Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Capt. William Green (6160) & Elizabeth Wheeler
16696. William Green. Born ca 1661 in Malden, MA.215 William died in Malden, MA 21 Mar 1690/1.215

From the Descendants of Thomas Green(e):215
    William was born 1661. This we learn from his deposition, Feb. 15, 1685-6, where he affirms himself to be “aged about 24 years.” He married about 1682, Elizabeth Hills, born 1661, daughter of Joseph Hills Jr., and granddaughter of Joseph Hills Sr., who died at Newbury, Feb. 5, 1687-8, æ. 86. This is ascertained from a deed given Nov. 12, 1685, by Joseph Hills, to his granddaughter Elizabeth Green, wife of William Green Jr., of Maiden, and daughter of the grantor’s son Joseph Hills, of a parcel of land in Maiden.
    He lived in Maiden; and d. March 21, 1690-1. [Midd. Prob. Records.] There is a tradition in the family that he was killed at Dunstable, [now Nashua] by the Indians. This is not improbable; but no record has been found to confirm it.
Ca 1682 William married Elizabeth Hills, daughter of Joseph Hills (2 Aug 1629-19 Apr 1674) & Hannah Smith.215 Born ca 1661 in Malden, MA. Elizabeth died in Malden, MA 29 Jan 1698/9.215

Elizabeth first married William Green, second John Lynde.
Their children include:
William Green (ca 1683-)
Benjamin Green (28 Apr 1687-)
Capt. Nathaniel Green (28 Sep 1689-27 Sep 1774)
16697. Isaac Green. Born ca 1666 in Malden, MA. Isaac died in Falmouth, MA 4 Jan 1739/40.

On one page of the vital records of Falmouth:
    Jonathan Green the son of Isaac Green & Sarah Green his wife was born Jun the 10th 1700
    Elizabeth Greenthe dafter of Isaac Green & Sarah Green his wife was born the 19th day of March 1702
    Sarah Green the dafter of Isaac Green & Sarah Green his wife was born Aprll 19th 1704
    Martha Green the dafter of Isaac Green & Sarah Green his wife was born Oct. 28th day 1705
Say 1693 Isaac first married Sarah.

Sarah may have been Sarah Dimmock.
Their children include:
Isaac Green (27 Dec 1694-)
William Green (20 Nov 1696-ca 1773)
Jonathan Green (10 Jun 1700-)
Elizabeth Green (19 Mar 1702-)
Sarah Green (19 Apr 1704-)
Martha Green (28 Oct 1705-)
On 6 Aug 1716 Isaac second married Judith Betell in Falmouth, MA.
Their children include:
Lemuel Green (29 Apr 1719-)
Abigail Green (21 Jan 1722-)
16698. John Green. Born in Oct 1667 in Malden, MA.216
16699. Elizabeth Green. Born in Nov 1668 in Malden, MA.216 Elizabeth died in Malden, MA on 20 Dec 1668.
16700. Sarah Green. Born 11 (3) 1671 [11 May 1671] in Malden, MA.216

Sarah married a Mr Webb. Perhaps Thomas Webb.
16701. John Green. Born in Apr 1672 in Malden, MA. John died in Malden, MA on 29 Aug 1736.29

From the Descendants of Thomas Green(e):215
    Johnlived in the extreme east part of Stoneham, on the county road from Stoneham to Lynn, and near the intersection of the road leading from Maiden to Reading, a little west of the last-named road. The locality is now included in tlie present town of Melrose; and is about a quarter of a mile east of the Stoneham R.R. Depot. We are thus particular, because from the Will of John Green, it appears that the farm once belonged to his grandfather. He was selectman of Stoneham 1735, and was a member of the church in that town.
    He died Aug. 29, 1736, a. 64. [Gravestone in Malden.]
    In his Will, dated June 24, 1736; proved Oct. 11, 1736; Midd. Prob., 20:303; he calls himself “of Stoneham”; mentions wife Isabel, son John, who has “my dwelling-house and barn, and the land adjoining, that lyeth on the west side of the country road that leadeth from Maiden to Reading, that was my grandfather’s;” besides several other lots. Son Jonah has “all my land on the east side of the country road” aforesaid: and other lots. Gives his daughter, Isabel Green, £250; the currency being then depreciated to one-fourth of its original value. Sons John and Jonah, executors.
Ca 1699 John married Isabel Wyman (41967) , daughter of David Wyman (22113) (7 Apr 1654-27 Dec 1678) & Isabel Farmer (ca 1652-3 Mar 1736/7).215 Born on 5 Jul 1677 in Malden, MA. Isabel died in Malden, MA, on 9 Aug 1765; she was 88.29

Although Isabel was unrelated by blood to John Green, her mother had married his father in 1694.

From the Descendants of Thomas Green(e):215
    Isabel died Aug. 9, 1765, aged 88, surviving her husband twenty-nine years. In her Will, dated Feb. 19, 1762; proved Sept. 3, 1765; recorded Midd. Prob., 29 : 71 ; she calls herself “of Maiden,” and gives son John, daughter Isabel Hay, son Jonas, and granddaughter Elizabeth Green, her estate. Witnesses, Jonathan Green, Thomas Green, William Green, jr.
Their children include:
John Green (22 Mar 1699/1700-30 Jan 1774)
David Green (9 Apr 1702-9 Oct 1732)
Isabel Green (8 Jan 1704/5-15 Mar 1786)
Jonas Green (14 Apr 1713-)
Enoch Green (Died soon) (6 Feb 1715/6-10 Jan 1716/7)
Sarah Green (Died young) (22 Dec 1719-7 Jan 1725/6)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.