)
12163. Hannah Rawson. Born on 10 Oct 1653 in Boston, MA. Hannah died in Boston, MA, on 27 May 1656; she was 2.
12164. Rebecca Rawson. Born on 19 Oct 1654 in Boston, MA.25 Rebecca died in Boston, MA, on 29 Aug 1655.
12165. Rebecca Rawson. Born on 21 May 1656 in Boston, MA.25 Rebecca was baptized in Boston, MA, on 25 May 1656.25 Rebecca died in Port Royal, Jamaica, on 9 Jun 1692; she was 36.320

From Crane’s Rawson Family genealogy:320
    Rebecca “is the heroine of as romantic a story as can be found upon the pages of New England history. She was born May 23, 1656. Having been fondly nurtured and carefully educated, she was pronounced by her contemporaries one of the most beautiful, polite and accomplished young ladies in Boston. She is represented as being rather tall, genteel in person and graceul in manner, ‘with a pleasant wit.’ Having enjoyed the benefit of good society, she was greately admired by the young men of family and distinction in the Province. Of a generous, loving disposition, often lifting her hand to relieve those in want or distress. A young man of qauite respectable appearance and pleasing address made her acquaintance under the assumed name of Sir Thomas Hale, Jr., and represented that he was a nephew of Lord Chief Justice Hale of England, whence he recently came. As he seemed to be well acquainted with Sir Thomas Hale’s family, and conducted himself as one becoming his professed rank, Rebecca and her family were inclined to place confidence in him, and thus he won the love and respect of this most estimable young woman.
    “She was descended from one of the first families of Boston, and thought herself good enough to make the young lord a wife. Perhaps she was much elated with the idea of becoming a lady of distinction, residing across the water, and of being known and recognized as Lady Hale among her kinsfolk still living in England. They were accordingly married, July 1, 1679, by a ‘minister of the gospel, in the prescence of near forty witnesses.’
    “Being handsomely furnished, they embarked for England, where in due time, they safely arrived. Anxious to set foot on land after such a long and tedious confinement on board ship, tehy went immeditately on shore en deshabille, leaving their trunks on board vessel; passing the first night at an inn, and the next at the house of one of her relatives. Early next morning he rose, took the keys, telling her he would go down to the vessel and have the trunks sent up in time for her to dress before dinner. The trunks came, and she waited patiently for him to come with the keys until two o’clock in the afternoon. When, upon breaking open the trunks, to her inexpressible surprise, she found herself completely stripped of everything. He had taken all articles of value out of the trunks, refilling them with worthless trash and combustible matter.
    “Thereupon, her kinsman ordered his carriage, and went with her to the place where they rested the previous night. She inquired for Sir Thomas Hale, Jr., but was told he had not been there for some days. She said she was sure he was there the night before. They said Thomas Rumsey had been there with a young lady, but was gone to his wife in Canterbury; and see never saw him afterwards. What a pang of anguish struck to the heart of this young wife as she at a glance took in her situation. Although among friends, her high hopes and expectations could not be realized; her cup of joy was thus suddenly dashed to earth. The man in whom she trusted had deceived her and her family, and acted the part of a villain. She also may have felt remorse at the disgrace she had brought upon her family in choosing him, and that it was a righteous judgment upon her for the pride and vanity she had entertained in thinking to become the wife of a nobleman. During a residence of thirteen yearsw in England, following her abandonment, she learned many curious arts, such as painting on glass, &c., and by her ingenuity and industry procured a genteel subsistence for herself and child. Her pride did not allow her to be dependent upon her friends for support.
    “Finally, after almost numberless urgent solicitations and entreaties from her father and other friends in New England, to return home, she decided to do so, and took passage with one of her uncles in a vessel belonging to him, bound for Boston by the way of Port Royal in Jamaica. She left behind her child in the care of a sister who had no children and desired to keep it.
    “They arrived safely at Port Royal, but after a few days’ delay, when about to set sail thence for Boston, the ship was swallowed up, with its passengers and crew, on the morning of the great earthquake (June 9, 1692), which is said to have destroyed all the shipping in the harbor as well as a portion of the town itself. Her uncle, who happened to be on shore at the time engaged in the settlement of his accounts, was the only person saved out of the entire ship’s company to divulge the sad news of teh fate of this most accomplished and talented young woman.
    “John G. Whittier published a book in 1849, entitled ‘Leaves from Margaret Smith’s Journal, in the Province of Massachusetts Bay,’ in which Rebecca and her father fill prominent parts.”
On 1 Jul 1679 when Rebecca was 23, she married Thomas Rumsey in Boston, MA.
12166. Elizabeth Rawson. Born on 12 Nov 1657 in Boston, MA.25 Elizabeth died ca 1692.
Elizabeth married Thomas Broughton, son of Thomas Broughton (ca 1616-12 Nov 1700) & Mary Briscoe (16 Sep 1619-). Born on 28 Dec 1656 in Boston, MA. Thomas died in Boston, MA, on 4 Dec 1702; he was 45.

Thomas, of Boston.
12167. Rev. Grindal Rawson. Born on 23 Jan 1659 in Boston, MA.25 Grindal died in Mendon, MA 6 Feb 1714/5.512 Buried in Old Cemetery, Mendon. Education: Harvard 1678.

From Crane’s Rawson Family genealogy:320
    “His wife, writing to Dr. Cotton Mather, after the death of her husband, says, ‘after he had taken his first degree, he was invited by his brother-in-law, the Rev. Mr. Samuel Torrey, to come to his house and study divinity there, which he did, with such proficiency that he was advised to enter upon preaching. He preached his first sermon at Medfield, with great acceptation, and after two months’ occasional performances at other places, he received an invitation to Mendon,’ in the county of Worcester, Mass. This was Oct. 4, 1680. He continued to preach there until April 7, 1684, when he was permanently settled.
    “Cotton Mather, who was a classmate and friend of Grindal Rawson, in his preface to his sermon which he preached at the funeral of the latter, quotes in the language used by President Urian Oakes, at the Commencement of 1678, when he conferred the degrees on the class of that year. It appears that ‘he took notice of three’ [gave honorary degrees to?] John Cotton, Cotton Mather, and Grindal Rawson; and of the latter as follows [translated from the Latin]:
        “‘The third, somewhat high-sounding, is Grindal Rawson; sprung likewise from a most illustrious stock; for his Hon. father holds a high place in the State; the very pious and orthodox John Wilson, a truly apostolic man, was his great-grandmother’s brother [actually grandmother’s brother], and the Right Reverend Edmund Grindal, sometime Archbishop of Canterbury, a most saintly man, and in the Archbishopric little less than a Puritan, his great-great-grandmother’s brother. And my God grant that in learning, holiness and excellence of character, he3 may resemble both Wilson and Grindal.’
    “Cotton Mather, in his sermon referred to, says of Grindal Rawson:
    “‘“We generally esteemed him a truly pious man, and a very prudent one, and a person of temper, and every way qualified for a friend that might be delighted in. We honored him for his industrious oversight of the Flock in the wilderness which had been committed to him, and the variety of successful pains which he took for the good of those to whom God had therefore exceedingly endeared him. We honored him for his intellectual abilities, which procured frequent applications to him and brought him sometimes upon our most conspicuous theatres; and we usually took it for granted that things would be failry done where he had an hand in the doing of them. We honored him for his doing the work of an Evangelist among our Indians, of whose language he was a master that had scarce an equal, and for whose welfare his projections and performances were such as render our loss herein hardly to be repaired. Such services are Pyramids.” And Dr. Metcalf, in his forthcoming History of Mendon, remarks that “he was an excellent scholar and an eminent divine. His reputation as a theologian was of such a character that the General Court sometimes referred grave and serious questions of ecclesiastical polity to him for decision.” It is said, “he was complimented as being the General Court’s oracle.”’
    “The Rev. Grindal Rawson and the Rev. Samuel Danforth, pastor of the church in Taunton, were instructed by the Commissioners for the Propagation of the Gospel, in 1698 to visit the Indians in the American Plantations in New England and parts adjacent. The account given by them of their visit is quite interesting, and published in the Mass. Historical Collections, 1st series, vol. 10.
    “The following order was passed by the General Court, July 31, 1692: ‘Ordered, that the Rev. John Hale, Rev. Grindal Rawson, Mr. John Wise and Mr. John Emerson, Ministers of God’s word, be desired to accompany the General and Forces in the expedition against Canada, to carry on the worshipping of God in that expedition.’ Whether they, or either of them, accompanied the expedition under Sir William Phips in 1690 is unknown.
    “Several interesting anecdotes are recorded of the Rev. Grindal Rawson, in connectoin with Cotton Mather, but the limits of this memorial [Crane’s Rawson Family genealogy] will not permit of their insertion.
    “Grindal Rawson was the author of a work entitled ‘Confession of Faith,’ written in the Indian and English tongues. Two, at least, of his sermons were published; one, an Artillery Election sermon, ‘preached to and at the request of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Comapny, in 1703;’ the other, an Election sermon, ‘preached before his Excellency the Governor, the Hon. Council and Representatives of teh Province of Massachusetts Bay, in New England, on May 25, 1709.’ This latter serman was, in its tone, bold, manly and eloquent, and ‘published by the desire of the House of Representatives.’ A more extended notice of Grindal Rawson may be found in Cotton Math’s ‘Mantissa,’ in his preface to his sermon before mentioned. He died ‘on the Lord’s day, about sunset, Feb. 6 1715, a. 56.’
    “The following are the epitaphs on the gravestones erected to the memory of himself and wife, in the burying-ground in Mendon:
    “‘Here lyeth Interr’d / the Body of the Reverend Mr. / GRINDAL RAWSON, / The late faithful and learned Pastor / of the church of Christ in Mendon, / who died Feby. 6, 1715, / and entered 6 days into y^e 57th. year / of his age Deceased the 35th. / year of his ministry / The memory of the Just is Blessed.’
    “‘Here lies inter’d y^e / Remains of Mrs. Susan-/na Rawson, Relect of / y^e late Rev. Mr. Grindal / Rawson Pastor of y^e / Church of Christ in / Mendon and daughter / to y^e Rev. Mr. John Wil / son 1st Minister of ye / Gospel in Medfield / who departed this life / July 8th A Domini 1748 / in y^e 84th year of her age.’”

Rev. Grindall Rawson d. 6 Feb 1714/5, “Entered 6 Days into ye 57th year of his age. Deceased the 35th year of his ministry”.
On 30 Aug 1682 when Grindal was 23, he married Susannah Wilson (13000) , daughter of Rev. John Wilson (4436) (ca 1624-23 Aug 1691) & Sarah Hooker (7441) (ca 1629/30-20 Aug 1725), in Medfield, MA.270 Born on 1 Dec 1664 in Medfield, MA.270 Susannah died in Mendon, MA, on 8 Jul 1748; she was 83.320

Grindall and Susanna were second cousins. His paternal grandmother and her paternal grandfather were siblings.

Susanna Rawson’s Letter to Cotton Mather:
    “After he had taken his first degree, he was invited by hie brother-in-law, the Rev. Mr. Samuel Torrey, to come to hie house, and study divinity there, which he did, with such proficiency, that he was advised to enter upon preaching. He preached his first Sermon at Medfield, with great acceptation; and after two months’ occasional performances at other places, he received an invitation to Mendon. He had been but a very short time here before the Secretaries from the neighboring town of Providence laboured to lead aside the people. While he had his meeting at one end of the town, they held a meeting at the other end. However, after he had disputed with them two or three times, they grew weary and left the Town.
    “Before he was ordained, he was invited unto other places, where he had a far greater prospect for his outward comfort in the World, than could be expected in such a small place, where there were but about twenty families Just recovering themselves from a tedious war. But those few sheep in the wilderness lay so much upon his heart, that it made him overlook many worldly enjoyments, if he might be instrumental to keep them in the truth. Indeed, he never seemed to have his heart set upon the world, but often used to say, He believed he should have enough to carry him unto his Journey’s end.
    “As he grew into more years, the care of the Churches more came upon him, the unwearied paine he took for them! There was not a council for many years in all the neighboring Towns, but he was at it. Also his voyage as a Chaplain with the Fleet that went unto Canada (a footnote says he received his appointment from the Gov., the same being confirmed by a vote in both houses, July 31, 1690) and the half year he spent in the service of God at Nantucket, will not soon be forgotten.
    “As for his pains with his own Flock (since exceeding increased unto more than an hundred families) for more than five and thirty years, he was a faithful labourer, in season and out of season; in public and in private, suiting himself to all occasions, that he might be profitable to his hearers; especially upon the death of any, old or young. He catechised, first in publick, on the Lord’s days, in the afternoones, afterwards he set times to catechise in the week. He divided the Town into five parts; and every Friday there was a meeting in one or other of them, where he preached a Sermon, and catechised the children which belonged unto the families there abouts. His pains in visiting the sick were unwearied; his prayers with them, without ceasing; at which the neighborhood would flock to the house where he came, as if it had been a lecture. The constitution of the people, and their affairs, he knew so well, that they thought they could carry on nothing well without him. God made him a groat Peace Maker, so that in all the thirty-five years of his continuance in the Town there was no considerable difference. Though his carriage were so sweet and easy that the weakest, and even a child might, in distress, talk to him, yet he had respect from all.
    “And oh! the oil, which he poured into the wounds of many distressed ones, both in the town and out of it!
    “He was the strictest observer of the Lord’s Day that I ever took notice of in my life; that neither child, nor servant, nor stranger, within his gate, was permitted anything but tended to religion. He was a strict observer of worship in his family, and the devotions in his retirements were such as no company nor business might ever put him by. He was a great reader of the Sacred Scriptures, and might say, ‘Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage’. His charity was as exemplary as his piety. And in his hospitality he would often say, he had rather want entertainment than good company.
    “As for his labours among the Indians, it was twenty-seven years since he undertook the work. It was thought two years was time little enough to learn their language in. But applying himself to the business, with God’s blessing on his extraordinary pains, it was not above nine months before he preached to the Indians to their good understanding.
    “Within two years they removed their habitations, to be so near him, that for a whole summer, his custom was, when he came from hie own English Congregation on the Lord's Day, about five o’clock to take about half an hour’s repose, and then go to the Indians, and pray with them, and preach to them, so that he performed three exercises every Lord’s day, while he had strength to attend them. His discouragements were great, in that there was so little good done among them. He judged a great occasion of it might be the strong drink, with which some of the English too often furnished them. I think no man could bear a greater testimony against it, and when he could find no other way to restrain it, at length he persuaded the Church to renew its Covenant; and a solemn day of Prayer with Fasting was kept on that occasion, and this article was made one of the engagements: That whoever should sell any strong drink to an Indian, should be counted a Covenant Breaker, and be dealt with in the Church accordingly, which put a considerable stop unto it. Some while before his death he had an illness, in which he lay weak and languishing, almost all the summer, and it was sinking unto his spirit, that he was, as he said, Like a dead man among the living. But God restored him to his publick ministry, which was so refreshing to him, that he would say, He desired nothing more in the world than that God would give him strength to preach, and bear his name among the people. And God so answered his desire, that he preached constantly every Lord’s day, till just three weeks before his death. -
    “But now the time drew near that he must die. At the first of his illness, he was desirous to have lived, if it had been the will of God, for the sake of his family; but his illness increasing on him, he was in a short time taken off from any thoughts or desires of life. I told him, it was a great favor of God unto him, that he had obtained mercy, to be found faithful in the work that God had called him to. He replied, with great humility: ‘Oh, the great imperfection! Oh, the great imperfection I have been guilty of! How little have I done for God!’
    “But then he further answered; ‘If it were not for the imperfection of the saints there would be no need of a Savior!’ And he added ‘In the Lord Jehovah I have righteousness and strength.’ I never heard the least impatient word proceed from him, in all the time of his illness; though his difficulties were beyond all expression, he would say to the standers by, He would have none of them have the least hard thought of God, for what they saw him endure. I told him one time He had meat to eat which the world knew not of! at which, lifting up his hands he said, ‘Lord, give me more and more of that meat!’ And he would often say, ‘I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord!’ Seeing his extreme difficulties I told him, One hour in the bosom of Jesus Christ would make him forget all these sorrows. His reply was ‘Oh! that I were in that bosom! Desiring one of the watchers to read unto him the twenty-third Psalm, at the end of every clause he said, ‘Amen!’ And on the last verse he said, ‘Amen; I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.’
    “But I cannot rehearse the hundredth part of the gracious words that came out of his mouth. That morning he died, he was on the wing to be gone unto the Eternal Mansions in his Father’s House. He said unto his Physician, Dear Brother, is there no comfortable prospect of Death? The Physician told him, he could not perceive he was adying, but thought it could not be long first. He replied, ‘Lord, give me Faith, give me Patience; Lord, how Long!’ In the latter part of the day we plainly perceived him to be drawing on. He then desired me, and all his children to be patient and let the Lord’s work be carried on. The last word he ever said was Come Lord Jesus, come quickly! It was on the Lord’s Day about sunset, February 6, 1714, that he resigned his soul into the hands of his dear Redeemer.”
Their children include:
Edward Rawson (Died soon) (ca 1683-21 Nov 1683)
Edward Rawson (Died young) (1684-21 Nov 1688)
John Rawson (Died soon) (26 Apr 1685-26 May 1685)
Susannah Rawson (3 Oct 1686-11 Aug 1762)
Dea. Edmund Rawson (8 Jul 1689-20 Nov 1768)
Wilson Rawson (23 Jun 1692-1 Dec 1726)
John Rawson (1 Oct 1695-)
Mary Rawson (22 Jun 1699-9 Apr 1776)
Rachel Rawson (6 Sep 1701-ca 1802)
David Rawson (Died soon) (25 Oct 1703-18 Jan 1703/4)
Rev. Grindall Rawson (6 Sep 1707-27 Mar 1777)
Elizabeth Rawson (21 Apr 1710-)
12168. John Rawson. Born on 14 Jul 1661 in Boston, MA. John died in England ca 1693.

John went to England and did not return.25
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